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Play By Weakness

If you have been listening to Tha O Show Radio Hour the last few weeks you have you heard the debate surrounding the recent WWE Hall of Fame inductee, Jim Ross. Big Daddy, Dan-e-o, and myself have spoken on and off mic about Ross to the point where I needed to write about this issue at length. I can see both sides of the debate, I think Jim Ross is the best current play-by-play announcer in professional wrestling. However, that isn't saying much.

Jim Ross is the best out of a weak group of individuals in a business that has done a horrible job of developing announcers. Mike Tenay, Joey Styles, and even Michael Cole are examples of how badly professional wrestling needs a new crop of fresh and different voices.

But, where do you find them?

I find it amazing that the the relatively new sport of mixed martial arts has such talented play-by-play announcers calling the action. Men such as UFC's Mike Goldberg, EXC's Mauro Ranallo, and IFL's Stephen Quadros are excellent at what they do. Matches are called professionally, importance is put on key matches and talent, and all three communicate in an entertaining manner. How this sport has been able to attract and develop talented announcers is a question I don't have an answer to. I get even more confused when I compare this to professional wrestling.

WWE in the last 10 years has gone the route of hiring inexperienced announcers who have little background in wrestling in hopes of developing them. This method has had little success. Michael Cole has been employed by WWE since 1997 and it has taken him this long to become average and not capable of conveying importance in many key matches. Jonathan Coachman was a sports reporter with some background in college basketball but, has failed when put in the lead commentary spot. Todd Grisham is a mystery unto himself.

So why is wrestling so different and difficult to develop good announcers? In defense of Jim Ross and Joey Styles for that matter, I think there are many external forces that are hindering these announcers. The biggest issue is the style that WWE wants their announcers to follow. Donnie on last week's show touched on "storytelling" as the new mantra that WWE announcers are supposed to follow. Moves are no longer supposed to be called, in essence, you are taking the "play-by-play" out of wrestling announcing.

Is it then any wonder why Jim Ross would find it difficult to change his style after 20 years of calling moves? To be really honest, I don't even think anyone in WWE could explain to me what the hell "storytelling" is when it pertains to announcers.

One issue that I need to call Donnie on when he went on his diatribe about Jim Ross on last week's show is when Jim Ross was good at his job. Donnie claimed that "attitude era" Jim Ross was the best and that might be true. However, that was the best era in wrestling over the last 15 years. Therefore, you can argue that the quality of play-by-play is heavily contingent on the quality of the action the announcer is calling. Strong wrestling and compelling storylines will inherently lead to more captivating announcing.

Evidence of this can be seen when looking at the dying days of WCW. When WCW was strong, Tony Schaivone and Mike Tenay were thought to be among the best announcers in wrestling. As WCW's in-ring product was declining in quality the announcing followed suit. This problem is not exclusive to wrestling as you can point to many other sports where this happens. Poor quality of action leads to a poor quality of announcing.

Jim Ross was the beneficiary of good wrestling in the WWE's glory period and was able to cultivate his legacy in the "attitude era". The forced change in his style of commentary and the decline of the overall WWE product has lead to a decline in Jim Ross' ability to call the action. Also, the fact that Jim Ross has been sitting next to the most unmotivated color commentator in the business doesn't help. Jerry Lawler offers no insight and has dragged Jim Ross down even further. Jim Ross would be able to do his job much better if he was sitting with JBL.

The question as to who will replace Jim Ross will be a major issue as the year progresses. Michael Cole and JBL could easily do both "RAW" and "SmackDown!" but I hope it doesn't have to come to that. If WWE wants their new play-by-play man to succeed they need to allow this person to call the action how every other sport allows their announcers to do. "Storytelling" is something that needs to take place in the ring and in the commentary booth.

14 comments: on "Play By Weakness"

Big Daddy Donnie said...

Tony Schaivone was NEVER thought to be among the best... not even by Tony Schaivone. For god sakes, Bischoff was better than Tony Schaivone.

Tenay was a smark fav during WCW because he was the guy delivering little insider bits, shoot data and showing off his knowledge.

Tenay's lack of charisma was hidden by the fact that he was usually the 3rd or 4th man on the crew. As the lead announcer on TNA, his weaknesses have been exposed.

Anonymous said...

You have a very good point as far the lackluster product affecting the PBP.

To me, the biggest problem comes from management, not the PBP guys. TNA and WWE are both pushing for more drama and less straight PBP calling.

On TNA's side, Tenay's emotional reactions come across as forced as HHH on Katie Vick. He's not the Tenay of WCW (Though, I think he was overrated back then). He's the guy that got into with Jeff Jarrett and has to sit next to the worst Color man in the two companies.

On WWE's side, Vince doesn't want someone who sounds like Gordon Solie. He wants someone who sells angles, not moves. He basically neutered Joey Styles, first on RAW and now on ECW. Joey is the guy that carried Barely Legal on his back, but sounds like an idiot on WWECW?

The bottomline is they need to micromanaging BOTH the promos and the PBP guys and let them go more on who they are. That’s when someone’s real talent can shine.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

B4 --- some good points.

Let me say this though... It's not like you either call a match straight or call the drama / emotion. To me, a good pbp man does both smoothly.

Ross did THAT during the Attitude era. Vince McMahon did that in the late 80s early 90s - although he was less on the techincal side.

Styles did a nice job of it in the old ECW but Joey's "character" was often compromised for having to constantly wear two hats and play it down the middle.

I agree: if the product is the drizzling shits, it's tough to put it over with the call... but that's why pbp men do what they do ... In wrestling, they're supposed to be able to highlight and hide - when appropriate.

Anonymous said...

It seems like all you guys do on this show is hate. Yeah I know you're all wannabe wrestlers and rappers but shit. How much of this can I take. It's one thing when you diss a wrestler but J.R. come on now. You guys are a bunch know it alls who think you're always right. Like the business is so damn simple that you can put on a 5 star show every week. It's like you watch a show and forget about wrestling just to point out all the negatives. It's pathethic.

Anonymous said...

To tell the truth, I think that the WWE would be better suited to take a look at it's talent. Developmental, main roster, retired, road agents, whatever, and pick from that. I myself have studied broadcasting, and appeared on a very popular morning radio show, and a broadcasting degree with a minor in communications means nothing when calling a sport. They need to have someone who has either a background, or true love and passion for the business, that doesn't sound like a bumbling idiot, ie Tazz. Joey Styles was very good at what he did in ECW, and delivered a more scientific and thought out commentating style. JR is the best right now hands down. Maybe of all time, but right now he is lacking, he's stepping on himself and on Lawler.

Kiyon, thanks for all your kind words.

Anonymous said...

I have always been a Styles mark, but he has seemed a bit watered down since joining the E. It seems that instead of calling the matches like he use to, he's more or less getting into stupid little conversations with Tazzzzzzz. And it has little to do with putting the guys over in the ring, it's more about their road stories or Tazz's experience at jobbing and backstabbing. Ross has been slipping abit but to me it's forgivable. With Lawyer over there talking about the next underaged diva he's gonna marry and walk out on the company with(shoot),I'm surprised J.R. hasn't commented suicide yet. I blame one person for the downfall of play by play and it's Triple H. Don't know how but I seriously think he has something to do with it.

Anonymous said...

Oh and congrats DJB on winning the contest man.

Anonymous said...

Thanks mr. del negro. You know something, that seems to be the problem on both ECW and RAW, they don't really call anything in the ring, they more or less delve into something either completely irrelevant to the story being told in the ring, or just completely friggin irrelevant. JBL and Cole, ok JBL does a good job of it on SMACKDOWN, because he makes you believe that every single soul you are watching could and should be main eventing the next ppv, and usually he's right. On your H comment, I lean towards not his fault but there are certain things I've read and heard that would agree with you. I've always heard that, when he isn't on TV he's at the table in back with a headset on. I've heard that in a few interviews with wrestlers, and Meltzers stuff. I don't usually go by Meltzers stuff word for word, but some of it has truth to it.

fallen0ne said...

Is there no boundaries for your hatred toward H??? Give the guy a break.
Oh and Kiyon, to quote the always colourful Fronte.... FUCK YOU!!!

Anonymous said...

fallen0ne, I think it would be much better to just thank Kiyon for his kind words towards us all. It is apparent that he has no grip on reality, or wrestling in general. But my hatred towards H doesn't extend past the curtain. In ring I have nothing against him, and honestly pop or O for alot of his stuff. Some things he does leaves a little to be desired, but other than in ring, I dont care for him.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

Yes I did notice that...
plus Lawler had some other huge fuck ups on RAW and Mania this week...

JR's bad announcing gimmick is infectious and it's spreading

Unknown said...

Chris Daughtry can't sing if you staple his lips shut. Jackie Chan can't kick ass if he's hog-tied. WWE Play-By-Play guys can't do their jobs right when they're instructed to do things wrong.

JR has proven that he is not a bad announcer. A lot of the most memorable moments in the E feature his commentary in the background. Frank was right; a lot of fans are, to a degree, emotionally attached to Ross when it comes to watching wrestling. If anyone, Vince McMahon is losing it by telling play-by-play announcers to not do play-by-play. And as far as Jerry Lawler on color...well, he can't lose it because he never had it. His commentary sounds more like a fan talking than someone who's supposed to be providing insight to the match. Most of the O-sters could do a better job than Lawler. Where the FUCK is Jesse Ventura?

JR has, for most of his WWE career, had Lawler as his color man. Lawler brings play-by-play guys down, because his commentating skills bring fuck all to the table. Give JR a better color man, don't tell him to change his style, and set him loose. He'd be every bit as good as he used to be.

Todd Grisham needs to get his dick surgically extended so he can shove it up his ass. This guy did commentary for a college football team on a satellite radio station that nobody friggin' listened to, and somehow the E thought he'd be good as an interviewer? What the hell?

Brian G said...

Hands down the best announce team in the business today is Mike Goldberg and Joe Rogan, and I really wonder if WWE would be a different animal if Goldberg had decided to sign with WWE rather than re-up with UFC when the opportunity arose.

Goldberg is awesome with his calls, and his chemistry with Rogan is amazing. I love the way that Rogan will call Goldberg on little things and tease him about it "Dude, that wasn't a Kimura, that was a hammerlock", that stuff is often brilliant.

WWE could really learn a thing or two by watching some UFC programming.

Anonymous said...

How about Lawler and his "there goes Steven Regal"

JR: "King, that's William Regal."

Lawler: "Oh yeah."

LOL O for that... and an O for JTG's un-needed straight bump from apron to the floor, in a tag battle royal nonetheless