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TNA Needs Another Title

It seems like one of the things that TNA loves to plug is how fast it is growing as a company. Even a heel Jeff Jarrett put the company over in his kayfabe interview following Bound For Glory.

Here's the problem: With the company and roster growing the way it has been, the roster has clearly overgrown, and very good talent is consequently being underused.

With Russo writing, right now would not be the best time to do it, but TNA needs a fourth title. And there are several very good reasons as to why they do.

First off, like I said, the roster is too big right now. There simply are not enough storylines and feud to go around, and because of this, guys get thrown into other feuds without any apparent rhyme or reason (again, I'm going to use Petey Williams as my example).

The X Division is especially crowded, which is why the title has been hot-shotted so much as of late. Adding another title would give some of these guys something to do instead of being mired in either an overcrowded X Division or just not doing anything at all.

Secondly, it gives TNA more leverage as far as getting a two-hour spot. Four titles means at least four guaranteed feuds. For them to play out right and spark interest, all of the feuds should be given at least a little bit of time every week. Title storylines are money when done correctly, and a fourth title could perhaps convince Spike TV that they do need two hours to properly develop all of their angles so that they are done correctly.

I will admit, the last two hour TNA event was a clusterf*ck, but they had almost no experience in putting out a free two hour show (as it was only the second two hour "iMPACT!" in the Spike TV era), so of course it's going to come off looking bad. The sooner they get a two hour time slot, the sooner they can figure out what they're doing, which will lead to more success.

Lastly, believe it or not, adding a fourth title will actually add prestige to the other titles. There is a large consensus throughout the wrestling world that the more titles you have, the less value they have. For the most part, this is true, but it is not in this case. WWE had seven titles from 1998-2001, and most of them seemed to be viewed as respected titles.

Having a fourth title would allow TNA to let their talented superstars get title runs without having to treat the title like a hot potato to do it, as well as give a chance to superstars who deserve title runs (again, gonna use Team Canada's former captain as my example here).

Is another title the solution to all of TNA's storyline problems? No. But it will go a long way in helping to get rid of the "Figure this shit out if you can, folks!" feeling that TNA has had to it over the past month or so.

6 comments: on "TNA Needs Another Title"

Anonymous said...

I think another title for TNA could be a good thing. Personally I would like to see an X-Division Tag Team Title. However I don't think the new title should even be considered unless they get more T.V time. A new title would not get enough exposure with the current amount of T.V time they have

Tim Haught said...

Another title is a grave mistake at this point in time. Jor Jor hits the nail on the head. Without more TV time especially, there is no call for another TNA title belt.

The emergence of X Division Tag belts is wildly unecessary. Most X division teams should be able to compete at the World Tag Team title level. Also, while Tag Team wrestling is an important part of shows, it does not draw enough revenue to warrant the TV time that would be needed to showcase two belts.

Creation of belts for the purpose of "giving guys something to do" is assinine. Remember the promo Mick Foley cut on Raw years back where he suggested if you didn't hold a title, there was something wrong with you. In TNA, titles mean something. I think that is worth more than a generic strap for Rhyno and AJ to feud over.

Also, if X guys are able to win and maintain a secondary title (like say the NWA North American Title), why would they even want to compete for the lesser X Division title belt. It would totally defeat the purpose of having divisions. (Yes I know AJ and Joe are exceptions who have broken out of the Division and competed at a higher level, but that is special because not every wrestler has been able to do the same)

I don't think Spike TV would really be to impressed that TNA just introduces another title, and I certainly don't find it to be leverage to give another hour to the program. TNA's ratings are not fantastic compared to similar programming on cable. Spike TV would probably be more intrigued with another big name signing and a great storyline to boost ratings.

If Petey Williams deserves a title run, he should form a team and gun for the tag belts or be placed in the X Division title hunt. There shouldn't be a belt created because Petey has nothing to do. Bobby Roode is a guy who deserves a good title run, but he doesn't fit the X Division parameters, and guys from New York and Atlanta keep fizzling into TNA and taking his spot. Should they create a secondary belt for Roode because of it? Nah. Roode needs to prove that he is worthy of being up there with Cage, Angle, and Sting.

I think the addition of a title would only cause more "figure this shit out if you can folks." The WWE having World, Intercontinental, Tag Team, European, Hardcore, Lightheavyweight, and Women's titles didn't do a lot to create superstars. It basically gave some guys reason to keep their mouths shut while WWE didn't have anything real to do with them. There was no reason to elevate guys if they could be happy with a secondary title.

Men like Junkyard Dog, Ted Dibiase, and Jake Roberts made a great impact without significant title runs.

Wrestling has changed a great deal since the days when NWA/WCW could offer a World, U.S., Television, Tag Team, and U.S. Tag Team (and I guess six man tag team titles). In those days, you wouldn't expect to see the top stars each week on television, and this gave promoters a lot of options to have a great card in a small time frame.

Today, with every superstar clamoring for TV time, and with TNA having less than an hour excluding commercials, you will be lucky to get ten minutes of time for each title feud, let alone develop the next set of contenders.

Maybe someday a secondary title can be introduced, but now is certainly not the time.

Anonymous said...

A NEW title? hell, the x-division has no definition at all... except, that in a x-division match expect some crazy stuff to go on... and thats not even being delivered, except at a ppv... it confuses the random viewer... it makes no sense to a mark...
if rumors are true (which they probably arent) then the new concept of the x-division would be a great STEP in defining the title and giving it some meaning... but i dont even know if its a "spot-monkey" title or a "lucha-libre-esque" title
I give the x-division matches much praise on many occassions, but the title has never meant a thing.. except "hey, lets put a X on something, then its cool and hip"
TNA has bigger fish to fry before worrying about bringing in another title

Anonymous said...

TNA does need a new title. A womens title, and a womens division. That's all I can say on the title subject. I'd watch Traci take on Gail Kim all week long. Christy was learning last I heard, theres 3 and God knows there are enough on the indies to bring in and make the E's T&A division look even worse than it already has been made to be...good going Vince.

Anonymous said...

Tim, if you and I are thinking of the right promo, he said that tongue in cheek and then proceeded to shoot on how bad it was to have a dozen titles available. What I meant was have a midcarder title. Guys like Rhino, Bobby Roode, Eric Young, AJ Styles, Petey Williams, Samoa Joe, Raven, Lance Hoyt, Ron Killings, Elix Skipper, and so on have been floating from feud to feud a of late. Having a title would provide a solid basis to have an extended feud with some of thse guys, instead of having them run-in to a match one week, have a match a week or two later, and then disappear for a few months. Something like this could have probably kept Monty Brown around, too. Albeit, losing him isn't gonna kill them.

Tim Haught said...

Monty Brown would stay for a secondary title?

First off, I think you are wrong. He went looking for greener pastures and more money.

If you are right, it highlights everything wrong with having a secondary title. Monty Brown is not a TNA Secondary Champion. He is a man who deserved at one time to be the World Heavyweight Champion.

Roode, Styles, Joe, Killings and the rest don't need a title made for them. They need put into exciting creative, not to settle for runs with a meaningless title.

When they go to two hours, it's a consideration. Perhaps then it will be more feasible.