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TNA - Home of the BabyHeel

What exactly is going on in TNA? Maybe I just haven't been paying that close attention lately but I'm not sure where any of the major storylines are headed. Frank already mentioned this in a recent article, but last night's edition of "iMPACT!" really sent a message. And that message is: "Figure this shit out if you can, folks!". Or something like that.

Okay, is James Storm a heel? The obvious answer, I would think, is yes. So, if that's the case, why are Dave Torborg and A.J. Pierzynski of the Chicago White Sox attacking his opponent, Lance Hoyt with steel chairs? Are the White Sox heels? I mean, up here in Toronto, they are...naturally.

Because with Petey Williams attempting to make the save...attacking Storm...and then there are baseball players attacking Hoyt...and now Jacqueline is Miss Tennessee...and I'm just straight up confused about all of this. Who is the audience supposed to be siding with here?

Alright, putting that aside for a moment, the main event didn't fly with me either. I've always been an AJ Styles mark (hey...wait, is Pierzynski going to have to change his first name now? Lucky he ain't in WWE) but I don't like him as a heel. Admittedly, I think he's has vastly improved on the mic.

I loved the "I won a blue don't see me bragging about it" comment referring to Angle and his gold medal-winning ways. But AJ doesn't wrestle a heel style. He doesn't need chairs and underhanded ways to get over in a match. And straight up, Angle just made him look weak last night. Very un-phenomenal.

But hold up, is AJ Styles the heel in this match? Cuz here comes Tomko...and eventually Christian Cage to meddle in Kurt's affairs. And then here comes Samoa Joe to make the save for...Kurt? Or did he? Wasn't Samoa Joe the face in their feud? Is he now siding with the devious Christian?

Okay...I know that the days of bad guys and good guys are over but...fuck it, who are we kidding? There will always be bad guys and good guys in wrestling. There will always be stories to follow that involve heroes and villains, just causes and wrongdoings. Shouldn't there be some semblance of a sensible narrative for us to follow?

Who knows? Maybe the whole you don't know who the babyfaces and heels are thing will work for TNA. After all, it worked for... article.

7 comments: on "TNA - Home of the BabyHeel"

Anonymous said...

The Pierzynski thing was a holdover from Turning Point, when he and Torborg attacked David Eckstein and his brother in heel-like fashion, only to be chased off by Lance Hoyt, who Eckstein "admitted" to being a fan of. So they had Pierzynski (who is a heel as far as storylines go) aid heel James Storm in attacking face Hoyt.

AJ does not make a good heel at all. He is one of the few guys whose style pretty much handcuffs him to being a face. Which isn't a bad thing. The only good thing about him being heel is, as I said in an earlier article, he always gets a title push of some sort while heel.

But yeah, their storylines are becoming a lot more blurred and confusing. They fell apart fast, and they need to get their shit together even faster.

Anonymous said...

Just smoke a lot of weed and the show makes perfect sense!

Anonymous said...

do you want a DIFFERENT product or what? its ok for the wheels to turn upstairs every now and then... its not that complex of a show... the storylines arent that mind blowing... but at the same time, its not predictable

fallen0ne said...

Different doesn't mean confusing. All I get from TNA is results, and even those are confusing to go through.
And for all of the crap the E's been getting for "the fiasco", what's up with crap ball players being in the ring? Does anyone outside Chicago and St.Louis know who Eckstein and Pierzynski are?

Anonymous said...

for tna to be the new wcw, they would actually have to accomplish something... theyre the wcw of 1992... without the comfortable financial backing...

i think when it comes to eckstein and pierzynski, it resembles how wwe wants to appeal a mainstream hollywood loving, casual viewer... to prove that its just entertainment, by bringing the likes of a kfed or donald trump... while tna is trying to grab the attention of the espn viewer who cant find a good game on, and runs across a few very familiar mlb faces... in order to showcase the athletic abilities of their performers... and while doing that they tone down the theatrics... which is what cost wwe so many viewers after the attitude era lost its luster

Anonymous said...

If you look at it angle may be the death of tna becuase of him christian may end in the same spot he was in with the E and he just made one of there biggest stars for the last 5 years look like a jobber not only that but do he really need to breack every record i mean come on. im officially starting my bring back jeff campaign and no not hardy

Anonymous said...

I would not say the worst decision; it most likely was not a very thought out decision, though. The worst decision would have been for him to get into MMA.