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World Domination?

Globalization and the global economic shift are major issues that affect a growing number of facets in our lives. Power and wealth is being centralized by a small percentage of the worlds elite as corporate mergers, buy-outs, and even uniform currency will be more common as we progress in the twenty-first century. How this changing world will affect professional wrestling has become much clearer over the last few weeks.

Several wrestling newsletters have reported this week that World Wrestling Entertainment is on the verge of putting together a business model that will undoubtedly change professional wrestling forever. WWE is looking to expand their business aggressively in major international markets that could potentially see the introduction of several more brands that would exclusively exist in certain geographical regions. Thus, there could potentially be several individual brands all running under the guise of WWE.

The details are sketchy at the moment as those close to the situation including the entire McMahon family have yet to really figure out the logistics of such an undertaking. What we know is WWE is looking to have individual brands separate from the current three in major wrestling centres such as Mexico, Japan, Europe, Russia, and Korea. Weekly television and live events would be produced exclusively for that region as would potentially pay-per-view.

Current WWE stars would need to be divided in order to create initial drawing cards in each area. The long-term plan however would be to have regional stars with WWE experience as the major draws. For instance, one could assume William Regal and Harry Smith would be candidates for the European brand, Rey Misterio and Carlito would theoretically be stars of the Mexico/South America brand.

Because such an undertaking would require the hiring of several hundred wrestlers who are experienced with working in certain regions, companies such as AAA and CMLL in Mexico, AJPW and NJPW of Japan, and other European promotions would be raided and even bought-out. Having to hire so many new wrestlers would mean many current independent wrestlers could find themselves courted by WWE. But if you're an Ontario indy worker, are you ready to move to France full-time?

Add to this situation remarks that Dana White, president of UFC, has made recently. UFC has already purchased WEC and is running that promotion as a separate entity. White has said he wants to do the same with Pride if UFC could purchase the fledgling promotion. Pride would become in many ways "UFC Asia" and with the popularity of mixed martial arts expanding to areas such as Russia and India, it would not be out of the realm of possibility for UFC to follow the WWE plan of international expansion.

Are we on the verge of seeing the complete world domination of top-tier professional wrestling and mixed martial arts? Is this plan of attack even remotely feasible?

My recommendation to both UFC and WWE is to be very careful with how they go about this plan of world domination should they both be interested in such. In the case of WWE, I can absolutely see the idea of running up to 8 different brands in different areas of the world. However, what they need to do more than anything is keep the talent fresh in every region. For instance, if John Cena wrestles in Europe for 6 months he could then for a period of time be moved to Asia and then back to North America. His drawing power would increase because of the scarcity of his appearances in one area. Characters would stay much fresher and many careers would have much more longevity.

Many fans who have witnessed the decline in the popularity of boxing would see this international unification as a positive as well. What killed the popularity of boxing was in part having too many companies and too many titles. The big stars never faced each other and thus fans were left not knowing who the legitimate world champion was. Titles and boxers began to lose credibility and the sport is now on life-support as a distant second to UFC.

The international expansion of UFC or WWE is by no means a done deal nor is it something that will happen in the imminent future. However the international domination of these two companies will be a huge story over the next five years. How their plans of attack will evolve and succeed will shape their respective industries for decades to come. In many ways, the legacies Vince McMahon and Dana White will be heavily influenced by their success in world domination.

10 comments: on "World Domination?"

Anonymous said...

Wow! This is extremely insiteful as well as so true. Nice article!

Anonymous said...

That was an excellent article Frank. If that were to happen, I don't think that CMLL and AJPW or NJPW would necasarily be bought out, it may actually increase their business. If they were able to keep a core group, and give younger indy workers(hint hint) a shot, all the while WWE raided some if any of their talent, there would be a huge competition to see which company could put on better shows week in and week out. It would however put the World Championships up into the teens seeing as their are currently 8 recognized as true world championships. I have the feeling that the WWE wouldn't really label their top championships to that area alone. It would be the whatever World Heavyweight Championship. It could be good, and it could be bad, only time will tell.

Anonymous said...

You may be correct in regards to the Mexican and Japanese promotions not going out of business entirely.

However I dont think the economics of Mexico, it being almost a third world economy, can support that many major promotions. To be honest, I dont even think it can support regular WWE shows. Unless WWE charges $10 admission weekly, I doubt there is enough of an audience to sustain the South American expansion.

I have no idea how they would handle the world titles, but I would hope that there would be one world champion who would go around to all the territories. That would establish a championship the likes of which we have not seen in years.

Anonymous said...

I'll agree, I didn't really factor in the economics of the countries, and the E's admission prices, although the E renting out "arenas" and merchandising, and maybe even drawing in foreign audiences for big matches, could in a small way stimulate said econimies.
If there was 1 Champion to travel, we may see a Samartino-esque champion. The length of the reign would no doubt not be as sustained, but it would most definently restore a credibility to the championship chosen. You would have to have an awesome combination of all facets of the business to be a champion. With this set in place and the standards of which most countries hold their wrestlers, it would be hard for John Cena to be THAT champion.

Anonymous said...

I would love it if they kept the current world title, gave the new brands there own top title, and then have an ultimate, international title. A truely prestigous title to travel to all the promotions.

fallen0ne said...

Mexico is still considered North America as far as I know.

Anonymous said...

you are absolutely correct fallenone. However WWE sometimes when speaking of domestic versus international business lump Mexico with "international" and consider domestic to be Canada and United States.

However when I wrote "North America" as being different from Mexico, i should have explained. My bad.

Under this new proposed system, Mexico would be lumped with South America as its own territory.

Anonymous said...

It's the 80's all over again. Here is a thought, if WWE ran in Japan consistantly, how long would it take for them to put out promotions like New Japan or Pro Wrestling NOAH ?

Anonymous said...

I don't think NOAH would be in any danger, unless of course the E smartened up and took to the styles of the countries they were in. But for some reason I don't see the E utilizing the hardstyle, or total lucha.
The E should have THE WWE championship, then the Mexico, North American, Asian(or broken into specific regions), Australian, Antarctican, that is if the E really wants to break ground and open up inhabitation on the Arctic state.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely Bizarre, I was halfway through writing an article suggesting this only a few days ago!