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Hogan Blasts UFC

During his ten thousandth unannounced appearance on "The Bubba The Love Sponge" radio show on Sirus this week, Hulk Hogan had some very controversial opinions to share.

Sure, he went on as usual about Brooke’s singing (cough) career and Nick’s (ahem) racing career, and how WrestleMania will suck without him… but his most controversial comments came when Bubba said he hadn’t paid much attention to wrestling lately because he prefers UFC.

Hulk said UFC was (and this is an exact quote) “a worked-shoot".

Most people would take great offence to that comment, and would probably want to take The Hulkster to task. His good buddy Bubba didn’t so the show’s producer (a dude named Brent) did. Brent said he is currently training to be an MMA fighter and there is nothing “worked” about it.

The Love Sponge finally grew a set, and tried to determine if Hogan meant that the “fights were a shoot but everything else was a work”. Hogan flippantly responded with a very predictable, "”Whatever Brother". After a quick pause he told his alleged best friend to "wake up and smell the dog shit" regarding the “legitimacy” of UFC.

Brent continued to get hot, and Hogan calmly indicated that Brent hadn’t been smartened up yet and his opinions would change once he finally had a match.

Is there evidence to suggest that ASPECTS of the UFC are worked? Sure. The over-the-top promos, some convenient booking – maybe a phantom punch here or there … or a quick referee stoppage that had everyone scratching their heads like “whaa?”.

These comments are in stark contrast to an interview Hogan did with Donny Deutsch in December of 2005. On the CNBC, Hogan that Ultimate Fighting was "pretty barbaric" and will always have a narrow audience.

A barbaric work?

Hogan is the first major public figure to unequivocally state that the UFC is a work. Tha O Show was unsuccessful this morning when trying to get someone from UFC offices to respond to Hogan’s statement.

We throw out to you for your thoughts and feedback.

25 comments: on "Hogan Blasts UFC"

Anonymous said...

I have a suggestion for another match at WrestleMania 23.

Hulk Hogan vs. Bret Hart-battle of the over-the-hill, big mouthed whiners.

Seriously, I realize that Hogan helped revolutionize the industry, but he needs to just step back into the obscurity of retirement. All he's doing now is tarnishing his legacy and coming off as a total attention whore.

Screw you, Hogan. Take your old, self-centered, broken down ass back to your cozy Miami home and stay there.

Anonymous said...

Hogan must have recently spoken to Tha O Show's own Brian Garside.

Funny how Hogan made that comment, but The Hulkster frequently attends UFC events including the last "UFC Fight Night".

What a joke, Hogan's life is becoming a work

Anonymous said...

Fuckin right...

Hulkamania speaks the truth!

Anonymous said...

What a fuckin idiot.
I've lost all respect for him.

Attention Whore Hogan

Anonymous said...

hey anonymous you confuse me, first you say hogan speaks the truth, then in your next post you say you've lost all respect for him.......i don't get it...


MISSLE said...

Funny, I've actually been saying the same thing for quite awhile.

UFC could never get over without some sizzle, and that's what they are doing since they are in fad mode at the moment.

I don't like Hogan at all, but he is right about this. No doubt about it.

Anonymous said...


I think the two annoynmous posters are 2 different guys. Anyways.

I agree with Hogan, but then again I think everything is a damn work.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who believes Hogan must have switched their vitamins and their prayers with acid and cocaine. He is full of shit.

Brian G said...

I have to admit that the UFC has had some pretty convenient losses lately, with the person who makes a better story often coming out on top, however with that said you just have to look at the "after" pictures of guys like Rich Franklin to see that even though it's the better story when the underdog wins, it's often because the champ is overworked, or just not as motivated as the contender.

Now if Chuck Liddell had lost to Tito...well.

Anonymous said...

Screw UFC?
Yo fuck you Boudreau

Anonymous said...

Pro-wrestling has always been a work, right back to the late 1800's, but everyone believed it was real for a long, long time.

Why is UFC any different? Maybe in a hundred years' time people will look back and think we're idiots for believing UFC was real.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with the Huckster here. UFC may be a "worked shoot" indeed. Later down the road, a guy(much like a young Vincent K Mcmahon) will come along and say something along the lines of, "look, this is a business, and if you've noticed it is to entertain the people. The hits are real, the hazards are real, but we know as do the competitors, who will come out of the fights on top. If we didn't there would be no guaranteed money, and no huge rematches." It won't be Dana White most likely, and I don't particularly care for him, because he seems to love smelling his own shit because it doesn't stink.

What I'd mark out for though is a Dana White-Hogan match. That would be a classic...damn, even I don't find humor in my own joke.

Anonymous said...

I'm in the same boat as you, Ben. I prefer wrestling over MMA because of the storyline potential you can build in a fictitious company like WWE.

My distaste for Hogan doesn't necessarily have anything to do with his or my view on MMA. It has to do with the fact that everyone knows that he's past his prime. His body has broken down, but he's still doing everything he can to get himself the attention he wants. I respect what he did to put the industry on the map, but it's not the 80's anymore, and he can no longer be the perennial main eventer that he wants to be.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you on this Ben. While I don't always like Hogan and what he does, he has to be given the credit of putting wrestling where it is, and frankly us in the position we are in. Without Hogan, there would be no RAW, SMACKDOWN, ECW, TNA, WSX(maybe), and probably in turn wouldn't have made the demand for an alternative. ie UFC, PRIDE and all that other stuff. I don't like MMA myself, but will watch it on occasion, just not like I do wrestling.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you on this Ben. While I don't always like Hogan and what he does, he has to be given the credit of putting wrestling where it is, and frankly us in the position we are in. Without Hogan, there would be no RAW, SMACKDOWN, ECW, TNA, WSX(maybe), and probably in turn wouldn't have made the demand for an alternative. ie UFC, PRIDE and all that other stuff. I don't like MMA myself, but will watch it on occasion, just not like I do wrestling.

Tim Haught said...

The seed has been planted. The question is, who are the marks? Are you a mark for thinking UFC is real? Are you a mark for thinking UFC is fixed?

If it is real, the sport is indeed "barbaric", and I personally get little to no joy out of watching a bunch of grown men in what is essentially a cock fight. However, if they enjoy their paydays, and people enjoy watching it, that is their perspective.

If it is fake, it is wildly boring compared to WWE. In addition, the biggest marks of all are those in small gyms paying money to get the shit kicked out of them i.e. train. I am sure that if MMA is worked, it's not 100% worked, as there are some mark promoters out there in Smalltown U.S.A. who are really having guys beat the shit out of each other.

My guess is that the bigger the sport becomes, the more worked the sport will become, similarly to boxing. The big paydays for winning a fight will be comparable to the big paydays for guys throwing a fight.

Either way, it's funny to me how whenever Hogan gets out from under the WWE umbrella, he gets rained on. This man is considered untouchable one day, and a lying self-serving bastard the next.

All I know is, I will watch classic Hogan over UFC any day of the week, whether he is telling the truth or not.

Anonymous said...

Me too. I wouldn't watch the UFC over wrestling, or even Hogan if the UFC had a porno scene between matches, and whatever wrestling show was on featured a snipet of Masterpiece theatre.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, Ben, I would just as soon not have a WrestleMania where he appears. Yes, he's wildly charismatic, but his body is just too broken down. Plus, he really does tend to only do it out of his own self-interest. The idea of part-time wrestlers is to put younger guys over. Guys like Jerry Lawler and Sgt. Slaughter, who are Hall Of Famers, wrestle on rare occasions, but very rarely do they ever win.

Hogan, on the other hand, plays the "creative control" hand and refuses to put them over.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely right Ben, Hogan put over Rock at a time that Rock definently didn't need it, and it only added a W to his win column. This was around the time that Rock was leaving to go to Hollywood. It was a decent storyline, and yes the match was definently a memorable one. Hogan put on one of his better performances in the past decade if not better, and also against Angle it seemed and stepped it up. He also tapped the first and only time in his career to Angle. Speaking of broken down, we all demand Austin but it's guaranteed that he won't lace up the boots again, and as much as I hate to admit it(kinda) Hogan meant more to the business as a whole than Austin did. Hogan put wrestling on the map, Austin was just A part of ushering in a boom period.

fallen0ne said...

Funny how people will shit on HHH for whatever he does, and yet an egomaniac like Hogan is still begged for.

Anonymous said...

How has H revolutionized, or been a huge part of wrestlings success? I respect him, but the sun neither rises nor sets in the crack of his ass. It doesn't in Hogans either, but I'm sure he'd disagree. Hogan though, is such a big part of the industry, it's hard to deny. There wouldn't have been another Hogan, but while H is as great as he is, he's not on that level. Survivor Series crowd reactions should tell you that, and H played to the crowd 10X more.

Anonymous said...

I meant Summerslam. The double S ppv's sometimes tongue and finger tie me. My bad.

Tim Haught said...

Hogan was carrying the ball at a time where it was expected that one guy was mainly going to carry the company and other characters would fall in around him.

Triple H rose as an internet favorite alongside of Steve Austin, The Rock, The Undertaker, and Mick Foley.

When Foley, Austin, and The Rock all left, fans understood that new stars would need to be built to fill the void. We watched as one by one, Chris Jericho, Booker T, Kane, and Rob Van Dam fell to Triple H, who just so happened to be the boss' son in law.

Now obviously that gets him negative points, as many fan favorites are squashed and it appears that it's all based on Triple H's political pull.

When Hogan was champion, he was not on Prime Time Wrestling or Superstars weekly. Triple H was, and his long title reigns grew tiresome, as often they just recreated the same story. His heel promos always simply put himself over as being better than everyone else, and then at match time, he was booked to prove himself to be true, while many guys that should be making huge money as main eventers right now languished.

Edge, Benoit, and Eddie Guerrero's success may in part be attributed to the fact that they weren't on Triple H's radar at the time, because everyone who was was destroyed by the cerebral assassin.

Hogan took the same guff in WCW when he was on TV every week. People don't feel the same now, because Hogan is a special attraction. However, if Hogan were to decide to work a full schedule and dominate any brand for a year and a half, destroying all of those guys we deem to be the stars of tommorow, we certainly would feel the same.

Triple H realized the backlash himself, and he has let other people shine in his spotlight for a while. I don't know if he will settle after he returns from his latest injury.

A combination of nepotism, ruining internet favorites, and just plain overexposure are what made the internet hate Triple H.

Hogan has lost more in the past five years than he did in the first 20 years of his career. When he does win, it's typically in a "dream match" scenario. If you are already in a dream match, you don't need put over anyways.

The only guy that could have used the rub was Orton, and at the time he was shitting in girl's duffle bags, getting busted with pot, and just being a general asshole.

Anonymous said...

Excellent point on the Orton thing Haught, but really an excellent point overall.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Hogan was just partying, 80's style, and was fucked up ?