Check This Out...


RIP WSX? is reporting that WSX has been cancelled.

The show's ratings started off hot, (equally or surpassing those of TNA) but have been on a decline since the start.

As is usually the case with wrestling properties, it's not enough to simply met the network's average, they are expected to out perform in order to justify their timeslot.

At this point, it sounds like the six un-aired episodes of WSX will never see broadcast on MTV and will likely be found on some cheesy DVD collection in a few months.

This is bad news for indy workers everywhere who were looking at WSX as an opportunity to advance their careers and to make a decent wage.

No official statement has been issued by MTV, but Tha O Show has been on the phone this morning making calls to try and get confirmation.

9 comments: on "RIP WSX?"

Anonymous said...

It really does suck for the indy guys. Even though WSX was a gimmick promotion, they(the workers) showed tremendous heart, and you could tell they put alot into their matches. It was a true shot to at least be noticed.

How big of a boost is this going to be to Vinny Mac's ego when he finds out. Especially since he took it upon himself to make ECW better when WSX scored the huge ratings at first, and he made a few appearances on Tuesday night Extreme.

Tim Haught said...

Maybe if they put some WRESTLING on that show, it would still be around...

Don't get me wrong, I am a huge Mark for the Human Tornado.

I would have been excited to see Colt Cabana too, but he seemed a bit too embarassed to associate his primary character with the WSX brand. Probably a wise decision.

Matt Sydal was certainly no A.J. Styles, which appeared to be the role the company was attempting to give to him.

I think the fact that Sean Waltman was a big part of WSX hurt it, as his in ring ability is often overshadowed by the fact that he is a total tool bag.

As far as the other 400 flippy guys, good riddance. If I want to watch that, I will search the internet for midget gymnastics or the best of middle school backyard wrestling.

I like my wrestling with a healthy side of psychology. Teddy Hart can flippy-do into exploding garbage cans for the rest of his life as far as I am concerned.

The best thing about WSX were it's production values, as the show had a gritty, cutting edge look to it.

Anonymous said...

I was never too big on Teddy Hart myself, and the appearances I saw him make in RoH and WSX didn't change that a bit. He's a great gymnast, and if not for the name Hart I doubt that he would do much. Not to mention the fact that he is a total cocksucker, according to everyone with a pulse inside the business.

Anonymous said...

I agree with everything Tim Haught said and admire the fact that he put it better than I ever could (and tried) a few weeks ago when the story was first reported on the site. Congrats!

Anonymous said...

I think WSX was a great concept, just executed poorly. As mentioned it gave tons of indy stars a chance to shine and showcased a different side of wrestling.

Personally, I loved watching Teddy Hart. He entertained the hell out of me. I can't wait to see him in WWE. Maybe he'll join the ECW brand.

KittyLuv69 said...
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Anonymous said...


WSX on Spike? I think that would be a serious conflict of interest. Im not sure about that, but I can totally see Big Vision Ent shopping this thing around to several networks.

Will anyone bite? Outside of a weak FSN timeslot, I doubt it'll land anywhere.

Anonymous said...

It is a shame to see WSX go so early, Yes it was a gimmick promotion but the fast is it brought Indy Wrestling to mainstream TV and added some much needed exposure. It would be nice to see someone else pick up the ball and bring Indy Wrestling to the forefront

Anonymous said...

Rumour has it this show isn't done and is coming back with a new time slot, I read that on a website, not sure if it is true or not.. I was a fan of this show, and the fact that it beat TNA's ratings on it's pilot episode says something.