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Test Released

Andrew Martin, better known as Test for the last nine years has been released by the WWE for the second time.

Ironically, both times he was released he was out of action. The first time was while rehabbing neck fusion surgery. This time, he was sitting on the sidelines following a thirty day suspension and a car accident.

The suspension came after Martin failed the companies Wellness Program.

At the Royal Rumble less than two months ago, Test was up against Bobby Lashley for the ECW title. Today he is unemployed. It is unclear at this point who initiated the process this release: Martin himself or the company.

Test's title history...

WCW World Tag Team Championship (1 time) - with Booker T
WWF Tag Team Championship (1 time) - with Booker T
WWF European Championship (1 time)
WWF Hardcore Championship (2 times)
WWF Intercontinental Championship (1 time)

No word yet on what Martin's next move will be... the last time he was unemployed he was noted for blasting Vince McMahon and the WWE for the death of Eddie Guerrero and the general lack of safety in the business... Tha O Show is attempting to contact Martin to obain an interview.

13 comments: on "Test Released"

Anonymous said...

That is an interview I'd like to hear.

Tim Haught said...

WWE brings in Test as "Motley Crue's bodyguard", pushes him to the moon, then pulls the legs right out from under him. He flounders for a while til he gets hurt and is finally released. They bring him back for their ECW brand, push him to the moon, and then suspend him due to what most of us suspect is Steroids. He gets into a car accident and is released again.

It remains to be seen if his last WWE stint ups his value to TNA or not.

One thing I am curious about is whether or not WWE viewed Test's automobile accident as the type of destructive behavior that will end up in the death of Andrew Martin.

I hate to go there, but with so many former wrestlers dying young after many years of substance abuse, my immediate thought is WWE wants to wash their hands of Test before they may have to deal with the negative press of losing another current member of their roster.

I hope I am very wrong about this!

Big Daddy Donnie said...

I haven't spoken to Test in years nor do I claim to be a 'friend' of his --- but what I do know of him leads me to believe that this couldn't be further from the truth.

He was brought back to WWE because of the Wellness program and he was known for being "naturally" big.

he obviously decided he needed some help cutting .... or maybe it was pain killers... we have no idea what portion of the test he failed.

Anonymous said...

WWE released a NON ECW original for a change? Say it ain't so!

Anonymous said...

This is the main reason I'd love to hear his side of the story. I honestly don't think it's roids. I did at the beginnning, and made a joke of it, but the more I think about it, he wouldn't look like he did if he roided up. He isn't entirely disproportionate, but his upperbody is a bit larger than his lower. If they released Test however due to the accident, even though nobody was hurt, then maybe they need to look into releasing Lillian as well. Although she wasn't suspended she was involved in an accident, and has had heat on her during her time in the E. Not to shoot you down Tim, but I really don't think it has anything to do with that, I think that the E has no idea how to push more than 2(now 3 since ECW) guys as TOP stars. Look at Batista, Cena, and now Lindsay. Other guys have pushes, but nothing compared to these 2. The E screwed up royally with bringing Lindsay to ECW and at that point Test became a secondsary thought, if a thought at all. I don't think this was the E washing their hands of something they didn't want a part of, but washing their hands of something they had no idea of what to do with.

Anonymous said...

I never saw Test as main event material to begin with. I doubt WWE ever did either. Consequently, if the guy fails a test and then gets into a car accident, regardless of whether or not he is engaging in "destructive" behavior, it makes for bad press. If I was in Vince's shoes, I wouldn't want a midcarder causing me that sort of grief either.

I hope TNA doesn't sign this guy. TNA already has their ripoff of Test in Lance Hoyt. One is enough.

Anonymous said...

Just to clear up something regarding the Wellness Policy.

You can actually test positive for steroids or pain killers and not be suspended if you have a valid prescription for the drug.

Thus if Test got busted for steroids, he needed to be dumb enough to allow his prescription to pass the expiration date.

Anonymous said...

Andrew "Test" Martin posted the following on his MySpace page today.

"Just want to thank you fans for the last year...I love to hear you boo me. I always said I would get out of wrestling when it wasn't fun anymore....and that's what I did. Don't get me wrong I still love wrestling, I always will but right now the WWE is not for me but no sour grapes I had some fun up until a month ago when the politics kicked in like they always do and at first ECW was so much fun, I can only imagine it when it was the real ecw but when Paul Heyman left ECW left with him..what was left of it. Sorry if I let any of you fans down but I needed to leave there for to all the fans thanks again."

Anonymous said...

Maybe that's a true statement, maybe it's one he made up to sound better, but we don't know. The statement is pretty much what smarks expect is going on, and the almost unanimous opinion about ECW now.

Anonymous said...

It took "ECW" a while to get better after Heyman left. Maybe the reason is now, all the GOOD ideas aren't being shot down. Vince shot down Heymans great ideas, because when Heyman was there I truly don't think that Vince wanted ECW to be good, so he could run that into the faces of Heyman and the world for that matter.
If HHH, Cena, Blackberg, Roidtista or one of those guys failed one, I'm sure it would be faulty testing. And a re-test would be "ordered" for about 45-90 days later. It's all about who you are, not what you take.

On a side note, did Angle keep passing these tests because he had a prescription to the 455,738 pills he took a day?

Anonymous said...

Vince screwed his life up is what happened. Vince told Angle to rehab ON THE ROAD, and didn't give two shits about Angle trying to reconcile with Karen(his wife) all he wanted was Angle to come in and draw fans, and then piss the fans off not allowing Angle to hold a championship longer than it took to take a piss. Many have said, and I believe, that HHH didn't want Angle to be the guy because Angle wasn't big enough, and a Gold Medal didn't mean shit. Personally I'd take a gold medalist over a roided up ass-kisser any day of the week. I personally think that the E had the effect on Angle that WCW had on Ric Flair.

Anonymous said...

Angle wasn't big enough. Vince is the one who told him that a medal didn't mean shit.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone find it hilarious that a wrestler named Test failed testing ? Wellness Policy strikes again!