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WrestleMania 23 Has Been Booked

With the year coming to a close, and Wrestlemania 23 looming in the distance, I decided I would follow the trend of some of the O-Sters and make a few predictions as to how I want the year to unfold.

I've constructed a pretty jam packed card for the biggest pay-per-view of the year. For this to work, storylines and title switches will have to happen very shortly... so Vince, feel free to rip me off. Just do it quickly.

Wrestlemania 23 Card

WWE Title Match
Champion Umaga VS. Edge

Yes, I am hoping that Umaga will defeat John Cena at the Royal Rumble. I'm then predicting that the finish will see Umaga working Cena over with countless top rope splashes and top rope thumb spikes (the kind that made Kane spit blood on “Raw” a while back). This will be followed up by Rated RKO coming out to ringside to continue the Cena beat down. Orton delivers countless RKOs onto a chair. DX comes out to make the save... but after scaring the heels out, Triple H decides to plant Cena's corpse with a Pedigree! What the hell? HBK looks at HHH askin what the hell was that for?

HHH looks like he's going to apologize to his buddy, who turns around only to be RKO'd. Orton, Umaga and HHH are now beating on Cena and HBK. Edge walking back towards the ring looks confused and has a moment of clarity. He slides into the ring spearing Orton, tossing HHH over the top and staring eye to eye with Umaga. Instantly, The Rated R Superstar is turned babyface.

The next night on “Raw” he can cut a promo to justify the whole damn thing, saying HBK is one of his idles and as much as he hates Cena, he learned to respect him after all their battles. Neither man deserved to be beat down like that.

HHH comes out saying he is sick and tired of being seen as an after thought, and just a member of this goofy team. 2007 would be the year for The King Of Kings. He gets jumped by HBK setting up another match.

As far as my Edge / Umaga main-event... Edge wins and goes on a triumphant babyface tour as champ, sellin tons of merch to the Edge-heads.

DX Explodes - Iron Man Match
Shawn Michaels VS Triple H

(Special Guest Referee, Stone Cold Steve Austin)
We know these two guys can still go. Let's see them do it on a 30 minutes Iron Man Match. Most falls wins. Winner: Triple H with outside interference from Austin as we get flashbacks to the amazing Austin-HBK feud of almost a decade ago.

World Title Match – Hell In A Cell
Champion King Booker VS. The Undertaker

Screw Batista. Booker is taking that title before Mania, but will drop it to the deadman who deserves one last run - and where else to pick up the gold but at HIS show ... Wrestlemania. Just for shits and giggles, we'll make it a Hell In A Cell and chalk it up to more of Teddy Long's hate on for King Boookah.

Traditional Three Way Dance For ECW Championship
Champion Masato Tanaka VS. Tommy Dreamer VS. CM Punk

F' Lashley. Masato Tanaka baby. I want WWE to bring him back, and have him stiff the hell out of Blackberg to win the strap. Then put it on the line against the heir apparent CM Punk, and the people's champ Tommy Dreamer.

Hulk Hogan & Vince McMahon VS. The Big Show & Paul Heyman VS. Goldberg & Eric Bischoff
Oh man, the promotional possibilities ALONE are insane with this match. Play up the 20 year anniversary of Hogan-Andre. Play up Goldberg defeating Hogan in WCW. Play up the history between Big Show and Goldberg. And then you have the history between the three promoters. Ideally, I'd rather have ECW represented by someone like Sandman or Mike Awesome or best case scenario... Taz. But C'mon. We know that won't happen in tha E. Just make this happen and I'll be thrilled.

John Cena VS. Randy Orton
Ya I don't care about these two... so I set them up in this feud and um, screw it. I don't care who wins.

Intercontinental Title Match
Champion Carlito VS. Kenny Dykstra VS. Johnny Jeter VS. Chris Masters

This will be Kenny Dyskstra's crowning and his official launch into superstardom.

U.S. Title Match
Champion Benoit VS. Harry Smith

Harry Smith debuts on "SmackDown!" playing the heel. He's pissed at Benoit calling him a Canadian turn coat. He asks Benoit why he is announced as being from Atlanta Georgia when the whole planet knows he's from Canada. Is he ashamed of his roots? Smith talks about how he heard about Benoit his whole life from Uncle Bret, his dad Davey Boy and the rest of the fam. They all thought he was a piece of crap and so does he. BOOM. Feud.
And ya, Harry wins the belt.

Batista VS. Monty Brown
The Alpha Male is set to debut on "Smackdown!" and I think a little program with Batista would quickly cement a spot for him. As long as he promises to never use Tha Pouuuuuuuunnnceee again, I'll put Monty over in this match. Ah hell, I'd put a 6 year old boy with no arms over Batista.

Mr. Kennedy & MVP VS. The Boogeyman & Kane
Sure why not? Pair the freaks together. Of course next to Boogey, Kane will look like Lou freakin' Thesz.

JBL (accompanied by Ron Simmons) VS. The Miz
DAMN! I want JBL back in the ring, and he has been teasing a part time schedule for 2007. Put him in the ring for a quick squash with the guy he constantly says sucks ass.

Tag Team TLC For World Tag Titles
MNM VS. Hardy Boyz VS. World’s Greatest Tag Team

This will be insane. Period. WGTT takes the titles.

WWE Tag Team Championship Match
Kendrick & London VS. Gregory Helms & Jimmy Wang Yang

I love my new tag team. When 3 Count meets The Jung Dragons. Sweet. I saw this is a good time for a title switch, to give the Hooliganz something to do. Chase and regain.

Interpromotional Cruiserweight Title Match
Champion Jamie Noble VS. Little Guido VS. Super Crazy

I dare you to not mark out at these possibilities.

Gauntlet For A Contract
Ric Flair Test, Holly, Lashley, Sandman, RVD, Sabu, Val Venis, Trevor Murdoch, Lance Cade, Cryme Time, Highlanders, Regal and Taylor, Chavo, Mark Henry, Rey Jr, TJ Wilson.

The gimmick here is it's a TNA style Gauntlet match. Royal Rumble style, two men start and a new guy comes in every 30 seconds. Over the top rope gets you eliminated until the last two guys - then it's a straight match. The winner, gets a title shot at ANY BELT on ANY BRAND at ANY TIME they want. Putting names like RVD, Sabu, Rey, etc makes this thing legit. The finals will come down to TJ Wilson and RVD. Wilson, beats RVD when Nattie Neidhart distracts ref and Harry Smith runs down knocking RVD out with his newly won U.S. Title.

Ok, this is totally the Smarks' WrestleMania and a little too cool to actually happen, but hell, i'd pop. Damn, I'd drive to Detroit for this show.

I'd love to hear your opinions, or your proposed Mania cards.

13 comments: on "WrestleMania 23 Has Been Booked"

Anonymous said...

Wow, Harry Smith gets the US title and a match for any title he chooses? I havent seen this guy, but c'mon...

Anonymous said...

retract that... too much egg nog... i mis-read... if thats a word

Anonymous said...

WOW that WHOLE article sucked balss thats not evan a smark or mark or what ever you want to call buddy youll never be a promoter we got that much yeah NO NOPE nota NIN not gonna happen kid and hmm contract match can we say money in the bank

Anonymous said...

WWE should hire you. I like the way that card looks. But WWE will fumble the ball like they always do.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

Of course it's like money in the bank... Duh. It's not like I'm trying to pass off every idea as incredibly unique. It's a combo of that and TNA's Gauntlet.

For the anonymous dude who hated my ideas... so be it. As far as never booking or promoting... I have, and I've done so successfully, but thanks. Hell I've even had ideas I've written in the past lifted by the WWE entirely. Just ask Darkside.

If you think the card I proposed sucks, that's fine... but tell me why.

I've stayed within the basic parameters of current storylines.

I've created some new feuds.

I've got a mix of legends and newcomers.

I've got money matches, and a money main event.

Anonymous said...

BigDaddy you gotta let us in on an idea the E lifted from you

Big Daddy Donnie said...

there have been a few...

One of my personal favs was a gimmick that Darkside and I came up with when we were writing for TSN.

It featured the team of the APA in Pulp Fiction vignettes.

Like Faarooq talkin about his travels, but instead of Amsterdam, they'd talk about WCW.

F: You know down south they got the same things they got here... it's just the little differences...

B: Example?

F: Well for instance - down there, they got lightweights, but they don't call em lightweights.

B: What do they call em?

F: Cruiserweights.

B: Cruisin' for an ass whippin maybe.

F: And down south, you can take a clothesline, but they don't call em clotheslines. They call em lariats.

B: A lariat from hell. Sounds fruity.

It went on and on.

The WWE ran a bit the VERY next week with lines in the segment that directly mirrored our article. Of course they didn't do it quite right, but the concept was there.

Anonymous said...

i think i remember that bit

Big Daddy Donnie said...

This was sometime in mid 1998 I believe. Darkside might remember better than I do.

Anyways, that's one of several examples... but it's definately my fav.

Anonymous said...

Hogan VS Umaga sounds like a booking disaster. Booker and Taker has been done to death. Flair and Kane? Why?
Benoit and Finlay doesn't sound very Wrestlemania. Sounds more like Smackdown. You have Edge way down t he card. No way. Dats not cool.

Anonymous said...

No no no no no.

Champion Umaga VS. Edge - wont draw. This is a business after all.

Shawn Michaels VS Triple H - would love to see it, but wont happen. DX is making money so see above. And then what happens after mania? Would be a waste.

Champion King Booker VS. The Undertaker - This is a no win match for the WWE. Taker cant work full time, so why take the belt off booker? hes over and there is nobody else to take it after taker. And when taker loses his undefeated streak it should be to the next HUGE star, not to booker who is due retirement in the near future.

Hulk Hogan & Vince McMahon VS. The Big Show & Paul Heyman VS. Goldberg & Eric Bischoff - Would be VERY cool, but just wont happen....

John Cena VS. Randy Orton - Thats cool, could work well for them both.

Champion Carlito VS. Kenny Dykstra VS. Johnny Jeter VS. Chris Masters. Take out Kenny, Jeter and Masters because nobody cares. The problem is who to replace them with. Id be happy with a carlito/nitro gimmick match of some variety.

Champion Benoit VS. Harry Smith - Harry Who?? Yes i know who he is, most people dont, nobody cares, wont draw, should not go over benoit at this stage in his career.

Batista VS. Monty Brown. See above for Monty Brown.

Mr. Kennedy & MVP VS. The Boogeyman & Kane. Kennedy would be wasted in this - he needs a BIG fued at mania to continue his push - Smackdown needs more stars and he needs a Mania classic to get there.

JBL (accompanied by Ron Simmons) VS. The Miz - Would love JBL back, but not against this clown. Such a waste

MNM VS. Hardy Boyz VS. World’s Greatest Tag Team.
Kendrick & London VS. Gregory Helms & Jimmy Wang Yang - No no no. Wang Yang, Helms, WGTT shouldnt be on mania. MNM, Hardys, K&L and an other in TLC would be cool, esp with the results from the last one!

Champion Jamie Noble VS. Little Guido VS. Super Crazy - Nobody cares, would not draw, crowd would die.

Gauntlet For A Contract - Would a money in the bank not do the same thing? Its established in WWE.

Instead, How about.....

Hardys/MNM/L&K 3 way dance.
Money in the bank (CM PUNK over)
Regal/Taylor vs Cryme Time inter promotional match. imagine the skits these guys could do.
Umaga vs JBL
Michaels vs Orton
Edge vs HHH
Foley vs Cena
Mcmahon/Hogan vs Show/Bishoff
Taker vs Kennedy
Carlito vs RVD
Booker vs Batista
Finlay vs Benoit

in no particular order of course

Anonymous said...

Annoynmous is an idiot.You think half of Big Daddy's matches won't draw, but all the matches don't HAVE TO DRAW you clown. All you need is 2 or 3 hot matches with others that have the abilitiy to perform. Just becus you think nobody cares about cruiserweights or about a guy like Harry Smith just shows how dumb you are. If guys like Harry Smith and Monty brown are introduced after the Royal Rumble they have lots of time to get heat.

Anonymous said...

your wrong. All other PPVS use Harry and Monty by all means, but at Mania, EVERY match has to be a draw. Otherwise what seperates it from every other PPV? The Royal rumble wouldnt give them enough time to get over either, WWE are too busy pushing people who they know will sell PPVs so wont be elevating any brand new talent during this time. Check out the history. Harry Smith is awesome, but simply isnt a big enough star at this point in his career to be on the biggest wrestling show of the year. End of.