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Let's Get Ready To Rumble!

I must say, last night's edition of "Raw" was pretty well written and performed. Maybe it's because it's that time of year again - Royal Rumble time - one of my all-time favourite pay-per-views takes place this Sunday.

Although WWE has tended to somehow soil this awesome event in the past (I wasn't a huge mark for Rey Mysterio's win last year), Royal Rumble is one of the E's most intriguing events.

It allows for so many possibilities. Not just in terms of who will become the new #1 contender for a major championship within the company...but for the potential feuds, angles, breakups and unions that can be created in such a match.

Last night's "Raw" helped to set this concept up pretty well. Especially through the end-of-the-night schmoze that connected feuds between Shawn Michaels-Randy Orton-Ric Flair-Kenny Dykstra and Carlito.

All wrestling fans should seriously take their hats off to Shawn Michaels and Edge. They define the essence of the true main-eventer. These two men are recipients of some major surgeries - Edge (neck), HBK (back) - and they still have untouchable workrates in WWE's biggest matches.

Last night's Street Fight between the two was brilliantly played out not only because these superstars have been embroiled in a heated feud for several weeks, but because they pulled out all the stops. The match had a pay-per-view quality to it. Major O's go out to Edge's suplexing of the ladder off the top rope onto a laid out Shawn Michaels. Creative and incredible. Edge continues to be the man.

Another Edge-earned O occurs as he takes a face (or in this case, a body) plant from the top rope to the ladder laying on the steel steps in the ring. Neither HBK nor Edge are ever afraid of getting busted open. Neither are ever afraid of giving their all on free TV, let alone a PPV. Both men are O-champs in their own right...I expect to see both in the dying seconds of the Rumble match this Sunday. Either competitor would be more than deserving of winning it all.

In addition, although many may disagree, I actually like the ongoing angle involving the Hardys and MNM. I think it's pretty inventive and original to have these teams REMAIN tag teams although the partners compete on separate brands. It might not make logical sense to have the members appear on any brand they feel like at any time (why wasn't Jeff at "SmackDown!" to make the save for Matt last week and vice versa for Matt on "Raw" this week?), but hey how often are most of these stories all that logical to begin with?

I think by having the split-branded tag-teams, it allows for the superstars to be part of several (or at least two) feuds at once. For example, together MNM still hate the Hardys for the legit damage done to Joey Mercury at Armaggedon...but as singles competitors, there is still the Intercontinental Championship at stake (as Nitro and Jeff have fought over numerous times) and the opportunity for greater development of an angle over in the singles world on "SmackDown!".

Mad props to Joey Mercury by the way. He remains on the active roster even after the horrific damage done to his face earlier this month. I don't know if he actually NEEDS to sell the injury...but it definitely works for his revenge story on WWE TV and is guaranteed to earn him stripes amongst the boys in the locker room and (hopefully in time) the fans in the seats.

What's with Vince McMahon's feud with Donald Trump? I was really hoping an angle with Carlito would take greater shape this week. I guess that was just wishful thinking. No Carlito push via a McMahon match at Mania. Instead, young Carly jobs to Kenny Dykstra in a 'blink and you'll miss it' match. Things aren't looking so cool for Carlito these days.

Speaking of his I alone in thinking that the age-old "he grabbed the tights" gimmick is stupid? I mean, does grabbing the tights really prevent anyone from being able to kick out of a pinning predicament?

And did John Cena call Vince McMahon a "pussbag"? Normally, I'd think that was funny. But as usual, Cena just comes off corny to me. Never one to avoid an opportunity to diss the WWE Champion, is it just me or is his salute (you know where he bends his pinky in a way that looks like it hurts) friggin' annoying or what?

I'll give Cena his due though (can you believe I'm saying that?). I truly didn't expect him to lay there on the table and allow Umaga to splash him through it off the top rope. Really nice spot.

The Super Crazy/Chris Masters match looked too choreographed for me. Normally quickly executed moves just seemed too slow and rehearsed for my liking. As well, Super Crazy is an awesome competitor...but could the writing staff not come up with something better than "He's Super" and "He's Crazy". Which brainiac came up with that idea? That'll get the luchadore over in no time, I'm sure.

Although Cryme Tyme won an opportunity to compete for the World Tag Team Championship at New Year's Revolution (which either the fans or WWE itself will forget by the time they actually get their match - I mean, do you really see them fighting Rated RKO anytime soon?), this tag-team remains a backstage comedy act.

I must admit...the selling of fake Royal Rumble entry numbers was slightly humourous. But selling Ron Simmons a fake "The Scream" painting was really funny. The "Damn!" line - which otherwise is getting played out - worked amazingly this week.

Now, let's get ready to rumble!

15 comments: on "Let's Get Ready To Rumble!"

fallen0ne said...

Carlito should be turned heel. He's never seemed comfortable in the face role and he just has a natural heel look.
Didn't it seem weird that for about 30 seconds Khali was getting cheered?
BTW, Umaga, if your around 400 pounds and can do a top rope splash, why in the world would you use a stupid thumb to the neck as your finisher?
I was really hoping Edge and Orton were gonna get it on, but that would imply one of them turning face.
Great finish to the show though, a true main event.
oh yeah, Cryme Tyme skits = potty break.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

Word on Carlito is he's been baggin it lately. The office is pissed off with him for going half assed and not workin to improve, and he's pissed off about his lame story lines and about being a baby face...

Anonymous said...

So, is Eugene a face or a heel??? It just doesn't make any sense. Why in the hell is he still there anyways? They should of axed him last week with the rest of them (although I would of personally kept C.W. Anderson).

Anonymous said...

last night was Masters' best match to date... if anything super crazy was the lesser of the two in the match... but dont get me wrong im no masters' mark... im just sayin that every dog has his day...

the excelled performances last night couldve came from all the recent layoffs... when you see co-employees gettin axed it motivates you to work harder, regardless of what job you have

for the rumble i give Michaels a good %65 chance at taking it... with Taker getting %20... and the other %15 can go to king bookah... i mean it is the ROYAL rumble... and considering he'll keep that character til hes retired they gotta keep it rolling with either the rumble or the KOTR

Anonymous said...

You can't keep Eugene a heel, the marks will have to say, "but he's special." If I were Carlito I'd be pissed off and slacking too. They get him in line for a huge push, and then they turn him face and throw him into 2-not 1-but 2 puppy love storylines. Props to him for even showing up. If Edge doesn't win the Rumble it should be Michaels, but money's on Michaels, only because H was scheduled to wrestle Cena at Mania if that's true.

Yes, Cena's my pinky is broke somebody please fix it, is annoying.

And can somebody please, please tell Kenny Dykstra to not wear pink OR purple ever again. He's having a hard enough time getting over the stigma of being a cheerleader. And by the way when he turns 21 are they going to run that into the ground too, or just not talk about him anymore?

I hate to say this, but I don't want Taker to win, if he does he'll job to Roidtista at Mania, and I will honestly quit watching the E.

Since Cryme Tyme has a new t-shirt, dont you think that they advertise it, or maybe even have a gimmick where their own shirts are bootlegged or something like that.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

You condone Carlito slacking?

That's bullshit.

To me, you have a job to do - you do it. period.

If you don't like your gimmick or your character, too f'n bad. Your daddy's not the booker anymore Carly, so suck it up, and show how bad you want to be the best.

If all you wanna do is collect your pay cheque, then I predict a headline on saying "The WWE has come to terms on a release with Carly Colon. We wish Colon the best in his future endeavors".

Big Daddy Donnie said...

You condone Carlito slacking?

That's bullshit.

To me, you have a job to do - you do it. period.

If you don't like your gimmick or your character, too f'n bad. Your daddy's not the booker anymore Carly, so suck it up, and show how bad you want to be the best.

If all you wanna do is collect your pay cheque, then I predict a headline on saying "The WWE has come to terms on a release with Carly Colon. We wish Colon the best in his future endeavors".

Anonymous said...

Like I had said a few weeks ago, Great Khali is used within his capacity as a wrestler. He doesn't go out there and try suplexing people or performing hurracanranas because he knows he can't. They have him use very, VERY basic wrestling moves, which he knows how to execute (before anyone brings up Brian Ong, please refer to the comment I left a few weeks back about that). The reason it seems like he's getting better is because I think he's getting used to performing his moves, and now can pull them off and make it look real. Right about now, I would say his style is similar(not identical, similar) to the early style of Batista.

Anonymous said...

I don't condone the slacking, but I condone him being pissed off. Like so many times before Vince has "stretched" the truth to one of his guys. After a while though it would get insanely old. I can see his point on the slacking. That is his job and Carlos doesn't book him anymore you're absolutely right. That does not however make up for being used completely different than what you were told.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

At the end of the day ... it doesn't matter if you are in a world title program or jobbing on heat.

You are paid a salary and as a professional should give 100% effort every single time.

Just look at Val Venis as an example of that.

If Carlito is pissed about how he's being used, he should work harder to impress the office ... not slack off.

That's what Eddie did.

Anonymous said...

Remember Triple H marrying Steph? He did a good bit beforehand, but I don't seem to remember him being John Cena from 1997-1999 like he was from 2000-2004. I dont base his success on that, because I respect the hell out of H, but you cannot honestly say that that marriage had nothing to do with his spot. Anyone remember Terra Ryzing? Not even sure what H had to do with the Carlito thing, but I'm guessing it was working hard to impress the office.

Yeah there are about 1,000,000 wrestlers out there who would love to be in Carlito's spot but arent. I'm NOT condoning a poor work ethic, but there is only so much you can do. But since Vince "knows" what the fans wants he seems to say something one day, but do something else the next.

Anonymous said...

D.J.B., HHH deserved his spot. Sure marrying the bosses daughter helps, but he was a main eventer long before that. And honestly can you look at Triple H and say to yourself... hmm I dont think the game can draw, better put that classically trained powerhouse, who's quick on the mic, and who bleeds this business on heat!?!

Also Im going to defend Carly here. Perhaps he is unhappy with his position, (I cant say I blame him). But to be honest, I didn't even notice a dip in productivity from him. Maybe he lacked some heart in his face matches, but we can say the same of current champions.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

The knock on Carly has been with showing consistent effort in his matches (not for a lack of his new trademark highspots which he throws out to get over).

Also, he hates his storyline with Torrie Wilson and has really half assed those vignettes.

And DJB...

When Hunter Hearst Helmsley was facing The Ultimate Warrior at Mania and got squashed in under a minute... I wrote that this future world champion would be laughing in the end.

People who know this biz, can recognize talent immediately.

Triple H reaching the top had less to do with him marrying Steph and had more to do with his work ethic and ability.

His political stroke within the company had a lot to do with marrying Steph. That's different. HHH had Vince's ear before he and Steph ever hooked up, but when he became family he became heir to the throne.

Anonymous said...

I never said that marrying Steph made him, look at what I typed. His spot on and off though benefited greatly from it though, you CANNOT deny that. I love the Game, or the KoK, whatever you want to call him he is THE SHIT.

I'm standing strong though, I believe that Carlito should be unhappy, not half-assing, but I'd be vocal. In the spot he's in or was supposed to be in, to what he is now...come on. Val Venis was said to be "too nice" by Bobby Roode on your interview and that may be why he is where he is. If he were involved in politics(which I think it's insanely honorable to take the highroad and not be) Sean Morley may have been a world champ by now.

Also, there will never be another Eddie Guerrero, nobody will probably ever compare. Eddie deserved everything he achieved in this life, and I firmly believe that. The EG armband hanging from the rear-view mirror in my truck proves that point. Eddie was a special man, and I don't think that many guys in the business have the work-ethic or the balls Eddie had to get himself to the spot he got before passed. I just wish that he had won the WHC from Roidtista at No Mercy before his passing.

Anonymous said...

You could also say if Morely was too involved politically he woulda been canned by now