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A response to the Onslaught

Normally I don't get into pissing contests, especially with people on my own site, but in this case I felt there were a few items that needed clarification regarding Tim Haught’s column written yesterday where he felt the urge to bash Chris Kanyon and take issue with the founding members of Tha O Show (myself and Dan-e-o).

Sure the professional thing might be to just let it slide, but screw it - I've had to play corporate softball in the past, but I'm not doing it on my own website.

In the Kanyon Interview... Sorry Tim, but your Bret Hart article from September didn't have anything to do with Kanyon's announcement on Bret.

If you actually listened to the interview (and I strongly recommend you do), you'd know that Kanyon brought up the Bret thing himself when discussing the art of a worked shoot.

Kanyon also knows of my history with Bret, and figured I’d get a kick out of him saying it publicly during my interview and he didn't really have much to lose anyway.

I’m not sure why so many people are so protective of that Bret story.

Here’s a quick thing to consider regarding the Montreal screwjob and the legitimacy on it. Bret Hart had just under two months remaining on his WWE contract when Survivor Series happened. Word had leaked to the internet that Bret had signed a WCW contract that would kick in when his WWF deal expired. No one, including the wrestlers, expected Survivor Series to be Bret’s last night when they arrived at the building that day.

Once he arrived at the building (and this can be verified by watching Wrestling With Shadows) Bret started walking around giving out hugs and saying goodbyes. Goodbyes? Why? He still had two months to go. He KNEW that was going to be his last night in the company. He KNEW something was coming.

Why was Vince McMahon at ringside for the finish? So that he could be there for Bret to spit on him, and to create a visual spectacle that would spoon feed the marks into hating McMahon. Dammit, it worked well. If the idea was to SCREW Bret, they sure as hell didn’t need Vinnie Mac at ringside to pull it off. If the idea was to get “Mr. McMahon” over as a heel – it was a brilliant move.

Let that sit in your brain and marinate.

Tim criticized my description of John Cena’s title belt. I hate spinning belts. Period. That “thing” he carries is NOT the WWE Heavyweight Championship. I don’t care what you want to call it, it’s a piece of crap. For that matter, I hate ANY belt that is personalized for an individual superstar. The Smoking Skull belt was stupid. The Brahma Bull belt was dumb. The Million Dollar Belt was sweet as hell, but wasn’t an actual title – so that’s cool.

That ugly piece of tin that Cena carries suggests that the belt is HIS and not that he is the current holder of said title. That to me, is wrong. You also put over how Cena sells more merch, and sells out buildings, etc etc.

John Cena is NOT currently top 10 in WWE merchandise. The top 10 on the WWE Shop site is a work. I have a friend who works for the WWE who has given me clearer indications that Cena’s stuff gets put up in the top ten because they are trying to push it. Top merchandise sellers right now? DX – and then a bunch of other guys. Rey Mysterio out sells Cena … not just in the ring, but at the merch counter too.

You should know too, that being in a top spot is completely a reflection of the company’s desire to put you there. Who the hell was Batista before McMahon flipped the switch and made the sheep cheer for him? He was a guy with a bad haircut in the background of Evolution. Suddenly he’s over like nobody’s business? It’s all about opportunity.

I’ll tell you this, when it comes to in-ring performance, Cena couldn’t lace Kanyon’s boots.

Going back to Tiny Tim’s article; One of his buddies who commented on the story put him over as a Grad student. Well, clearly we are only interested in bringing in talented writers with some sort of educational background. The number of emails Dan-e-o and I receive on a daily basis from people wanting to write for this site is nuts. By the way, grad students should proof read their work homie!

By the way, virtually all members of Tha O Show writing team are well educated grad students. Most of us have been in the journalism / wrestling business for over a decade. Those who don’t have the formal education have been a much bigger part of the wrestling biz than you or I – Like Kanyon for example.

I think I can speak for Dan-e-o when I say, we make no apologies for anything we've written. We don't need to be objective or fair to anyone. We don't need to be politically correct. This is ultimately OUR site. We started this site as a means of entertainment for ourselves. It has evolved into something much, much bigger. That being said, I’m not going to stop hating on guys who I think suck just because more people are reading.

Is every article we post a five star piece of work? No, obviously not. Considering the sheer volume of work we are outputting, I think more often than not, our shit is pretty solid. I know all of our interviews are rock solid and I’d say can be put up against those done by anyone. In terms of audio quality, freshness and originality, our interviews don’t take a back seat to anyone. That’s why we don’t cut a new one every week. It’s certainly not for lack of guests.

Finally, no Mr. Haught we aren’t going to fire you from Tha O Show. That would be small minded and weak of us. We encourage your free thinking, and divergent style. Keep writing. Just try to take less than two months between articles from now on.

18 comments: on "A response to the Onslaught"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Controversy creates ..... FEUDS ON THA O SHOW!!! YA.

Tim Haught said...

How did I bash Kanyon any more than any internet writer bashes any talent? I posted my opinion. Kanyon's actions around September should have found him in a mental hospital, not the WWE.

Yet we are going to make an issue of that, rather than talk about how for a whole month, every article was John Cena hate speech. Hate him or love him, he's on top. If he didn't deserve to be there, he wouldn't be. Call me a mark if you must, but Hulk Hogan wasn't exactly the best worker in the history of the business. Still he is the biggest superstar in the history of the business. I never said Cena's in ring work was anything special. I was in no way comparing Cena and Kanyon based on in-ring performance. Kanyon is leaps and bounds better. However, Cena will make a lot more money when it's all said and done.

I am in no way protective of the Bret Hart story. I assume he was in on it. I just don't feel that Kanyon stating it provides proof that it is true. I think that back in September, Kanyon would have said anything to get himself attention and a job. He was trying to be Matt Hardy V.2. It obviously didn't work.

I by no means criticized your description of Cena's belt. I hate Cena's belt as well. However, if any belt in wrestling looks worse, it's the TNA X-Division title. The belt looks cheap, plain and simple.

I'm not sure what the need to refer to me as Tiny Tim is. If you feel the need to put yourself over at my expense, that's fine. If you think that's what I was trying to do last night, I understand why you would think that, but that wasn't the point. The point was, I think you were 1000 miles off the mark in your criticism of Cena in reference to the Cold Pizza incident, and I think that the fantasy booking and Cena bashing site that Tha O Show has become is tiresome and not at all representative of what this site was when I started reading it. I tried to put that into one of my posts as my opinion, but apparantely your need to air dirty laundry is greater. If you want to throw things out here, I am more than happy to do so.

As far as Tiny Tim's buddy, I honestly do not know Jbrown. I do think it's infantile and just plain stupid to criticize your readers however. I was by no means attempting to put myself over as a Grad Student. I was simply explaining my absence, as I work a full day before I have classes three nights a week, and then spend the majority of my weekends with my fiancee, who I don't get to see often during the week when I am studying for tests and writing papers.

You yourself said that you hired me because of a refreshing intelligent essay style.

As far as grad school students proofreading their work goes, I agree. I should have done that, but when my mistakes were referring to Tha O Show as The O Show and Dan-e-o as Dan-E-O, I honestly wasn't very worried about it. Now that I know, I will not make the same mistakes again.

The last paragraph was simply a means to tell the readers why it had been so long. Each point I made was a story that should have happened along the way. It wasn't possible because I have other priorities.

I didn't expect you or Dan-e-o to apologize. You are just as entitled to your opinions as I am, and for the most part, I enjoy reading them. That doesn't mean I can't offer a differing opinion.

I don't ask you to be objective or fair. I don't ask you to be politically correct. Arguing about how this is your site is largely lost on me. I don't have to write here.

I am perfectly fine that you offer an alternative opinion on John Cena, but you took your opinions so far that readers started complaining. You would have though Cena killed your sister.

I will try to write more frequently, but in all actuality, I differ little from the majority of writers listed along the right bar. It is not as if you get a fresh article from them every two weeks.

I had been MIA, and I offered an explanation. It's funny to me that the explanation as big of a backlash as the opinions in the article.

If the audience is largely calling for you to "fire this mark", you'd be hard pressed not to give them what they want.

However, I would be willing to put my money on the fact that there is still a lot of good stuff to come from Tim Haught in that intelligent essay style you liked so much at the beginning.

Anonymous said...

excellent retort

Big Daddy Donnie said...

Tim ...
As was said earlier

The article was tongue and cheek. I was in no way "airing dirty laundry".

I was simply responding to your commentary which out of nowhere was very sharp and critical, just as this comment you left was as well.

Kanyon isn't crazy. For you as a member of the wrestling media to say he should be in a mental hospital is irresponsible.

He showed up to a house show. He bought a damn ticket. He went to ringside and decided to see if he could have a little fun. He didn't start a riot. He didn't do ANYTHING that would suggest the WWE security should escort him out. All he did was hold up a couple signs, and have Triple H goof on him.

The wrestlers who have agreed to write for Tha O Show Tim, operate on a different schedule than those who have come on board as writers.

You're doing a great job, but your opinions today and yesterday are filled with half information and assumption.

Any reason why you won't respond to email, and I have to discuss this with you here?

Anonymous said...

BigDaddyDonnie was obviously just fucking with you. What's with your sensitivity? You came out saying how tha o show sucks now with your cocky bitching attitude and when Donnie dished it back you cry? JBrown I saw your myspace. You're some loser kid from North Carolina. Get a clue and stop riding Hauts cock.

Anonymous said...

Ok can you both go to your seperate corners and come out swinging? Honestly, Don I credit you for handling this properly. If this guy was talking this crap about my brand I'd be furious.

Wrestling's a work Tim.


Tim Haught said...

You are right K Fabian, I am crying. The tears won't stop. It's just so much to handle. Whatever, man.

Saying that Cena is ignorant is not very responsible of the "wrestling media" either.

As far as I knew, this was an opinion site, not a news site. I am no more irresponsible than anyone else who has ever blogged about any subject. Funny that this comment comes directly after a post where you wholeheartedly said that you would not be politically correct, objective, or fair to anyone.

The wrestler writer argument is not sufficient for many reasons that I don't feel like going into. Stop grasping at straws, and accept that I made some points you didn't like. You then had your response, which you were entitled to, and contrary to K Fabian who says I cried, I simply tried to point out statements that I thought misrepresented the points I was trying to make. I just wanted to clarify my position.

I'm not sure why you say my post had any more half-information or assumption than anything else posted here at "Tha O Show."

I was 100% ready to respond to your e-mail until I came across the response to Tiny Tim. I then just clarified myself things that I thought you took out of context or misrepresented. I have no interest in arguing about any of it.

Nowhere in my article did I say Cena was a great worker, Kanyon wasn't a great worker, or that I thought that Cena's title belt looked good. Nowhere did I say that Edge, Jeff Hardy, or anyone else didn't deserve their push.

I will continue to clarify what I meant when it is criticized unfairly, and I will continue to attempt to keep my words in the context they were meant to have.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

There is a difference between political correctness and "slander" or "liable".

To say Cena's a shitty worker, can't sell or cut a promo, is fair game since we are evaluating a performer based on their performances. Never have Dan-e-o or I written that Cena is a jerk, or a bad person, or he beats his girlfriend or hates kids.

Saying Kanyon is insane speaks directly to him as a person and is slander.

Dan-e-o said...

Is The Onslaught/Big Daddy feud a shoot or a work?

Tha O Show has it all!

Anonymous said...

This fued alone should get traffic to the site going. The E should get this shit down on paper.

Anonymous said...

Ben is god.

Tim Haught said...

Ya think so, fallen0ne? I will say this. It's rare that you get two guys going at it online and see an actual dialogue develop. Usually it breaks down to that, you are a moron, your a homo, your butt smells type of garbage.

On the heels of election '06, we might have set up "Tha Great O Show Debate."

Keep reading, as I'm sure this won't be the last time that Big Daddy Donnie and I challenge one another...

Big Daddy Donnie said...

You tagging with Tim huh Ben? That's cool... Won't be my first handicapped match...

Always happens to the big dude...

Big Daddy Donnie said...

Well the obvious choice would be Dan-e-o .... or I could call on one of the hardcore freaks I know like Notorious T.I.D., Blood Bill Skullion .... or ... oh shit, maybe LuFisto....

Dan-e-o said...

If this really is a tag-match now, I got your back Don...

Just remember who the McMahons are around here boys.

You guys are so Cena.

Brian G said...

I have to say that the Cena bashing is just sooooooooo weak. Yeah, Cena's not a great worker. I agree that he can't sell. Saying he can't cut a promo though? That's just ignorant. Some of the best promos in the post-Rock era have come from Cena. Yes his freestyling is Eminem Light, and you guys say he doesn't hold a candle to Dan-E-O, I say big deal! His stuff is entertaining to a mass audience, and he's got charisma to burn.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

I refuse to acknowledge the opinions of Cena from a guy who refuses to watch Raw.