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Shit Skits

Is it just me or was last night's "Raw" an embarrassment to sports-entertainment? And yes, this question is being asked while keeping in mind that the "entertainment" portion of what we watch is held in a high regard of importance these days. But still...

Were new writers hired for last night? Did they come up with some of this stuff at the last second? Did anyone at all think any of the backstage skits were really that funny?

Let's start off with Jeff Hardy's post-match interview. Maria asks about his title win and Melina interrupts him to...scream her head off! No words...just screaming. To which Jeff covers her mouth - unprevented - then uncovers it. More screaming. Another mouth cover. Uncover...more screaming. Jeff leaves. Skit done. What the?!?!?

How about the DX nonsense? First off, let's start with their introduction, which is beyond tired. Ever think about how stupid it is to say: "Let's get ready to suck it" and follow it up with "And if you're not down with that, we got two words for ya: suck it"?

Anyway, there is a camera in Jonathan Coachman's dressing room. There's a camera outside his dressing room. There's a camera in the dressing room of some fat, baby oil soaked fat dude in a G-string playing disco ready to give Coach a lap dance.

What am I watching?

Why is there a tumbleweed in the backstage hallway? Conveniently placed there as western-themed showdown music plays as Coachman realizes he's trapped between the two members of DX in the hall! This is getting beyond stupid. Way too unbelievable. If ever there was an episode that proved wrestling is "fake", this was it.

If you were trying to convince a friend, girlfriend or family member to 'give wrestling a try'...last night's episode of "Raw" would have definitely been the wrong choice to start them off with.

Oh, I'm not done.

What's with DX consistently plugging They act as if they're members of Tha "O" Show trying to sell our brand new t-shirts or something. The skit with Eric Bischoff, albeit nowhere near as brutal as the Jonathan Coachman stuff, made no sense. Why would DX, or anyone else for that matter, help plug a book that punks them out?

Okay, okay...I know WWE profits from sales of this book, no matter what. The title, "Controversy Creates Cash" says it all. Maybe, I was just thrown off by the stupidity of all of the other skits performed throughout the evening.

"Raw" has become like a modern-day hip-hop album. The skits have become a waste of time. (NOTE: Hip-hop greats like De La Soul and Redman mastered the skit or interlude concept in the early 90's...most other records have stupid, needless time wasters between songs). Last night's "Raw" skits did nothing for the show, in my opinion.

And then there was the John Cena match...

9 comments: on "Shit Skits"

Anonymous said...

I missed the first hour and a half of RAW; I came in in the middle of the Mickie James/Victoria match. It wasn't the best women's match I've ever seen, but hopefully it will remind the creative that there are women in the company who can wrestle.

The Spirit Squad thing...ugh. As much as I want to see some new champions(so that the titles might be defended more than once every two months), Sgt. Slaughter? I know that they're slowly moving them towards a breakup, but they should at least lose matches to legitimate roster wrestlers, and not a retired backstage guy. The Sarge was good in his prime...but his prime was 20 years ago.

DX...yeah, I think that the constant wweshop plugging is just to make fun of the fact that the WWE is such a consumer whore. The tumbleweed thing I missed; if it was done right, that probably would have been pretty funny, but since the WWE did it, they probably did it very poorly (populat opinion would denote that this is indeed true). Loved the one-liner to Masters though.

The main event...classic Edge(O!), classic John Cena(O NO!). Cena seemed to suffer from amnesia, as he contiually forgot to sell the arm. It was obvious, too...he would do a move, stand up for a second or two, then realize "Shit, I'm supposed to have an injured arm!" *shakes arm twice, then goes on as if nothing was wrong, while JR talks about how bad off his arm is* McMahon just doesn't seem to understand that people aren't buying into Cena. Most of Edge's promos in which he disses Cena, many fans actually view as shoots. Why? Because they're true. Okay, I know the Cena bashing was supposed to stop, but this is only my second post, so I had to get some in real quick.

RAW was very weak, but I have a feeling that, much like every annual No Way Out, it was because everybody backstage was probably looking forward to the next show, which is supposed to be the biggest of the year. Nobody on creative really cared much about last night's show because next week's is going to be huge. Which is probably why this week's episode was so weak.

I am very curious about one thing, though; next week, they have the "Loser Leaves RAW" match. Does this mean that Kane is going to SmackDown, that Kane is retiring, or that Umaga is finally having his push stopped? This I am interested in, not so much for the match, but it could be a big positive. Think about it; if Kane goes to SmackDown, they'll get the big name that they needed. If Umaga is leaving, Estrada would be free to manage someone else, like, say...Shelton Benjamin?

Anonymous said...

somebody get this kid a article deal cuase he is preaching the ron killings

Anonymous said...

Hey guys, a new visitor to the site, the pre-introduced "newoldschool" sent me.

I think the WWE is (finally) starting to get that the wrestling world is changing. It's not the 1980's, where the faces ruled everything, it's not the 1990's where the characters were outlandish and WCW was in charge, and it's not 1998, when wrestling was still, for the most part, considered "real". And they're trying to find that "x factor" to capture the smart audience. In this case, humor.

I personally enjoyed most of the attempts at said humor last night, with the exception of the segment with Melina and Hardy. Her voice is almost TOO grating. I agree with the fact that most of it made no sense, but that was the point. Again, WWE acknowleging (or trying to) thier internet audiences, among others. DX plugs and Bischoff's book in a jestful manner. Most of what they do seems fake because they WANT it to seem fake. Another example was the segment with the Spirit Squad, mentioning Johnny Ace. I would assume most reading this would know who that is, because that's the audience WWE is shooting for with such comments.

Was it a good RAW? Not specifically. I didn't even sit through the cage match, mostly because the tape I had taped it onto was on it's last legs, but also because I am quite frankly tired of John Cena, as are many others obviously. newoldschool mentioned that he's seemingly been getting more crowd appeal. Listen closely to those cheers-hear many male voices?

In closing, and to be a complete idiot if I may, Cuck Fena.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

Last night's skits were B.S.

I enjoyed the cage match....
It really is a testament to Edge that he can pull a decent match out of that lug.

They used to say Flair could have a 4 star match against a broom. I dare say Edge's would be very similar.

Anonymous said...

some of the e fans are just dumb cena only get cheers from girls and boys under 16 he cant wrestle period if your a fan your only a fan cuz he is good lookin im a roh mark no lie i thin the best pure wrestling is there jeff hardy got booed there cena allmost got killed in pure ecw show a\oh and im an old ecw fan a huge fan matt hardy needs to go to raw and jeff needs to get push and have jeff vs matt both can sell for mcmahon or edge vs ethier edge is great btw or carlito and orton both should be maineventers ok im done sorry if your a cena fan

Anonymous said...

some of the e fans are just dumb cena only get cheers from girls and boys under 16 he cant wrestle period if your a fan your only a fan cuz he is good lookin im a roh mark no lie i thin the best pure wrestling is there jeff hardy got booed there cena allmost got killed in pure ecw show a\oh and im an old ecw fan a huge fan matt hardy needs to go to raw and jeff needs to get push and have jeff vs matt both can sell for mcmahon or edge vs ethier edge is great btw or carlito and orton both should be maineventers ok im done sorry if your a cena fan

Dan-e-o said...


A big welcome to all of the new O-sters.

And to those who trashed Cena's non-selling techniques...I promised in a previous article to TRY to stop dedicating so much time to dissing thanks for doing it for me.

Anonymous said...

* Love the midcards (Carly/Orton and Hardy/Nitro) Best thing on Raw today.

* Liked the Women's Match (Sure it was a little slow by Stratustandards, and a few botched spots, but I'm in love with these girls and are considering proposing to one of those two lovely ladies!)

* Overdone with the DX
I wont belabor the point but Raw is so drained of juice (sorry for the rib Chris Masters) that they need an hour of DX (though I suspect if they had a solid roster they'd still do it that way!)

* Heres a sign for whoever goes to the next event: Tumbleweed = Ratings

* Boy howdy Snitzky lost quick. He needs a tag partner or stable STAT!

* I think the Masters joke was good, and while it may have hurt Master's gimmick, he brought it on himself.

* My biggest question was, Is that tubby lubed up guy in a thong on the roster now? I mean why does he have his own dressing room? I wish they didnt fire the Boogieman cause that would have been the perfect place for him. Lets hope if Tubb-o gets injured he'll "take his recovery more seriously"

* The Melina bit was pretty nonsensical, and it could have used Kamala but I'll let it pass because she's Mic Foley's friend and looks good in a short skirt. Which is more than I can say of the Spirit Squad.

* Cena no-sold again. He clotheslined and shoulderblocked Edge with the hurt arm! I laughed more at that than most of the DX spots.

*** Baron Von Awesome Strikes Again ***

Anonymous said...

Kanyon aint got shit better to do