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Rattlesnakes, Billionaires & A Really Bad Promo

Tuesday night's ECW stunk of McMahon plugging his clusterfuck "Billionaire Battle" once again. For the second night in a row, Steve Austin came out and drank enough beer to have Dan-e-o paying homage to the porcelain gods. (Editor's note: Interestingly enough, Dan-e-o did get smashed at his boy's stag party last weekend!). And Lashley cut a god-awful promo. Some things never change.

Vince McMahon and Stone Cold both made cameo appearances last night on SciFi in hopes of generating any possible interest in the match at 'Mania. What Vince doesn't seem to realize is that he could go door-to-door all across North America and personally plug the match to everybody, and people still aren't going to care about this match.

Perhaps the only interesting thing done so far with this match is the way they're integrating Austin in it. The skit on "Raw" this past Monday, where he got introduced was entertaining. And last night he cut a pretty good promo, in which he stated that he doesn't like any billionaire, and that if Lashley or Umaga cross him, he's going to drop them with his patented Stunner. Translation: they're both gonna get dropped. Hey, the crowd needs something to pop for in this match.

I like the way they're going to try to play Stone Cold's character as being supposedly unbiased. Obviously, we know what's gonna happen: he's going to screw over McMahon, and probably hit him with a Stunner after the match. They could possibly go the other way and have him turn heel by screwing over Trump, but since Austin's only making a one-time appearance, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Austin's gonna stun three guys. I wonder if Trump is going to be willing to take one as well. I'd mark out if he did.

As for the guys actually wrestling in the match, Lashley continues to be about as exciting as watching paint dry. His promo, which consisted of McMahon selling a really painful choke and him blurting out "If you ever touch me again, I'll break you in half" was neither compelling nor exciting. He needs a mouthpiece. Yes, I know he's a face, but so what? Undertaker was a face, and he had Paul Bearer for years.

I have compared Lindsay to Brock Lesnar in the past, as they have similar mannerisms in the ring. Slice it any way you want, Lesnar couldn't cut very good promos either. He got over a lot more because he had Heyman doing the talking for him.

On a real quick side note, what the hell happened to Estrada? Did he suddenly become a mute about a month ago? Seriously, he's the best thing about Umaga's character, why not use him going into WrestleMania?

Anyway, back to ECW. The New Breed VS. The Originals is probably one of the hottest storylines in WWE right now. It's had great build-up, good matches to help plug the feud, and now it has been confirmed that there will be an eight-man tag team match at WrestleMania.

Even more interesting about this storyline is the recent addition of CM Punk. For those of you who missed the show, he was approached by the New Breed last night, who tried to acquire him to their faction. It's going to be interesting to see how this plays out, as considering the fact that it's Punk, they may very well turn him heel.

Snitsky made another random appearance, completely levelling Hardcore Holly with a big boot. I'm hoping he stiffed him - after the times that Holly has done it, he certainly would have it coming.

If McMahon would stop showing up on ECW to try and plug his clusterfuck "Billionaire Battle" (another quick side note - who else here thought it was genius on "Raw" when he suddenly started the term "Billionaire Bitchslap"? It's fitting - he certainly did slap a certified bitch on "SmackDown!"), ECW is starting to become a hot product again with hot matches. It's gotten to the point where their small role in WrestleMania is becoming more interesting than the entire pay-per-view they put out last December.

3 comments: on "Rattlesnakes, Billionaires & A Really Bad Promo"

Anonymous said...

Yeah I taught that ECW was pretty cool tonight! The only thing that sucked once again is stupid McMahon being on every GODDAMN show! What the fuck, his match is not even a good one and is getting put over more then any other match on the card, and its not like they are going to make a superstar out of it, like its been said time in and time out Bobby Lashley isnt anything but his build in order for him to even get over and be anything he needs someone beside him who can talk until then he is nothing and will be nothing! Umaga has that someone to be beside him in Estrada but I just can't see him being champ, he just doesn't have what you need to be a champ, if he was to win the belt it would be a short run no more... So it brings be back to the question again WHAT THE FUCK ARE THEY DOING PUTTING THIS SHIT ON TV SO MUCH!!

P.S at lease they let Austin talk this time!

Thats my Rant!
Peace Brother!

Unknown said...

I had mentioned in an comment from an earlier post that Austin is really the only thing in this match that anyone cares about. Much like Goldberg vs. Lesnar from WrestleMania XX-somebody somewhere backstage had a hunch that this match was gonna be a flop. The solution? Get one of the most over superstars in WWE history involved, have him hit both superstars with a stunner.

It's the WrestleMania version of popping a Mentos after eating an awful meal. It helps get rid of some of the bad taste.

Anonymous said...

I think that Lindsay really put effort into that promo on ECW, so give him some credit. The only bad part is, it still blew like a hooker on 2 for 1 night. Also what was it, Mcmahons lack of ability to sell, or Lindsays unbelievability of being a true monster?
Punk may actually turn heel, and that way the back will push him so his pops don't outweight Lindsay's, Tista's and a few other top faces.