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I Swear Kenny Looks Like Owen

I made a comment last night during the PPV to Dan-e-o that Kenny Dykstra sounded a LOT like the late great Owen Hart on the stick. For some reason, that observation hit for the first time yesterday. Maybe it was the tone of his promo, I'm not sure. Dan-e-o then mentioned that the 20 year old actually bared a bit of a resemblence to the future Hall Of Famer.

I dug up an old Owen photo I had on the computer, and put it side by side with one of Kenny that was taken this weekend. You be the judge.

15 comments: on "I Swear Kenny Looks Like Owen"

Tim Haught said...

This is a spot on comparison. I thought he resembled Owen back when he was in the Spirit Squad.

I don't know if it would be too cheesy to call him Kenny Owens or something like that, but I tell you, I really don't think that Kenny Dykstra is a name that will let him elevate himself. It just doesn't sound marketable to me. What are your thoughts?

Anonymous said...

O SNAP! He does look like Owen!

Anonymous said...

I agree! It's actually kinda spooky!

Anonymous said...

Kenny Dykstra is a great name... its memorable... its relatable... and Dykstra v Jeter will look good on a card... a little play on TNA's MLB usage

Anonymous said...

I will go one step further in your comparison. I remember Owen at Kenny's age. They were very similar in the ring. Solid techincally Owen even more so of course, and amazing high flyers. Remember Owen was named high flyer of the year 2 or 3 times in the 80s by the Observer.

fallen0ne said...

Kenny Owens sounds much better than Kenny Dykstra. And can someone please change his generic sounding entrance theme?

Dan-e-o said...

I just think its eerie that we somehow realized the similarities between Kenny and Owen during a promo Kenny cut in the very arena Owen died in.

Tim Haught said...

I agree fallen0ne, Kenny Dykstra sounds like a joke. I was saying when it happened, what's next Johnny Kruk and "Wildthing" Mitch Williams...

No matter how you feel about the Phillies of the early-mid nineties, the name just sounds cartoony or a joke.

Lenny Dykstra was the man. Kenny Dykstra just sounds like a joke.

I think Kenny will develop some more personalized things when he develops more of a personality. If he busts out a great catchphrase, it's likely to be a featured part of his music.

Funny how much "Enough is Enough, and It's Time for a Change" applies to the former Spirit Squad member turned hot singles prospect.

It will be interesting to see if Dykstra goes the way of a guy like Owen Hart and becomes a star, or the way of another guy I think you can draw some light comparisons to Mark Jindrak, and becomes a nobody.

Anonymous said...

He's athelitic yes, he's got the height yes, but what else does he have? Maybe I'm just a little behind, but hell I liked the Squad(excluding Mitch, that talking out the side of the mouth shit irritated me so I didnt like him, even though he's dating Torrie), but I never thought that Kenny was that awesome. I knew they told us he was, because for about 2 months every time they mentioned him, they made sure we heard he was 20 years old. There is alot more talent on the roster, one in particular that has a semi-push going, but couldnt beat Flair on PPV, though I don't know why and thats Gregory Helms.

Anonymous said...

I was just flipping through the archives and read that BIGDADDY picked Kenny to be the break out star of The Spirit Squad right from the begining. Check it out it's from April 3 2006. Good call O SHOW

Anonymous said...

Not a shot at Big Daddy or anything, but wasn't that the plan? Kind of obvious, the Spirit Squad wasn't around long, and Kenny was the most talked about, and thrown into matches with Sheena. At first though, I wouldn't have picked anybody, but Kenny was the best choice...good call Big Daddy.

Anonymous said...

Kenny wasn't announced as leader or captain of the squad until September

Anonymous said...

Cade and Murdoch is where it's at. Murdoch is currently the champion in Harley Races WLW, unless I'm wrong, the title may have switched hands...but these two guys will probably be future champs. Not to steal that prediction, but I agree 100%.

Anonymous said...

Mr OS, who else though was shoved into singles matches with "The Champ?" They blew smoke up his hindquarters for 6 months up until september when there was an official announcement.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

I think your memory might be a little skewed... For the first several months of the Spirit Squad, none of them got any promo time (other than their team cheers) and they were always viewed as a 5 man unit. They didn't even have the best two workers (Ken and Johnny) workin all the tag title matches... they spread the wealth very evenly.