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The "Raw" Report

John Cena never ceases to annoy me. Why is he so concerned about Shawn Michaels' true intentions? Does he not remember that he and HBK are opponents at WrestleMania 23? And that the match is for the WWE Championship? Why should HBK have Cena's back? Why is Cena 'losing sleep' over not knowing if he can trust his "partner"?

Was this the intended storyline for Triple H and Shawn Michaels? You know, two guys who are ACTUALLY friends...on and off camera. I doubt it, but it makes no sense to me that Cena should play up how hard it is to trust the guy he "considers a friend".

I agree with "jbrown" who commented on Brian Plunkett's "WrestleMania Booking O's and NO's" column. He predicts a Cena heel-turn. I've been thinking the same thing for days. With WWE playing up the history of Michaels turning on his partners, it would be a nice twist to have the ultra-babyface Cena turn on him.

Otherwise, this whole angle just seems...ah...uncomfortable.

Other than the opening promo, "Raw" did start off pretty well last night. Decent match between HBK and Randy Orton, but I hated the finish. I'm just not a fan of the out-of-nowhere roll-up win. I refuse to believe that it is such a surprise, that the wrestler victimized by this move is unable to figure out that he's being pinned within the three seconds given to kick out.

I'm glad WWE seemed to agree with me and not forget to honour Jeff Hardy with a rematch for his Intercontinental Championship. But damn, another squash? Umaga is a forced to be reckoned with, we get it. But does Hardy have to look that bad against him? It almost deminishes the IC title that Hardy once held when he can lose a match that decisively...again.

Ah well, I guess his upcoming "Money In The Bank" performance will remind us all why Jeff Hardy is a WWE Superstar...not to mention an O-getting machine.

So seriously, what was the purpose of the "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan/Chris Masters segment of "Raw"? How compelling was it, really, to see Hacksaw take The Masterlock Challenge? Did anyone think that he would be the first to break this hold? And why is this still a competition? I could understand maybe if Masters was over...but this Masterlock gimmick has gone on for what a year...two? and still hasn't propelled this kid anywhere. Time to move on people.

Nothing has been said yet about Mick Foley's new book, The Hardcore Diaries. Shame on us. I haven't read it yet, but I have read Foley's first two autobiographical offerings and they are easily the most entertaining pieces of literature ever released by WWE. I enjoyed his segment and pretty much always like seeing Foley on TV.

Donnie and I were talking on last week's audio version of Tha O Show about the importance of being able to cut a good promo. Foley could teach a class on this topic. I hope he will actually continue to appear on WWE TV in some capacity...even after his book is old news.

Well, it looks like Plunkett's predictions from his aforementioned article may come true after all. Stone Cold Steve Austin is indeed the special referee in the "Battle of the Billionaires Match" at WM23...and Randy Orton seems to have some trick up his sleeve. With The Great Khali interrupting the Ric Flair/Carlito MITB qualifying match, neither competitor has been placed in the match at 'Mania.

Speaking of the first match, WAAAY too much time is being devoted to promoting this eventual debacle. And the sad thing is, the wrestlers involved are not even the stars of the show. Half the time, it seems as if the actual match is between Vince McMahon and Donald Trump.

There is a long list of talent on the WWE roster who won't be on the WrestleMania card. It's just not fair.

No matter what though, it's hard for me to ever completely hate on Vince. I O'd for both his dancing to Shane O Mac's entrance music and his attempts at getting Stone Cold more beer before he left the ring last night. I don't why, but the fact that Vince always acts like a pussy anytime Stone Cold is in the house is hilarious to me.

Speaking of the second match, perhaps a Flair/Carlito program is still in the works for 'Mania while Khali seems primed to face Kane. Yeah...that'll be a classic.

How was this for an O? Mickie James almost broke her neck on a botched hurricanrana of the top rope! Hope she's okay. I also hope that Melina eventually gets into "Playboy" too. Now, that's an issue I'd buy.

And probably to Big Daddy Donnie's shigrin, WWE has inducted yet another NON-WWE Superstar. AWA legend Nick Bockwinkel is the latest inductee in the WWE Hall of Fame. It is obvious that the E is recognizing anyone of worth in its ENTIRE catalogue. The catalogue that consists of WWE (WWF), WCW, AWA and ECW footage and history. With that in mind, who do you think should be next to join the class of 2007? 'Cause it could be just about anybody in North American pro wrestling history.

And speaking of history, looks like Plunkett is trying to make some by becoming the new O League champion...

Here are Tha O League standings after week 6:

1 Tha Hitman - 1606 pts
2 Dan-e-o loves Cena - 1585 pts
3 Team Boudreau - 1487 pts
4 Goatbusters - 1486 pts
5 Team_Rated_RKO - 1473 pts
6 Smashin' Masters 2K7 - 1459 pts
7 TheEndustry - 1432 pts
8 Methods Of Mayhem - 1412 pts
9 The O Noes! - 1380 pts
10 wrestling4life - 1361 pts
11 Kelly's Killers - 1325 pts
12 Sketch - 1249 pts
13 BigDaddyDonnie - 1235 pts
14 D-Generation Next - 1229 pts
15 Rizo's Roster - 1220 pts
16 Dan-e-o - 1190 pts
17 Metal Gods - 1182 pts
18 The Kickassters - 1166 pts
19 Rapsfan - 1081 pts
20 I love ThaOShow.Com - 1003 pts
21 JorJorBynks - 862 pts
22 Illinois' Finest - 754 pts

30 comments: on "The "Raw" Report"

Anonymous said...

This hall of fame is turning into a joke, nick bockwinkel never did anything for the wwe and he gets in before owen hart or bulldog, what disrespect. im not even gonna watch

Anonymous said...

Is it just me or are you guys already tired of this Trump vs McMahon bullshit that they continue to air week after week. Like when I was watching Raw tonight I felt that at least a whole hour was dedicated to this shit! Why do you see the need to build a match that already has a winner because we all know Trump isn't going to shave his head. This is just another McMahon plot to stay on Tv and make sure he is invoulued in Wrestlmania but I think that it has gotten out of hand. Like seriously there are 3 weeks left till Wrestlemania and I have a feeling if last week tells us anything that we are going to be seeing McMahon and Lashley and Umaga on every f'n show till the big day. Already slated for next week McMahon and Trump the contract signing....Stone Cold on ECW, to add to what already was first one show dedicated to McMahon picking his rep, another dedicated to Trump picking his, then McMahon goes to ECW with Umaga and we see more on Smackdown with Lashley, like shit if Lashley was even entertaining then I would understand but he isn't. And like tonight I understand that its nice to see Austin but he comes out and doesnt even cut an awesome promo like we all know he can he just comes out and drinks, we all know he can drink but how about putting some interest in this match (if its possible). I don't know why I want Wrestlemania to come so fast if it's either just to see McMahon off T.V after Wrestlmania for a while or if it because of the solid card they have built so far.

Thats my rant, I know I ain't the only one pissed over this shit, give you comments guys. I know the guys Big Daddy and Dan-e-o on their show discuss how much they believe its an "NO" when I was listening to the show last week after Raw I was like I think they maybe over reacting its not all that bad (even though your right that Lindsay is a dumbass) but after ECW last week and Smackdown I had enough of this shit. It's a "NO" on my books!

Keep up the good for guys you definately doing an "O" of an job!

Peace brother!

fallen0ne said...

The only good thing out of it is Lindsay's on my roster and raking up the points.
Mickie James definitely got an O for that sick bump she took. I still say Ashley looks like shit.
Vince dancing around was priceless, but the look on his face when the glass broke, now that was money. Didn't I read somewhere that Stone Cold had lost his pop? Didn't seem like it last night.
Closed caption guys must have it hard when Khali speaks. All my poor tv could get was: I want (inaudible).
Solid Raw nothing spectacular, but here's the question: where in the hell has Cryme Tyme gone?

Anonymous said...

Cryme Tyme got booked for jacking a car! Jokes

Anonymous said...

I don't think that Austin has lost his pop, he is extremely over and that a no brainer. But what disapointed me last night was the fact that he didn't cut a promo last night he just came out and drank beer and didn't say a word now I can see people saying thats all he needed to do sure...but how much better since no one else in this match is good on the mic other then McMahon because Lashley can't talk for shit Umaga doesn't talk at all he only screams and Trump doesn't know his own guys name Lindsay. So it would be nice to go back to have Austin cuss out McMahon because we all know that Austin is going to be the reason why McMahon loses this match, the whole reason why they put Austin into this is well first they wanted to get Austin into Wrestlemania but I also see that they saw that Lashley isn't over and since Lashley needs to win I don't see them putting Lashley over Umaga clean because that downs Umaga's character and right now WWE wants him to still have his dominate character and I don't see the fans going with that if Umaga loses to Lashley clean. So Austin is in there to cause Umaga to lose and end up screwing McMahon again!

Anonymous said...

Sorry the last post was from myself

Big Daddy Donnie said...

For the record:

I was always a huge fan of Bockwinkel. Half of me feels like the WWE is trying to make this Hall as legit as possible... but to me, the fact that's still branded the WWE Hall Of Fame is stupid.

Call it The Pro Wrestling Hall Of Fame -- make it sound like it's run by a committee of people separate of the fed.... then i'm down for whoever they wanna elect.

Anonymous said...

The Duggan segment was pointless, but I guess maybe they had to fill a time slot.

I was definitely wrong about one thing-Austin is far more over than I thought. And yes, McMahon's reaction last night was classic.

I have a theory. Maybe Vince comes up with these huge ideas for what he thinks will be money matches at WrestleMania, and if it really is, creative goes with it, but if not, they throw in Austin as the referee just to generate at least some interest in it.

Think about it-Brock Lesnar vs. Goldberg was one of the greatest clusterfucks in 'Mania history. Creative probably had a hunch, so they threw in Austin so at least somebody would be over in the match. During the match, there were chants of "this match sucks" and "Boring"; after the match, Austin gave both competiters a stunner, and the crowd went nuts.

Hopefully both Lindsay and Umaga get stunners in the match. I would "O" so damn loud, the neighbors would hear me. And that's no easy feat, since the place where I'm going to watch 'Mania is one of those places where there's enough space for 5 football fields in between houses.

I'm not gonna say anything about "history"; I know if I do, I'll choke like a mofo.

Anonymous said...

Estrada can cut fairly good promos too. Here's hoping he gets paired with a face soon; I miss his "My name is" line.

Anonymous said...

One last thought because I seem to be forgetful as hell today-

The reason Foley's book has not been promoted, or at least according to dirt sheets, is because even though the book doesn't take any nasty personal shots at anybody, it still has rubbed some of the WWE brass the wrong way. Foley was originally rumored to be Trump's representative, but that idea got scratched for the aforementioned reason. I was hoping to hear McMahon say "Fine, Foley, you're fired again." last night as Foley was leaving the ring.

Anonymous said...

The best part of Raw last night for me was Vince McMahon's body language once he found out that Stone Cold was going to be the special gues referee at Wrestlemania. His facial expressions alone were priceless!

Count me in as someone who was excited to see Nick Bockwinkel get in to the Hall of Fame this year. As a kid growing up in Minnesota and watching All Star Wrestling it is exciting to see WWE give props to one of the best if not THE best heel champions in the AWA. I do agree with Big Daddy in that they really should drop the "WWE" part from the Hall of Fame if they are gonna induct superstars that really never contributed directly to WWE.

Tim Haught said...

Did you hear the face reaction for Cena last night? Off the chain. The crowd in Phoenix really added to last night's Raw. I think if anything, last night's episode hinted at a Michael's turn, not a Cena turn. I don't expect either to turn, as they are too valuable to the company. I look for something like what is happening on Smackdown with Batista and Undertaker, where they are opponents, but neither is really a heel.

Raw, itself, was pretty hot until the Masterlock Segment. After that it all went downhill, with Khali's interference, and the Nitro/Cena match rather than the Edge/Cena.

Last night pretty much confirmed to me how freaking sick I am of Mick Foley. He leaves, comes back, leaves, comes back. If guys were doing this back when he was trying to make a name for himself, he would have all sorts of negative shit to say in his book for over the hill guys taking his TV time. If Foley never flew off the Cell in Pittsburgh, he would have never won a world title. That's that. I like his books, but I am fucking sick of him returning only to plug them and pad his wallet. I don't care what great promos he can cut and what kind of stupid ass stunt he can pull at Wrestlemania. I've seen it before 10 times now. Fuck off, Foley. (Wow, that will be controversial... I don't really hate Foley. I appreciate a lot that he's done, and enjoy watching his old stuff, but I am just tired of the cheap pop promos and his constant need to be noticed. Let your legacy speak for itself, and come back when we've had enough time to miss you, then you will be an attraction)

I felt the same way about Austin for the longest time, but at least this time he's been gone long enough that it seems somewhat significant to have him back. As the list of guys WWE wants associated with Mania each year grows, it's getting a bit ridiculous. When Michaels and Taker retire, we are likely to have a WrestleMania with Michaels, Taker, Big Show, Austin, Hogan, Foley, and who knows who else all taking up space)

Now that Austin is back, I am sure I will tire quickly, as I sarcastically predicted that now Austin/McMahon will take up 50 minutes of Raw each week. Hell, McMahon/Trump is taking a lot of time, and Trump isn't even actually there. As for Austin giving the stunner to Umaga and Lashley, I hope they revisit that too, but I hope Austin gets a Samoan Spike to his gullet. What better way to give Umaga back his credibility right after a big Mania loss, and put over new talent.

I am curious as to whether that was the finish for the Women's match. It appeared that Melina didn't want to take the bump and ducked the Hurricaranna. If so, she really endangered Mickie, and she will get a lot more heat than she already has.

Anyone who does not have respect for Nick Bockwinkel does not have respect for the business. Owen Hart and the Bulldog will get in eventually, but we already got our posthumous entrant this year. The HOF is supposed to be a celebration, not a wake. Give the WWE time to honor Owen and the Bulldog. Bockwinkel is more than deserving. His impact on the WWE, while indirect, is huge. He is a big part of why Hogan and Hennig were able to be so successful in the 80's and 90's.

I agree with Donnie's sentiment of calling it the Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame. Unfortunately, WWE doesn't like to recognize the word wrestling. WWE is the closest we will come to having the word wrestling involved. If they make a name that includes all promotions, they will call it the Sports Entertainment Hall of Fame, which is a slap in the face to a lot of guys already in it, and some who will be placed in it later. It's weird, cause it's the one way WWE recognizes it's history. But they won't go as far as to name it the Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame. I can't believe the impatience of some fans though. It's like they want 200 guys inducted this year.

Oh, and Ashley is gross. In person, she just looks like a busted up stripper. I would take a lot of the other divas over her in Playboy anyday.

Anonymous said...

I think not I beleive that Ashley is a hot piece!

Unknown said...

Um...does it really even matter whether or not you think she's hot or fugly? Playboy decided to have her pose, and she said yes. If you don't want to see her nude, don't buy a copy of it. Pretty simple.

Furthermore, she's not there for the purpose of being a hot piece of ass. Yes, for the most part, that's what she has been used as, but her, unlike many divas, has made it seem like she actually is there to compete. If she gets trained right and becomes a good worker, who cares what she looks like?

Anonymous said...

I can think of so many people to put in the Hall of Fame. Since the Hall Of Fame is the late 80's and early 90's then:
- Hacksaw Jim Duggin if he was not in the E.
- Bam Bam Bigolow
- Owen Hart
- Davey Boy Smith
- Paul Bearer (one of the best managers)
- Yokozuna
- King Kong Bundy
- Randy Savage
- Lex Luger
- Hell, even the damn Bushwackers would have been better.

Anonymous said...

Ashley is already a decent worker. I think Trish "trained" her according to storyline a few years back, well actually right after she won the Tits search. I think Finlay really did train her, but I'm not sure. The crowd reaction to Shena was off the chain, but ever wonder if it was Goldbergesque? I've wondered that a few times. Especially on the Vengeance DVD from last year. I was there, and personally for the Extreme lumberjack match had to piss, and then once I got back there was absolutely nothing going on. Most people around me were sitting on their hands talking amongst themselves. Some were popping but not all 14-15,000. I will go on record to say that I believe some of Cena's pops are piped in. I get Edge didn't wrestle Cena cause Orton didn't have his back, but what the hell kind of shit is that as an excuse? Why then didn't he have Shelton Benjamin, or a member of Cryme Tyme face Cena for him, not another white dude.(I know the Cryme Tyme thing wouldn't make sense storyline wise but it could if the E would think) I'm with Haught, I think that Melina actually ducked out or went to far with the finish for that match. Mickie landed awful funny and it didn't even sound like a good bump. All hail Chris Masters. Gotta give him credit for not giving up, either he or creative really thinks the challenge is going to get him over...sometime.

On a side note did anybody elses audio fuck up last night? Mine did several times, and all of them were actually the Cena-Michaels convos, and then once when Todd Grisham was interviewing Carlito and Flair.
WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!, other than that I just got buzzes and feedback.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

Haught you ass clown... that's a whole article, and you just gave it away in a comment!

That's like having Hogan Vs. Stone Cold on Heat

Anonymous said...

What a feud. Great buildup, great promos, the works. Might we see Tim Haught vs. Big Daddy Donnie at WrestleMania?

Tim Haught said...

You think the WWE Doghouse is bad? Try being in Tha O Show doghouse. I have been sitting in the corner and wearing an Asshat for a whole month now, while CM Punk is getting in MITB matches and Melina is getting the women's title.

Throw me a bone guys...

Whether or not Ashley is a hot piece is debatable. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Whether or not she can compete is not. She freakin blows in the ring, and if they go with Melina vs. Ashley at Mania, I won't even have to say anything more to prove it. I will just let them do it themselves. Poor Victoria and Mickie, the only two real wrestling divas left on the roster.

On the Hall of Fame issue: Jim Duggan is a novelty character currently on the roster. Even if he wasn't, there are many guys that are more deserving. Bam Bam, Owen, Yokozuna and Davey Boy are all dead. It has been said that WWE doesn't want to induct more than one posthumous legend in a year, because they want to keep it upbeat and positive. They will all make it in time, undoubtedly.

Paul Bearer is questionable to me. If you count his Percy Pringle stuff, I am ok with it, but there are much greater managers that haven't gotten their due yet.

King Kong Bundy is fine as a Wrestlemania main event, but the walking condiminium should have a long wait ahead of him.

Randy Savage is the most reasonable guy to get in right now, but he has heat with the office. Bruno should get in before any of these guys, but he doesn't want to participate.

Lex Luger freaking blows and he has heat with the office. I know they say never say never, but I don't think Luger will ever be in the hall.

You should mention guys like Ted Dibiase, Jake Roberts, Rick Rude, The Road Warriors, Arn Anderson, or Ricky Steamboat, so that you remotely look like you know what you are talking about.

Unknown said...

Ricky Steamboat, as it stands, can't be inducted, as his ex-wife owns the rights to his wrestling name. Until she gives the okay(which is highly unlikely), he can't get inducted. He does deserve it though. Credit goes to Fronte for that info.

Tim, here's your bone-find a way to teach Lashley how to cut a promo, or break John Cena's ankles. You'll become an O Show hero.

Anonymous said...

Why is Ashley on Raw in the first place? She is a Smackdown Superstar!

Unknown said...


Tim Haught said...

During the piece for Bockwinkel, they showed Steamboat and credited him as such as he was talking. They also do that on any DVD he comments on as well as in their magazine. They never call him Richard Blood. Steamboat also worked as a ref in TNA under that name.

Anonymous said...

I believe his ex owns the rights to the "Dragon" name and that was what fucking frank said.

Anonymous said...

the divorce is very recent and would have happened after his TNA or ROH appearances.

Also, notice how when he is on TV there is never a caption showing his name, you can show the guy on tv without issue, its when you want to show at the bottom of the screen "Ricky The Dragon Steamboat" comes the problem.

Anonymous said...

Man Im surprised no ones really commented much on Edge's hilarious promo. Seriously does he have a research team looking into reasons to hate particular towns?

"One of the last cities to ratify Martin Luther King Jr. Day"

Calling the crowd bigoted - priceless!

I just love how whole heartedly he seemed to back a half-assed reason not to compete!

Anonymous said...

I commented on the Edge thing, from the viewpoint that it really would have been better had he had Benjamin or a member of Cryme Tyme sub for him. Before you blast the CT thing look at the above post.

Hey anonymous, there is basically no roster split from Rumble to Mania, and now it appears that there is going to be a mixture of all brands from here on out on PPV, because Vince want's to give the B ppvs some more credibility. Drop the 87 ppvs a year, do 4-6 and leave it at that.

Anonymous said...

if there were only 4-6 ppvs a year they would cost probably $80-$100 a pop... tell me you would pay that! ppvs are pretty much guaranteed to be all wrestling no filler, unlike weekly shows which are %40 wrestling AT BEST with the rest being "haircut segments"

Here's a complaint: How can there be no more SNME?

Anonymous said...

I know that is pretty stupid. Maybe a lot of people didnt watch it. They should make a title change on it so there would be more ratings.

Anonymous said...

SNME didn't pull the ratings that the E wanted, or that NBC wanted. The E didn't really hype it enough, and/or put the matches on it that everyone wanted to see. I agree with A-dawg, have a title change, or at least a match where we believe that the title is going to change hands.