Check This Out...


Tha O Show Army Grows Again

Tha O Show is pleased to announce that another professional wrestler has joined our team.

This time, it is a high-flying, high-energy independent talent, based out of Toronto.

This guy has wrestled in Mexico, Puerto Rico, Ireland, England, The United States and all across Canada.

We can even be seen on television daily on The Wrestling Channel in Europe on IWW Whiplash TV.

His name is Hornet, and he’s down with Tha Show.

Known to many as ‘The International Superstar”, Hornet brings a lot to Tha O Show fam. In addition to his five years in the business as a wrestler, Hornet also has a background in journalism. Ya, he’s smart!

Expect articles from Hornet discussing the life of an international superstar, as well as occasional analysis of the stuff happening on TV.

You can visit Hornet online, by checkin out his MySpace.

4 comments: on "Tha O Show Army Grows Again"

Anonymous said...

Welcome to Tha O Show!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to Tha Show, Hornet.

Dan-e-o said...

Welcome Hornet! Still a Dan-e-o mark, I trust.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the site