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Tha TNE Throwaway

Well, WrestleMania 23 has come and gone, we're "All Grown Up", and many O-sters are just plain fed up; fed up with Billionaires, fed up with snubs, and fed up with John Cena.

Well cheer up, because it's Wednesday and that means it's time for "Tha TNE Throwaway".

What better way to open an ECW show than with a champion? Well if your champion is Bobby Lashley... maybe a 5 minute clip of "Stargate: Atlantis".

Who keeps insisting that he try to speak? and what are they trying to create with his "character"? Today he's beating his chest, last week he's I crazy or does he not wrestle a "Red, White & Blue" style?

Would that not be the easiest adaptation for the guy? I'd rather this guy push vitamins and Hail Marys than try to be "cool".

CM Punk was back in action, after his Money In The Bank match Sunday, against an unrecognized ECW original...Steven(?) Richards. Not a squash, but it lacked any reason or future. At least Steven took a nice stinger to the top of his "dome" from a Punk "headlock-takeover".

The guy is over like it's nobody's business and they're feeding him a "curtain jerker"...don't get me wrong I like Stevie...but nobody gives a crap. I'd rather see Punk have a one on one with that "mini-ladder" in the MITB.

Timbaland? On TNE? Sober? Why? Oh, he's here for the "Extreme Expose", which is neither "Extreme" nor an "Expose". High School cheerleaders put on raunchier routines than this...not only that, but the girls weren't even synchronized.

Hardcore Holly VS. Snitsky...not as interesting as it may have appeared on paper. I guess you have to see his "outlash" on Holly's arm after the match to truly hate it.

Finally, the Main 8 man, "Extreme Rules" tag team match. "Wait, didn't I see that Sunday?", you may ask...and you'd be wrong...because this was actually interesting, and went past six minutes.

Everybody's skull got rattled, Kevin Thorn got busted open, Sandman got the "POUNCE!", and the finisher was pretty nice.

ECW (eh hem) Tuesday Night Extreme is still trying to develop itself; trying to find its identity, so to speak. Personally, I'd be satisfied (and I think it'd be beneficial) if they just focused on their three key points 1. CM Punk 2. The NewBreed 3. Living up to the "E" in their name.

9 comments: on "Tha TNE Throwaway"

Anonymous said...

Any "smark" who complains about the main event last night will never be pleased by anything mcmahon puts out and therefore should stop watching. The match was great, and moost importantly: it was the first time i heard an "e-c-dub" chant since its reinception.

Unknown said...

Okay, so here's what we need. Estrada turns on Umaga, much like Sharmell turns on King Booker this Sunday (as I type this, I think Dan-e-o started crying somewhere), then aligns himself with Bobby Lashley.

Estrada is over like nobody's business (because everybody listens, ha him), so him as the mouthpiece for Lindsay helps to make him at least a little more interesting.

Anonymous said...

Omega: thanks for bringing that up... there was a little EC-DUB chant going and it didnt seem to be dubbed in...

Brian: the Estrada idea is too good to happen... but lashley does need a mouthpiece bad, and one thats fun like Estrada would be nice...

Anonymous said...

I can't remember if it was this site or another one that I typed it on, but since Heyman is still under contract, why not attempt to bring him back out as Lashleys mouthpiece. You want to get Lashley over? Give him Heyman, on TNE. Lashley is far from extreme but give him Heyman, and hey give him a stable to work with and you may could pull money out of it.

I will say this, I was proud that Lashley gave an attempt to be interesting and convincing last night, my major problem with it was that he made absolutely no eye contact with the camera(his audience) he always ALWAYS looks to the right.

Anonymous said...

DJB: what does that say when we're proud that "the champ" is ATTEMPTING to be interesting? I know he didnt put himself in that place, so I dont blame Bobby Lashley; he's not a talker, never will be, and its clear as day... even for marks

As far as bringing Heyman back to manage Lashley... that'd be ok... except this is TNE, which is home to the ECW originals... and on a 1 hour show how could they keep heyman/lashley and the ECW originals apart or mesh them together? If Heyman is on TNE he has to be involved with the NewBreed/Originals feud...

Plus if they couldnt bring Lesnar into the equation putting Lashley and Heyman together would feel empty once it ran its course...

How dope would a Team Lashley v Team Lesnar at SS be?

Anonymous said...

I was saying that I was happy he was attempting to better his promo. That promo actually had me a bit hooked. I'm saying he took the ball he was given, and this time ran with it. If he continues to improve, which I honestly think last nights promo was a vast improvement from his point counter point with Vinman last week, he may actually get to a point where he developes into a good interview.

Thats why I said give Heyman a stable. That could be the stable. I know Lashley isn't an original and most people on this site would hate Lashley in that stable, but what way would be more effective in getting Lashley over than putting him with Heyman and whatever Originals are left, even though Balls and Stevie aren't used.

Anonymous said...

O, as far as Lesnar being back, I don't count on it anytime soon. He's training for and is going to be killer in MMA. He and the E just dont seem to be able to find a happy place that they can work from. It'd be good, but sadly it is higly unlikely almost an impossibility. I'd mark out for that to tell you the truth.

Anonymous said...

hey I defend Cena quite often... so I have respect for someone willing to stick up for Lashley... I just get this feeling he'd rather not have to cut his own promos

Anonymous said...

He does look uncomfortable. At least last night he wasnt winking at the crowd. Now after getting out of the ring he hugged a fan, and gave high 5s to some others, but that is completely cool. Just don't do it while on the mic.

I've been a guy who jumps on Lashley about his promos but in the ring, he's hungry to learn more than he already has. I really respect Lashley and his in ring ability that has improved SO SO SO much from the beginning. Lashley I do truly believe can be the future.