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WrestleMania Booking O's And NO's

This is the time of the year I hate the most in the wrestling world. The anticipation of WrestleMania is always huge, and WWE always starts to promote it so far in advance that I mark out big time for weeks! This year is no different.

However, even though WrestleMania is still a month off - from the booking that has been done so far, as was stated on the audio show - some bookings are very interesting, while others just plain suck.

With that in mind, here are my WrestleMania booking O's and NO's - based partly on what has been already booked and some bold predictions about 'Mania.

As per ceteris paribus, I will start out with Tha O's:

"Money In The Bank"

King Booker, Edge, CM Punk, Finlay, Mr. Kennedy, The Hardy Boyz. These six in a ladder match is going to be a ridiculous O-spot fest. All of these guys can take the sickest bumps, and with the exception of Matt Hardy or CM Punk, any of them could easily go over in this match.

I think Finlay will end up being on the receiving end of some sort of sick bump during the match, so I'm not gonna be so hard on his involvement in the bout. Unlike last year's match, when a lot of people had RVD as the odds-on favorite, there are a lot of possibilities for how this one could turn out. My personal pick is Kennedy, but I'll get into that as 'Mania approaches.

Undertaker VS. Batista AND HBK VS. Cena

I can't believe I am putting both Batista AND Cena in the "O" column, but somehow they found their way in there. Why? Because they're going to lose. I usually don't like it when veterans play the creative control card, because look what it's turned Bret Hart and Hulk Hogan into. But in this case, I love it.

No pun intended from the previous match - but, bank on it. Undertaker and Michaels are going to be the champs. Huge O. They're beating two of the most undeserving champions ever to win the titles. Double huge O.

RAW Tag Team Titles WILL Be On The Line

In classic WWE fashion, HBK and Cena will drop the tag titles shortly before WrestleMania (most likely to WGTT, the most over heel tag team on "Raw" right now besides Cade and Murdoch, who may soon be on their way to ECW anyway). Which means the odds of the titles being defended on 'the grandest stage of them all' will be high.

No Friggin' Snitsky

Snitsky is going to be getting a main event push soon. ECW doesn't have a top face besides 'Lindsay'. Who does that leave for him to face? Nobody. I still am wondering just how many flights you have to fall down to get that damn ugly. Anybody wanna take a guess?

New United States Champ

With rumors beginning to swirl that Chris Benoit is going to return to "Raw" following WrestleMania, a new U.S. champion is likely to be crowned at WrestleMania. I am very much hoping that it will be MVP, who otherwise is going to get snubbed.

Now for Tha NO's:

Randy Orton in "Money In The Bank"

Rumors are that Orton is going to be the 8th participant in MITB. Which is bullshit. He's not over, he doesn't deserve to be over, and there are plenty of young guys who should be in this match instead of him. The only plus here is if Big Daddy Donnie or Dan-e-o can get me video footage of Fronte flipping out when Orton gets announced as the 8th participant in this match.

Superstar Snubs

The Hooliganz (a.k.a. Brian Kendrick and Paul London) and Johnny Nitro are going to be snubbed, and none of them deserve it. Nitro should be in MITB, not Orton.

Nitro doesn't even have heat on him! "SmackDown!"'s Tag Team Titles have not been defended at WrestleMania in three years now! Completely unacceptable.

Battle Of The Billionaires

This is not going to elevate either superstar. I know for a fact that I am going to be bored out of my mind watching this match. And Vince isn't gonna shave his head bald, he's going to do the Eric Bischoff thing where he just gets a buzzcut. Whoopee. This match keeps two titles preoccupied instead of having them defended, and just has 'creative clusterfuck' written all over

Austin As The Guest Referee

Austin made a few appearances recently, and got nowhere near as much pop as he used to. The buzz on this guy has gone soft, yet WWE is still sticking to its plan of having him be the guest referee. A guest referee in this match is utterly pointless. As if it didn't already reek of a lousy
gimmick, let's make it even worse by throwing in a special ref. Forget the women's match, this is when I'm going to take a wizz.

Title Snubs

WWE Tag Team Titles, Intercontinental Title, ECW Title...none of these are going to be on the line at WrestleMania. As I stated a few days ago, the IC strap has not been defended at WrestleMania since 2002. That means it's been seven years since what is supposedly the company's number two championship has been on the line on 'the grandest stage of them all'. Way to put over your title, idiots.

I am really, badly hoping that this show will go over. At the moment, it's almost looking like a smark-friendly card, but I can't say anything for sure yet. I am defintiely going to be one impatient bastard for the next 27 days, however.

23 comments: on "WrestleMania Booking O's And NO's"

Anonymous said...

Made a few typos in that-not being defended sinec 2002 makes it 5 years, not 7. I typed this way late at night, and probably accidentally threw that in because it's 2007.

There have been 7 participants names, not 6. I tossed Finlay into the article as an afterthought; I originally had him as a "No", but thought about it and changed my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't this discussed on Tha O Show Roundtable this week? I think Plunkett is a little slow.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I'm aware that some of this was discussed on tha audio show. I was merely throwing my two cents in. Maybe some of it did come off as a repeat of what was said, but all that means is that I happen to agree with it.

And just for the record, here's what was said on the audio show that could possibly be inferred as me repeating it-

"The Battle of the Billionaires is a No. It's not going to elevate either guy, and no titles are on the line."
"All the titles should be on the line at WrestleMania, but several titles won't be."
"Undertaker will become the champ."
"Money In The Bank is going to be an O-fest."

So my article ended up only mirroring four things that were said on the audio show.

fallen0ne said...

You know, I was gonna defend Orton at some point, but then I caught him on "deal or no deal" and his acting just plain sucks. He can wrestle, but he sucks when he opens his mouth man.

Anonymous said...

You would rather see MVP at Mania than the Kendrick, London, or Nitro? Hell, I don't have anything against MVP, I just don't think that he's ready for what he's been GIVEN. Why not put the US belt on Nitro in a roster-swap kind of thing, because since the E's dropped the ball on him, he could do better on SMACKDOWN. WGTT needs to be at Mania against I'm guessing Cryme Tyme, who by the way are the most hardcore street thugs I've ever seen throw an arm drag, and drop toe hold.
About your championship thing, I don't know if it's as much creative control as it is the nostalgia thing. Those two winning their respective matches, as well as Austin appearing will give that nostalgic feel, be it needed or not, and apparently Vince is into that right now.

Anonymous said...

I forgot this...The fact that Michaels and Taker are probably the two most over faces in the company, with big match experience is probably the main reason they are where they are. Here a while back there was an article about older guys being better, and it hit the nail right on the head.

Anonymous said...

Cena makes the "Heel-Turn" and retains the title... shortly before or possibly during WM23... believe it

and you'll all love it

Anonymous said...

The only thing that I am looking forward really is Shawn Michaels taking the title from that G.I. Joe wannabe John Cena. I am so sick of that Corporal Kirshner rip-off. His FU is just so lame, that I really don't know how it possibly became a finisher. A Hulk Hogan legdrop looks way more lethal than that (and that isn't saying much)! Anyways, what I am getting at is that maybe, HHH will come back from his injury and turn on Michaels and that will make an interesting feud again. This "new and improved" DX is just so watered down that it is pathetic. Oh, and I do hope that Batista loses to the Undertaker too. I am not a big fan of Takers', but he is the right person to get it off of him at the moment and then maybe Mr. Kennedy will finally get to win the title.

Anonymous said...

I hadn't even thought of that, DJB. Nitro certainly might do better on SmackDown, and with a split with Melina seemingly in the cards, the timing might be just right.
Nostalgia probably does factor into it, hopefully as well as the E realizing that Cena and Batista are no longer over as faces and therefore should not be main eventing. I disagree with the Austin part though. The lack of pops he's gotten would point that he no longer has that nostalgic feel.
My hope for the Undertaker/Batista match is that Taker wins the title, Mr. Kennedy(...kennedy) wins MITB, then takes the title off of Undertaker at Survivor Series in a Buried Alive Match. This way, Kennedy wins the title and gets over BIG TIME as a heel by "ridding the WWE" of Undertaker. 'Taker then quietly settles in to a comfy retirement.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, with Benoit moving back to RAW, it would make sense to have a midcarder move over to SmackDown to replace him. Nitro would be a great fit. He, unlike most of the available candidates on the SD! roster (Gregory Helms being perhaps the only exception), is over enough to be a believable US Champion.

Of course, they may always just place the title on MVP. God knows it's devalued as hell right now, considering the longest reiging US Champ in WWE thus far has been 'Land Jrdan (sorry, no O's available for his name). Even though Benoit will eclipse his mark should he remain champ until 'Mania.

Anonymous said...

I agree Brian, the US title was brought back in and as soon as the belt was shown, most people knew it was going to be a joke. Had EG held onto it for a while, or had Cena(when he was actually good at what he did) made more of his run, and not turned it into a spinning piece of shit, dropped it to a wrestler who was actually over instead of JBL's cabinet member Land Jrdan, the title could have built major steam. Plenty of things could have been done to maintain that titles prominence. Having JBL steal it from Benoit at WM was good, and I understand JBL was worn down, but they could have saved him for one more classic match and put that on GHelms instead of the CW title, and had Helms hold onto it for that long, or still have his reign now. But instead they bounced that belt around like it was a pinball. Kennedy had it for a few minutes, then Benoit came in and took it, ok, but have title defenses and build up for a US title match. Shooter, I'm glad someone else doesn't buy into this MVP shit, the dude has nothing. I've said it before, other than come out looking like a Power Ranger through an inflatable tunnel(WHAT THE FUCK FOR, I know it's a football thing trying to make him look important, but damn) and get set ablaze he hasn't done shit. Well except for(mimmicks the motion of shooting a freethrow)"ballin."
Another thing, thank God that nobody has said what a shame it is that Kenny suck a Dick-stra isn't booked.

Unknown said...

Kenny is only 20, he still has many years ahead of him to hone his craft, so to speak. For the time being, he shouldn't be getting a huge push. Same with MVP. If he were to ever go face, I have a suspicion that we might see a more athletic side of him.

Anonymous said...

I agree, neither man is even close to ready. I'm just wondering whats going to happen when Kenny turns 21. They've hyped that stuff so long that a few of my friends call him 20 Kenny. I guess the age thing won't be a factor anymore once he's of legal drinking age in the states. But mark my words if he impresses enough of the backstage guys he will be the next youngest world champion, and that my friends will be a sad day. If it does happen, lets just hope it's a transitional role much like Orton's.

Anonymous said...

MVP is a great newcomer in my opinion... the over-the-top entrance is by far my favorite at the moment... and if you didnt get it... the outlandish outfit is designed to make you hate him... great psych from the guy in the ring... i dig the "3point elbow" or whatever it is... when he goes face the crowd will pop for it... i have nothing bad to say about the guy... as far as winning gold at WM this year, its not necessary but it is likely

as far as the mitb... if you break the match down... this will be a feud maker:
-Matthew Hardy v King Bookah
-Edge v Orton (if orton does indeed make it)
these are already set in motion...

While a Jeff Hardy v CM Punk would be a nice program... and consistant with WWE's booking at the moment

its still wide open... this will be a match to remember... and all and all WM as a whole will be full of O's for everybody

if not orton... then Boogeyman will get the 8th spot

Anonymous said...

Dude, if Big Boogey gets that shot it will only be because Finlay said he's improved. I would much rather see Orton in that match. As far as F'n Frank I agree Orton's promo skills are lacking, but there isn't much the guy can't do in the ring. I do dislike his promo's, so give him a mouthpiece.
MVP's outfit, while designed to make you hate him, I know that, but I don't believe it garnered the response the E wanted. The E wanted it to help get him over, but instead it got him some resentment. In a great ploy to get him over, if you'll remember he said he wanted John Cena money, plus a dollar. Well that would have been a great lead in for him, but it didnt work, Cena shit Edge, stayed on RAW and MVP got a contract and beat a local guy from the Carolina's in his opening match, using that damn neckbreaker, the Overdrive(he called it something else) that he E stuck on Randy Orton when he was new. MVP's fued with Kane was ok and he had a good performance in the cage match, but lets remember that Kennedy had his back throughout most of that fued, and interjecting him into a fine-flowing Kennedy/Taker fued did little or nothing for him. The Balla Shuffle is this, it's a rip off of Cena, he is or they are trying to market him, it's a rip off of Scotty 2 Hotty, he's trying to get a pop, it's a rip off of The Rock, he's trying to seem electrifying. Those moves look rediculous anyway, and the first time he gets a 3count off of it, I'm going to hate him for sure. I don't care what side somebody else takes I don't think MVP is quite ready. Though I will give him credit for Friday, getting interviewed by Krystal and keeping a straight face, I'd have been drooling and trying to contain wood.

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to drop the line that the Baron will be representing Tha O Show at the grand daddy of 'em all! Me and one of my friends got tickets through his work and I cant be more psyched! If you have any suggestions on signs make sure to post em.

Seeing Bound For Glory 06' and Wrestlemania 07'... some guys have all the luck!

Anonymous said...

I've got several ideas for signs, but the E would confiscate em. Although you could carry a Lindsay sign. If you have an O Show tshirt definently wear that. I'm ordering mine soon and it'll be my myspace pic, but since the E doesn't seem to want to come within 200 miles of me I can't wear it there anytime soon.

Where you sittin, do you know yet?

Anonymous said...

Baron make sure you get your O Show shirts before you head to the show!

Anonymous said...

I wish they'd do a second chance BR and let Shelton get in it. Its already going to be an O-fest, but add Benjamin and the O's multiply 5X

Anonymous said...

darth frost will be at the mania in full effect for the darkside its taking place in my hometown so i will be going home to rock the show hopefully ill get myself an o so rocking o show t

Anonymous said...

The thing about the boogeyman getting the 8th spot was A JOKE!!! he'll be the special referee in the kane v khali match lol... my crystal ball forsees a khali v boogeyman 5 month dark match/house show program

I know the "balla shuffle" is a rip of moves like:
-five knuckle shuffle
-the worm
-the people/corporate elbow
-ulitmate warrior's big splash
-road dogg's shuffle/knee
SO WHAT?! it puts a smile on my face, more than any of those ever did... this guy has to be flashy... so i think its best for him to pull out all the cliche's of a cocky, flashy heel...
mvp is leaps and bounds over %99 of the new guys WWE brings in... he looked great in the 3way dance last friday... he will excel over the years... and will be a prominant figure for a long time to come

Anonymous said...

Lets just hope it's a long time to come before he shines for a long time to come. I understand the E wants heels to be flashy, but to be a blatant rip-off of old gimmicks, and gimmicks that aren't even gone is insane. Next their going to bring back Phantasio. MVP may at some point be impressive, but right now he's nothing more than mid-card at best. Far from deserving of any championship. Especially winning one at Mania.

Anonymous said...

what better way to go from midcard to mainevent than the mitb?
it doesnt matter hes more than likely getting the us title shot
phantasio? talk about random... thatd be a nice april fools prank for WM23 to bring out phantasio