Check This Out...


Thank You Nora Greenwald

It was October of 2000 and I had been under contract with WWF for over two years. 95% of that time was spent waiting at home, collecting pay checks every week, hoping and actually still believing that they would bring me back up to TV as they had promised on so many occasions.

Then one afternoon I got the call I thought I was waiting for...

Kevin Kelly called me up and basically gave me four days to wrap up my life in Toronto and move down to one of their developmental territories, which at that time was in Memphis, Tennessee.

You would think that I should have been thrilled I was getting the opportunity, grateful that I had not been forgotten and relieved that I was not being let go. However, to be quite honest, I broke out in tears as soon as I hung up the phone.

How did they expect me to tie up all my loose ends and just pack up and move to a brand new country that fast? Didn't they take into consideration that I had to leave my family, my friends and my life as I knew it to embark on a journey to an unfamiliar land where I knew nobody and would have to survive all alone? Did they care? No! This was business and I worked for them and I knew I had to do what they wanted if I had any hope of keeping my job.

Although I cried for four days, I did what they asked of me, packed up my life, said my goodbyes and tied up my loose ends. Then...I, "Put on my wrestling shoes and I boarded the plane. Touched down in the land of the Delta Blues, in the middle of the pouring rain. W.C Handy, won't you look down over me. Yeah, I got a first class ticket, but I'm as blue as a boy could be". (Sorry I had to, it was too fitting!).

I felt so many different emotions over that long plane ride. Most of all, I was so scared. In fact I was terrified! How would the boys accept me? Where would I live? How was I going to get around when I didn't even have a drivers licence?

How was I suppose to wrestle with Shawn Michaels' four best students (which was the initial plan) when I was not even an athlete and had only learnt the basics of working a match to become the best "WWF PERSONALITY" I could be? As all of these questions overwhelmed me I became more and more consumed with insecurity and landed in Memphis with zero confidence and failure written all over me.

After five hours of being told to "hang tight" at the Memphis airport, a wrestler by the name of Kevin Fortig came to pick me up. He didn't seem thrilled to be stuck with the job of bringing me and my belongings to the training facility and didn't say much over the hour long drive, which didn't help with my emotional state.

We finally arrived and I walked into the room as shy as could be. I didn't know the rule about introducing myself to all of the boys, so I was not received well from the get go. I sat back feeling so out of place as Tracy Smothers played old wrestling videos for all to review.

I was too afraid to talk to anyone and nobody was talking to me. I slowly sunk into my chair as my anxiety turned into panic inside of me. I wanted to be sick. Kevin Fortig had helped me unload his car of my belongings and as the training day was coming to an end, I didn't know where I was suppose to go or how I was going to get there. I was fighting back tears wondering what was going on. Nobody was telling me anything. I was suppose to miraculously figure everything out on my own. I was having a nervous breakdown. Then...I met an Angel.

Her name was Nora Greenwald. She introduced herself to me and just meeting her began to settle me down. I don't know if she could sense what I was going through, but she certainly saved the day in so many ways. She had a kind nature, was entirely polite and had a beautiful smile that could brighten your day. The more we talked, the better I felt.

Nora then asked "Where are you staying and how are you getting around?" I almost broke down right in front of her but I did my best to hold it together while I explained my confused state and helpless situation. Without any hesitation, she said "Not to worry, you can easily get a room where I am staying, at the In Town Suites and I'll give you a ride over cause that's where I am headed anyway."

Talk about saving the day! I felt like I was drowning and she reached in and pulled me out of the water seconds before I ran out of breath. I don't know if she will ever know what her kindness did for me that day. I was all alone, in a brand new world and she was my only friend.

That was only the beginning as there was no limit to her kindness and generosity. For the first while, she made sure I got to every show. If I ever had a question I could always go to her. She would even knock on my door at the In Town Suites every now and then to offer me a ride to go shopping at the grocery store while she was going.

Although I felt guilty, like I had become a burden, I really needed her and she knew it. She always did her best to reassure me that I was not a bother. She was like a guardian Angel. I honestly don't know how I would have survived those first few weeks without her.

Following those first few weeks, I had a dispute with the In Town Suites, which is too long of a story to get into right now but to make a long story short, I found myself in a jam once again, without a place to live. The Memphis Police would not help me and neither would the WWF agents in charge at the time.

I had no other choice but to call the only person I knew that would help me...and did she ever. Nora called up Brian Danielson, who lived with two other graduates of Shawn Michaels' Wrestling Academy - Brian Kendrick & Shooter Shultdz (and later Lance Cade) and asked what I never would have been able to ask..."Would you take in Jason Sensation?" As great as those boys were, I don't know if they would have let me live with them without the reference from Nora. Not to mention, everyone adored her, so it would not have been easy for them to say "no".

Shawn's students took me in and I had the time of my life as we ended up becoming the best of friends. I even became their on-air manager in Memphis while Nora, on the other hand, was taken up to TV soon after to become Molly Holly.

I truly believed that she was an Angel, who took me under her wing while she could and then made sure I was taken care of before she had to fly away.

A few months later, two days after WWF acquired WCW, I was given my release.

It was so hard to pack up and leave my family to go to Memphis in the first place, but now...I found it even harder to pack up and go home. For I knew in my heart that I would have to say goodbye to this new found family forever. (And that's what we had all become in Memphis...a family!)

Following my WWF exit, I would go through a very dark and depressing period in my life, which is a whole other story in itself.

I lost touch with everyone from WWF except for Brian Kendrick, who did his best to keep my spirits high for a very long time. That's the nature of the business though. When your in - your in, once your out - you're out.

Two of my biggest regrets after realizing it was all over were 1) I never got to personally thank Vince McMahon for the opportunity he gave me and 2) I never got to meet the Nature Boy Ric Flair.

One year later, I got a surprise phone call...From an Angel.

Nora Greenwald called me up and asked me what I was doing for WrestleMania X8, which
would be in my hometown of Toronto, Canada. She would then offer to give me her two comp tickets with the reason being "I don't know anyone else in Toronto!". Thanks to Nora, I got to go to WrestleMania and see Hulkamania reborn. I also got to see Nora again which was nothing short of wonderful for me. Again, there was no limit to her kindness and generosity as she later invited me to join her for the WrestleMania after party.

At that party, I was able to put my regrets to rest as I finally got to thank Vince McMahon personally and I also got to meet the Nature Boy Ric Flair. Nora even forced me to do my legendary Ric Flair impersonation, right to his face! What an unforgettable night.

As the party came to an end and I said "goodbye" to Nora and the rest of the WWF, I didn't know it at the time, but that would be the last time I would see my dear friend who did so much for me, so many times.

So I would like to take this opportunity to say...from the bottom of my heart...THANK YOU NORA GREENWALD. Thank you for the kindness you showed me. Thank you for offering your helping hand so many times when I had no one to turn to. Thank you for remembering me, when it had seemed that the entire world had forgotten about me. Thank you for being the Angel you were to me. Thank you for every wonderful gift you gave me, especially the gift of your friendship. Most of all...Thank You Nora Greenwald - for being You.

Jason Sensation
God Bless

12 comments: on "Thank You Nora Greenwald"

Anonymous said...

cool story. wrestlemania was something else

Big Daddy Donnie said...

Awesome story!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic story. Its awesome to get a perspective from someone who was there.

I wonder if we can get Nora on the show.

Anonymous said...

Very well written, I def enjoyed it. I love hearing stories like this.

Very entertaining.

I love your Ric Flair impression. It's my favorite of yours. Did he like it when you did it for him?

KittyLuv69 said...

that story kinda sucked monkey balls

Anonymous said...

Thats was amazing story! Jason your an awesome guy! I remember at the Skydome before a house show you, Edge and Owen Hart where signing autographs you were the only one to actually talked to the people. Your awesome!

Anonymous said...

That does not surprise me in the least. Nora "Molly Holly" Greenwald is the classiest lady in all of professional wrestling. She's always kind, considerate and humble and you, Jason, must have learned a lot from her. This last week has been a huge struggle for me with a certain situation. Yet, she always looks at the bright side of things and tells me, "No biggie". That's Nora for ya, always thinking of others. Thanks for sharing that incredible story!

- "The Standard" Mike Summers

Anonymous said...

Mike Summers is stalker, and an obsessed freak who pretends to have relationships with gals like me and Molly Holly. Mike Summers= sick perv. I think I should turn him into perverted justice.

Anonymous said...

Posted by: Ben Boudreau Nora is literally my favorite woman wrestler of all time. I would love an O Show interview with her!

Anonymous said...

Wow this was an excellent article. It in a roundabout way gives hope to the guys just hoping to get a call, or a shot.

Anonymous said...

The comments posted as "Brianna Rieffel" is actually "The Future" Dustin Wood, an indy wrestler from out here in NorCal. He's trying to pass himself off as someone else to call me a "Molly Holly stalker". He's so scared to face her that he's doing this to someone very classy. Dustin, stop it right now!!! I know it's you.

Brianna is actaully a singer from Tennessee who sings my new entrance theme music. She would NEVER make comments like that.

Anonymous said...

aparently a bunch of the boys ran a train on her back in the wwf days, sounds like a goood time!