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Talkin' Smack!

When I initially switched from writing "Chair Shots and Table Spots" to "Talkin' Smack!", I thought it would be much easier. It seemed that I simply traded in "another pointless hour of WWE programming" for "another two hours of solid wrestling".

That being said, there were some things that pissed me off this week on "SmackDown!". I think I've finally figured it out.

Not only do you get over by talking trash, but it's much easier to write articles about things you hate. Now I know why there's so many articles burying John Cena on this site.

The first axe I have to grind is the appearance of not one, but both of the Hardys on "SmackDown!". Of course I enjoy watching the Hardys compete, but I do not enjoy constant inconsistency. The point of the brand extension was to keep wrestlers separate in terms of storylines.

Why then do both of the Hardys continue to appear on "SmackDown!" days after becoming the World Tag Team Champions on "Raw"? Certainly the "SmackDown!" locker room is robust enough to have somebody job to Mr. Kennedy and pin a dishevelled King Booker with an inside cradle.

I know these matches are supposedly due to the "Money in the Bank" match, but nobody cares after WrestleMania. 'Mania is supposed to be the culmination of all storylines, not the launching pad. I know I didn't even remember why King Booker was hot at Matt Hardy.

The point is this: if the E is going to maintain the brand extension, then they need to keep the brands' talent pools separate. I assumed the previous blurring of lines was because WrestleMania was approaching and all bets were off, but it seems it will continue after. We saw it on "Raw" with all the half-assed tag teams they threw together and now we are seeing it on "SmackDown!".

Another thing that upset me was The Miz pinning Chris Benoit. I know this loss is only designed to further a storyline, but there were other ways around it. MVP could have done the classic disqualification causing run in or simply waited for Benoit to make Miz tap before attacking.

Again, I'm not sure why it seems that 'Mania was the starting point of feuds this year, but it would appear that MVP will be taking the gold off of Benoit after all. Bottom line is Chris Benoit truly is one of the top ten wrestlers of all time and does not deserve having his legacy tarnished by being pinned by a jackass like The Miz.

As a side note, I have a theory about Benoit's flying headbutt being used as a finisher as of late. Could it be that the E wants the STFU to be the premier tap out move? Think about it, not only has Benoit been finishing matches with the swan dive lately, but Cena made Benoit tap to that very move about three weeks ago on "Raw". There's more fuel for the Cena hate fire for all you O Show conspiracy theorists.

Yet another event I took exception to on "SmackDown!" this week was the hinted split between Queen Sharmell and King Booker. Actually, there was no "hinting" about it. It's going to happen. While I give Sharmell props for one hell of a convincing performance, I fear we may see the end of the King Booker character.

Not only would I dislike a babyface King Booker, but I would hate to see a babyface Booker T return so much more. I was never a Booker T fan until the King Booker character emerged. I fear the days of royalty may be ending for all us loyal subjects of the "SmackDown!" kingdom.

Now that that's out of the way, my favorite moment on "SmackDown!" came after the Kennedy/Jeff Hardy match. I totally didn't expect the Hornswoggle squash at WrestleMania would lead to a future program, but am I glad it did. Finlay is one of my personal favorite E performers, and deserves a high profile program with "Mr. Money in the Bank".

While it's unlcear if this is the angle that will turn Finlay and/or Hornswoggle babyface, they have both successfully played the "tweener" role perfectly for months.

What makes this program so exciting for me is that all three of the guys involved are not only on the cusp of breaking glass ceilings, but both are on the cusp of becoming babyfaces if the E decided to do so.

How many storylines can you recall in the recent past that had so many question marks surrounding it? This is exactly what the E needs right now; unpredictability. Not to mention, Hornswoggle has stolen the show on more than one occasion. Screw glass ceilings, this guy is shattering glass buildings!

Speaking of my personal favorites, this week's "SmackDown!" also saw the return of William Regal and Dave Taylor. Though the match against Kane was a shmoz, it saw Regal and Taylor more than hold their own against the "Big Red Machine". Regal and Taylor are two of the most legit tough guys in any locker room on the planet, and it's about time they get their dues.

William Regal, if used correctly, could easily be a main eventer and future World Heavyweight Champion. I only pray the E realizes it sooner than later, because the man has to be nearing the end of his career.

As much as I resent the E for not realizing the potential of wrestling greats over the years like Dean Malenko, Jerry Lynn, Raven, Brent Albright, and literally countless others, they deserve praise for finally respecting guys like Finlay, Regal, and even Ric Flair (minus the 'Mania exclusion), as opposed to the way they were treated in WCW.

Contrary to what the internet community will tell you, talent is talent. If you can connect with the crowd as well as perfect your in-ring craft, the sky's the limit for WWE performers. I personally don't believe the "glass ceiling policy" is nearly as strong as it was in WCW or even currently in TNA. However, it's still a long way away from the original ECW and the current Ring of Honor.

Speaking of glass ceilings, the match of the night definitely has to go to London and Kendrick VS. Chavo Guerrero and Gregory Helms. These four athletes are among the very best in the business, and I have been enjoying the Helms/Guerrero team over the past few weeks. How about that finish? It was also great to see they haven't completely scrapped the Deuce and Domino storyline, as it looks as though they are poised to take the tag straps off London and Kendrick next week.

However, I've predicted their losses many times in the past, and they have successfully defied all odds time and time again.

Hats off to the E for recognizing true talent in these two former Ring of Honor regulars. Hopefully CM Punk will continue to shine as well as the freshly signed Colt Cabana and Ace Steel. How long will it before the E signs ROH mainstays, the Briscoe Brothers? If I was head of talent acquisitions for the E, these guys would literally be my top priority.

8 comments: on "Talkin' Smack!"

Dan-e-o said...

I gotta say Ben, I was so impressed by last night's "SmackDown!" that I almost wrote an article on it myself. But since your piece is top notch, I'll simply add my piece here.

There are many points you made that I agree with...but probably more that I disagree with.

"SmackDown!" is the best pro wrestling program on television today. Period.

Actually, I'll continue...

"SmackDown!" provides the best of what "Raw" and "iMPACT!" are missing. WRESTLING.

While I AGREE that the Hardys showing up and every show makes no sense...I think the idea of 'sticking to your brand' was dead a long time ago, as has been discussed by O-sters many times on this site.

But the respective matches that the Hardys were GREAT! We may talk about the high spots these brothers get themselves involved in...but they can work. Stellar matches all night long last night.

I AGREE someone else should be jobbing to Kennedy but there WAS reason for Booker to want to fight Matt last night. And while I AGREE that I don't want Booker to turn face, I LOVE the fact that his need to impress his woman got him to jump The Undertaker last night?

Does this spell a return of The King to the Title picture?! I hope so!

Here's another thing that SD! did GREAT last night: kept the bullshit to a minimum. Case and point: Kane VS. Dave Taylor...who honestly wanted to see that? So what do they do? A 'schmoz' as you mentioned...lasted a couple of minutes...not much of a waste of time.

And dude while I AGREE that Regal is an underrated talent...there is NO WAY the E will ever put the World Title on him....sorry.

Also...Batista can talk worth a shit right? So what do they do? Have him come in the ring, say two words and leave. It was perfect! A very "Batista light" program last night, I loved it.

Here's another thing you might find weird. I'm the biggest Benoit fan but I wasn't even half as upset at The Miz pinning him as I was Benoit tapping to Cena.

MVP's interference allows for the loss to make sense...I don't think this 'tarnishes' his career as losing due to interference happens to the best ALL THE TIME.

Like I predicted, the feud between MVP and Benoit has only just begun. And don't assume he'll be dropping the title all that quickly either. Benoit's got legs in him and if the E is smart with this, it'll help put MVP over in ways a belt never could.

FINALLY...London and Kendrick are pure gold. Don't expect them to drop the titles right away either...if anyone deserved a run with the tag titles, it's these two.

I'll say it again..."SmackDown!" is the best wrestling show on TV. Be happy with your switch from "Shots" to "Smack" (sounds like drugs preferences!!)...and keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

at the copa,copa cabana the hottest town north of havana

Unknown said...

The front office mark out big time for London and Kendrick, so they may be holding those title for a long time.

Finlay needs to stay heel, even though he's over with a lot of fans. Apparently a large percentage of E fans are Irish. Little Bastard is also entertaning as hell, which may be another reason why Finlay's picking up steam.

We may be looking at a King Booker vs. Batista vs. Undertaker main event for Judgment Day. Which may be when Kennedy cashes in his Money In The Bank. Personally, I think Undertaker deserves a long title run, he's the only face SmackDown has right now that is truly over. Obviously he's more a fan favorite than Batista (I have heard the E sweeten crowd noise before for Cena, but I have never heard then completely mute the audience like they did for Roidtista at 'Mania).

When rumors of Benoit moving to RAW starting swirling, I thought they were going to have MVP take the title off of him. Guess not. Note to the E: put the fucking title on Helms.

Regal is a great worker, but has never been over nearly enough to be a champion. Technical skills will only get you so far in the E. Just ask Benoit.

Matt is a very well-rounded competitor, but there's been too many issues with him backstage for them to ever give him the ball.

My only hope for Cabana and Steel is that they don't decide to use the CP Munk gimmick that some other wrestling promotion (I can't think of the name offhand) used.

They may be trying to put over Cena's STFU as the premier submission, I do have to give you credit for pointing that out. Aside from Benoit and Flair, they really don't have any guys known for submission finishers left. Punk stopped using the Anaconda Vice, Benoit ALWAYS gets his crossface countered these days, and Flair is stuck in a program where Carlito wins every match for him. This is like when Kenzo Suzuki was going to debut and they wanted to make sure that no faces were billed from Canada for fear of interfering with his anti-America gimmick, so any Canadian face got billed from somewhere in the US.

Kennedy should be squashing guys. But now a RAW tag team champ. Where's Gunner Scott when you need him? Where's Funaki? Where's Scotty 2 Hotty? Hell, I'd even settle for a squash match against "Stan". Have Jizanin (not a typo) job to him instead of Hardy.

Unknown said...

I wonder...

Could the E possibly be setting the stage for a Hardyz vs. Hooliganz match?

Anonymous said...

of course their setting up a hardys v kendrick/london... TITLE UNIFICATION between the best tag team of the attitude era and the best of the present... THE YEAR OF THE TAG TEAM... those two teams are going to be working their tails off these upcoming months... week after week we will see these two teams in one fashion or another... hopefully only in TAG TEAM competition, not members in singles competition (i hate that)...

Anonymous said...

I traveled alot this weekend so didn't get to see SMACKDOWN, or really anything. I liked your article Benjamin, and I do agree that the E is trying to make the Shut The Fuck Up(about John Cena) the #1 tap out move. The E is that pathetic. They will stop at nothing to make Cena numero uno.

Since I didnt see it I can only comment on so much, like YES PUT THE US TITLE ON HELMS.

The brand extension isn't forgotten, it is just being expanded. I think some of us have lost sight that the PPV's outside the big 4 will contain matches from every brand, in order to increase ppv buyrates. And Vince's ego, proving him "right" that Cena is the top draw.
Vince's logic: "Cena was on the payperview, thats why buys increased, nobody cares about the other guys on this roster, John Cena is GOD."

Anonymous said...

I just wanna stress how great the Matt Hardy/King Booker match was. The psycology was amazing. The false finishes were BELIEVABLE. The false finish section seemed frantic, desperate and most of all.... REAL. My hat goes off to both of those guys for dare I say: the best match this year.

Note: when I say best match, I mean in terms of psycology, technicality and most importantly beleivability. All three of which make up some of the best smark favorites. And all three of which are severely lacking from every promotion running. Now, I know I'm gonna hear it from ROH and TNA fans. But good wrestling isn't flipping and ouble twisting inverted spike flatliners and modified reverse back suplex-ddt drivers. Good wrestling is well constructed, tight, real looking matches. Now I realize that ROH isn't all 620 imploding senton piledrivers and double phoenix splashes. And I realize it isn't always yakuza kicks, roaring forearms, double stomps, "RRAAAAAAAAAH" *fist pump* stiff kick to the jaws and all that other strong style shit. But right now, we're mostly limited to Fed matches (aka. I'll do my 5moves I do every match, you do your 5 and then we'll think of a semi-creative finish that incorporates my finisher. P.S. Finishers don't always have to finish your match, you CAN use a random move if it's a creative and/or beleivable spot.), TNA matches (Let's mix strong style and high flying stuff with the fed style) and ROH matches (Lets see how many flips I can do, how many times I can scream and pump my fist and kick someone in the jaw.). Now I will agree that ROH is probably the best product --but rather than some creative, sick spots mixed with crazy high spots and strong style stuff that makes people O and cringe in sympathy for the poor guy taking an unrelenting double stomp-- I personally would rather watch a well constructed story of a match that feels more REAL. Wrestling at once was supposed to look REAL. It was supposed to fool people. Now it doesn't. I mean, an example: watch Fit Finlay. Watch Regal. Watch Dave Taylor. They aren't always pretty moves, but if you watch them, you'll notice that usually... you could imagine them legitimately working in a fight. THAT is what I consider GOOD wrestling. Call me old fashioned, but isn't that why we all love Finlay, Benoit, Regal, Taylor, Bret Hart, Owen Hart, and Curt Hennig?

Thanks for the read, hopefully I inspired some thought and debate... Osters and O staff I wanna hear what you guys think.

Anonymous said...

You made some good points. I agree that is why I love Finlay, Regal and Benoit and Taylor. That's what I think.