Check This Out...


Absolutely Rawful!

Wow. I don't know if "downward spiral" is quite the term that can yet be used to describe the current state of WWE programming. But a few more episodes of "Raw" like the one we got last night, and it'll easily convey WWE's inability to provide much E as of late.

Damn, "Raw" was weak. John Cena's lame-ass promo...yes I'm gonna go there again...and match with Kevin Federline? Scheduled for New Year's Day?! Is that much of a build-up really necessary? Is this match even remotely necessary?

Once it was learned that Eric Bischoff was "General Manager for a Day", it was easy to determine that the episode would be headed for the shitter. It becomes "O" so predictable that heels will pretty much get their way for most of the night. This might, under some circumstances, be kinda cool. But in this simply makes the match outcomes predictable...and worse, the matches will be shit.

Jeff Hardy gets screwed out of his IC championship reign. Get I was wrong about his "run". That sucks.

"Hacksaw" Jim Duggan and Eugene lose their match and are forced to break up as a tag-team. Big deal.

Umaga squashes Maria. Shocking.

Lita faces Mickie James but has James' hand tied behind her back to score an easy victory. How cool.

That is until the very last match where Eric himself get involved. DX has the night off right? Uh huh.

Who didn't call a DX run-in costing Edge and Orton a chance at the tag-titles? Similar to the use of Bischoff to promote his book, it looks like Piper and Flair's title reign is part of the marketing campaign to promote Hot Rod's "Born To Controversy" DVD. So expect the belts to hang around wrinkly waists a little bit longer.

But here's what I didn't call. Big Dick Johnson?


Has there been a worse ending to a "Raw" episode ever? How ridiculous did DX look dancing around the ring? And unfunny and completely uncomfortable was this to watch?

I don't think I laughed the entire episode. You know "SmackDown!" may just be the A-show after all. JBL is the king of colour commentary in my opinion. Always on point, informative and his cracks on Michael Cole are priceless.

And you all already know how I feel about the other king over there.

It should also be mentioned (sorry, it's hard to get a story up over the weekend...I hate that "SmackDown!" is on Friday nights) that "SmackDown!" has been showcasing some unbelievable matches lately.

Brian Kendrick and Paul London are nothing short of amazing. Week in and week out. Even The Undertaker and Kane reunion last week provided a really decent performance. This show, its commentators, wrestlers and characters have all been fairly solid recently.

"Raw", on the other hand, has been screwing us. How fitting that this week, we were given a Big Dick. I'm sure not even Kanyon would get excited at that.

Anyway, some good news. I'm climbing up the rankings in Tha "O" League...even if The Smashin' Masters seems to be running away with it. Here are standings after Week 4:

1 The Smashin' Masters - 1142 pts
2 Better_Than_Dan-e-o - 945 pts
3 BigDaddyDonnie - 929 pts
4 Phenominal_Angles - 920 pts
5 Dan-e-o - 905 pts
6 TheEndustry - 826 pts
7 D.W.I - 807 pts
8 fabulousBagiuoIgorots - 789 pts
9 The Omega Ones - 789 pts
10 LO Destruction - 769 pts
11 Second City Saints - 723 pts
12 TheBIGBang112 - 610 pts
13 Thrones And Patriots - 574 pts

5 comments: on "Absolutely Rawful!"

Anonymous said...

First let me state... tomorrow around 3pm est i will be at the bottom of the "o" league standings... i think that is what pissed me off the most during raw... and yes Raw was shitty... extremely wretched...

But... and i have never said this.. but Cena was the highlight of the night... i liked the "stone cold-esque" "out of nowhere" Todd Grisham FU... the promo was solid by any standards and comparisons throughout WWE or TNA...

I know we dont want to admit it but there are only 3-4 guys in TNA that could cut a better promo (but rarely do)... And, Yes the whole KFed thing is pulling me to the point of where i might just start watching "Heroes" on NBC... And everytime i see Cena "play" to the men and women of our armed forces i want to... Wait a minute... I retract where it seemed I was going... Good for Cena... I doubt many of you bitched when Sgt Slaughter was working a similar angle... Minus the suburban thug attitude... But then again why would a bunch of Canucks care? The Spirit Squad (How do you like WWE f'n with us on the "ineveitable" split of the cheerleaders?)alone out-matches your military, ha... all joking aside

Hey here's a fun quote ""Raw", on the other hand, has been screwing us."... What do they OWE you? Stop watching if they're costing you that damn much... There are better products... Right?

Anonymous said...

I read the results online while I was dj'ing tonight. Sounded like a total crap episode. I love how "New York" continues to repeat the faiures of "Atlanta". They're totally becoming WCW. And Federline vs Cena?

I have two words of warning: DAVID ARQUETTE!!!

Big Daddy Donnie said...

Here's what drove me nuts last night...

John Cena's comes running out to save Maria after she gets demolished by Umaga. Did you hear me? AFTER. Not during, not before like most hereos... AFTER.

Imagine if Superman showed up to pick up Lois Lane's broken body AFTER she already hit the bottom of Niagara Falls. Not much of a love story huh...

Then, Cena while acting all pissed off about what happened to Maria, and K-Fed challenging him, he starts trying to crack lame ass jokes. What??? Maria's broken in the corner of the ring, and you're slinging cheese?

Oh my brain pain.

As far as the O League standings go... I tapped out. I FORGOT to change my roster last week, totally screwing me on Cyber Sunday and FORGOT again this week. Oh well...

Anonymous said...

Eventually I will have to let this go... but i really believe the internet fans "hate" on Cena for reasons beyond his control and give no credit where he actually takes deserves...

He does not decide when he makes his entrance... He does not decide whether he comes out bandaged after a grueling match the night before... i personally believe he is given instruction on selling certain "injuries" from previous nights... but he is the main focal point of the show (like it or not the merch buyers speak volumes)... creative and administratives call the majority of his shots and he only gets a small window to take control..

Aside from the seasoned veterans (and he even beats out some of the drunk vets that come out weekly and forget where they are and what they trying to say) name a new talent that grabs the majority of the crowd like this guy... you might not like what he's saying, but at least he knows where he's going with it... sure it is moreso on the mic than in the ring... i dont challenge that... but Carlito and Shelton should only (for the time being) be seen in the ring... that is until Carlito is given some freedom and Shelton finds the angle that suits him... and guys like Styles (yes, i said it) and Nitro are drier than Mae Young's panties... So who else? Guys like DDP (and i know Daneo and Donnie know this) and Dusty Rhodes give the guy great accalades... you say you respect the wrestling vets but you dont care for their opinion... so go figure...

On a different note (since i dont have a column)... Can someone explain the Hardy title drop? i dont hate Nitro's in-ring abilities... but i just don't get it... Who is he sucking off? 3 unearned tag title reigns... and now 2 IC titles in all of 3-4 months... And how about the lack-luster, anti-climactic finish? Its a title change people... where's the suspense? Maybe it sets up the Hardy Boyz reunion, i dont know... But i can say this... of all the things to complain about... Does Cena really need to be on the top of the list?

Anonymous said...

I think we are a little hard on Cena sometimes. Sure he uses about 5 moves (6 if you count punches). Sure he takes cheap pops from his resemblance to a soldier. Sure he's streaky with his promos. Yes, he's an awful hero not being broken up about Maria's beating. And Yes, he doesn't sell. And of course he wins without struggle. And he certainly did climb to the top too fast. BUT... wait what was I going to say?

Oh yeah, I used to like him as a mid-carder.