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Thursday's Thoughts

And you thought Robert Traylor for Dirk Nowitzki was a bad trade? How about Triple H for The Great Khali? Damn. Unless that comes with a few first round picks and two or three wrestlers to be named later, "Raw" is in trouble.

This is the same guy who was pulled from a pay-per-view because WWE felt that he couldn't wrestle a live match. ECW seemed to be the perfect fit for him. Pre-taped shows, they could use him in small spurts... awesome. Now, he's being thrust into a main event program with Cena? Oy.

Ok, fine. I admit it. As much as I hate Khali, I'd still rather give him the spinner than Vanilla John.

Flash over substance. That's what I think when I see a team like Cryme Time going over Cade and Murdoch. I do think that both of those teams are potential main eventers. WWE agents are very high on Shad, and I will re-state here what I wrote in a comment... Trevor Murdoch IS the next JBL.

Has Carlito fallen right off the WWE's main event radar? Me thinks, yes.

I have to say... the Rosie/Donald Trump fiasco was a total mess. I couldn't stand it. But apparently, WWE was really impressed with Trump's win, because during the "SmackDown!" dark matches, he tagged with Funaki. Of course, it wasn't the Trump character, it was the guy playing that role...ROH regular Ace Steele.

It seems Triple H's surgery was a success and the tear of his right quad was complete but somehow not as bad as the injury he sustained to his left one over five years ago.

During a TNA conference call, Don West was asked "Do you think that VKM will continue on with the injury to HHH?". His answer: "I don't know, but I think it would be kind of hard to do with him injured. To me life is a parody, and if we can't make fun of things, then they need more of a sense of humor. It is getting people talking, and people will watch."

There was a show on TV earlier this week called Vanity Insanity. It profiled different people and the extreme measures they'd go to (plastic surgery, gastric bypass, etc. etc.) to have the perfect physical image. In every case, the person interviewed had some horrible ending to their story where they were either almost killed, or have been left with scars beyond imagination.

One of the people featured, was Marcus "Buff" Bagwell.

Bagwell talked about how in 1993 he was becoming increasingly frustrated, because he had a great upper body but had the skinniest calves in the locker room in WCW. This was before he had even started doing the "Buff" gimmick. He admitted that his vanity was pretty stupid since he wore long tights with high boots, and nobody could ever see his calves, but to him - it was important.

So, during some scheduled time off in 1993, Buff decided to have surgery and have calf implants put in. He talked about how happy he was with them, but very shortly there after, found that something was wrong. His body was rejecting the implants and he was rushed to the hospital for emergency surgery. He asked the doctor before surgery if he could keep his calves. After making his assesment, the doctor informed Bagwell that if the implants weren't removed immediately, they'd have to amputate his legs.

Bagwell showed the implants that were once inside him, stating that was all he had to remind him of the experience. That, the two scars, and the 10 grand he paid to have it done.

Interestingly, at the end of the piece, they showed recent footage of Buff in a ring. The camera man was on the floor pointing up at Bagwell, as not to reveal that the building was virtually empty.

And finally... here's a press release we issued on the Ontario Indy Wrestling site earlier today:

Tha O Show ( have agreed to partner with Hammerlock Video in an effort to provide local independent promotions with high quality DVDs of their shows.

Big Daddy Donnie & Dan-e-o will provide play by play and colour commentary, while Hammerlock will be responsible for all filming, editing. Distribution of the videos will be shared between Hammerlock Video, Tha O Show and the host promotion.

So far Tha O Show - Hammerlock merger has solidified deals with:

Living Legends Wrestling
Stranglehold Wrestling
Great Canadian Wrestling

Other promotions are being talked to.

If you're interested in these services, please contact us.

In addition to providing DVDs of the great wrestling shows around Ontario, Tha O Show and Hammerlock Video will also be filming 'Shoot Interviews'. The interviews will be of the same top drawer quality you've come to expect from Tha O Show, but in DVD format with just a little bit more edge.

2007 just became a lot more fun!

Thanks again to everyone for your continued support and helping us make Tha O Show the #1 wrestling site on the internet.

10 comments: on "Thursday's Thoughts"

Anonymous said...

You'd probably think Giant Gonzalez make s a better champion than Cena.

Big Daddy Donnie said...


I wasn't serious about my Khali comment.
But you know what Mack... Giant Gonzales is pretty sick. Have you heard him rap? Ohhh it's bad. And he doesn't sell anything in the ring either! He's just a bigger, hairier Cena.

fallen0ne said...

I still can't believe that they actually think subbing Khali for Trips somehow equals star power for star power. The only one HHH has ever injured is himself. Khali has actually killed a man in the ring.
Can someone tell me why everyone is so high on Carlito? His moves all seem stiff to me and I just don't feel he has that "it" factor.
Murdoch grows on me every week i see him wrestle, but is it just me or does Cade grow bigger on tv by the week?
So if DX is on hiatus, does that mean VKM gets shut down, cause wrestling has not been their goal lately.
If someone mentions that Rosie/Trump fiasco here one more time I quit. Maybe Vinnie Mac should get tested by the Wellness Program cause that shit;s eating at his brain.

Tim Haught said...

I don't think the WWE is even trying to vaguely imply that Khali has the star power that Triple H has. I just think that they know that a large void has been made on their flagship show, and they need to do something to lessen it. Khali, despite not being able to wrestle at all, is somewhat of an attraction just because he is gigantic. To a mark, he has never been on Raw and is famous for decimating the Undertaker and Rey Misterio Jr.

I prefer this to the idea of an X-Pac return, which may or may not happen in the near future.

Heck, I'd take a crotch chopping Khali over an X-Pac return. HBK says he has an equalizer, and people wonder if Nash, Sid, Jannetty, or X-Pac is coming out. Out comes Khali in a DX T jumping around and making the X symbol with his giant ape arms. HBK says we have two words for ya and throws the mic up. His arms just so happen to be at the right length to put the mic right at Khali's mouth, and the big guy has learned only those two magic words in English. He yells, "suck it."

Tim Haught said...

No DX Khali?


Big Daddy Donnie said...

Crotch chopping Khali sounds like singing dancing Kurrgan. Somewhere I think Don Callis is laughing.

Anonymous said...

how was khali traded for hhh?

Anonymous said...

dx khali = the big show goes hollywood gimmick from a long time ago

Anonymous said...

he wasn't traded you annoymous ass clown. He's just sayin it cuz hhh is out and khali is his replacement. pay attention. should i draw you a diagram?

Anonymous said...

I just looked up the incident where Dalip Singh actually did kill a man(Brian Ong) in the ring. Turns out that it wasn't so much his fault as it was the other guy botching the spot(Singh had practiced the move successfully two times earlier on in the night with trainers in an attempt to demonstrate to Ong how to take the move).

Should Khali be a main eventer? From everything that I've seen, no. Is it because he's a major threat to seriously harm somebody in the ring? No. His wrestling repetoire is too limited, consists of what are essentially basic moves, and doesn't really include any moves that could seriously hurt somebody. I have zero wrestling training, but just from observing wrestlers live, I could safely perform all of Khali's moves.

That being said, he's still way out of place on RAW. He's got no charisma whatsoever and he can't put on an entertaining show.