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Kanyon joins Tha O Show staff!

As if you needed MORE proof that Tha O Show is the fastest growing wrestling site out there, another big name has joined our ranks.

The Internet's most controversial wrestler, Chris Kanyon has decided to join Tha O Show.

Hot on the heels of his sign carrying ordeal at a Florida house show, the Montreal screwjob bombshell he dropped on our program, and the fire he spewed on Jim Ross's blog... Kanyon has decided to bring his heat-seeking ways right here, to you - The O-sters.

Chris will be posting his thoughts about the wrestling industry, road stories, or really whatever is on his mind. Keep checking Tha O Show for the debut of "Kanyon's Kolumn".

It will be a monthly piece -- or posted whenever the hell he feels like it.

For the latest updated news on Kanyon check out his MySpace at and to get even more info, check out his official website at ChrisKanyon.NET

Feel free to leave comments here for Chris.

10 comments: on "Kanyon joins Tha O Show staff!"

Anonymous said...

WHOS BETTA??! Kanyon pwns. ;\

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to read Kanyon's Kolumns!!! He's been very vocal lately and I love reading his blog on myspace. Keep the O's coming!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Kanyon's big bombshell ... so big that I haven't read anything about it anywhere else on the net. I always liked Kanyon but this just seems to be a bad attempt of getting attention. No big surprise that Big Daddy Donnie is the one reporting it either ... he's always had a hate-on for the Hitman, and has already admitted that even if the scoop isn't true it's a great story. How on earth does that make any sence??? One wrestler telling lies about another is a great story? If that's the case I got a whole bunch of great stories for you. HHH and Stephanie McMahon aren't really married, it's just a cover up for HHH and Shane's relationship. Hulk Hogan and Ms. Elizabeth really did have an affair and Macho was in on the whole thing. Every wrestler who has dies in the past 10 years didn't actually die ... they are all staying out of the limelight until the time is right for them all to come back as the undead division for the new ECW (which never went out of business in the first place ... their demise was all a work, in reality ECW made so much money that they ended up buying the WWE, Vince McMahon actually works for Heyman.)

In all honesty I love Tha O Show, but that piece of "news" smells really fishy.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

Well let's correct a few things...

The story was actually picked up by Dave Meltzer, Dave Scherer, Wade Keller as well as several of the major newsboards - like and LOP.

As far as my comments regarding the validity of Kanyon's story... I was being sarcastic. I fully believe what Kanyon said was legit. Does he have an agenda? Sure he does. He's generating heat and interest in himself right now - but maybe that's all the more reason to spill dirt that he's been carrying close to the vest.

As I also reported... I have spoken to a handful of WCW wrestlers (all who asked to remain nameless) who confirmed Kanyon's story, saying they had been told or had heard similar things.

And finally...
I don't have a 'hate on' for Bret. Bret's the one that started the pissing fight with me dating back to our joint appearance on TSN's Off The Record. He didn't like the questions I posed to him and he freaked. Then we had our online feud when I was writing for TSN and he was with Slam!

Truth be told...
I was also a "Hitman" fan. I marked when he won his first WWF title.

I hate the way that people refer to him as the best ever simply because he says so... I hate the fact that it's somehow been deemed "un-Canadian" if you don't cheer for him ... I hate the fact that people defend him so vehemently. Would he do the same for you? No.

Anonymous said...

kayon is the man truly nice guy he was great ageinst brain cage a great indy talent in california youll see both brain cage and kayon in near future doing somthing big kc starr

Anonymous said...

I'm the guy who critizied the Kanyon bombshell ... should've signed my name, but it didn't occur to me until after I posted.

First of all, if you read my previous comment you will notice that at no time did I defend him vehemently. Nor did I claim that you were "un-Canadian" simply because you don't like Bret. However, for whatever reason it started, it is true that there has been a fued between you and Bret in the past ... and you have written many things that has been unkind. You are entitled to your opinion, I won't fault you for that ... but you have to admit it does not make you the most credible person on the internet when it comes to negative stories regarding Bret Hart. Your opinion is biased ... you have had a longstanding feud ... even if you didn't ever let it affect your judgement regarding what to post it STILL affects your credibility. Seeing how credibility is all about perception in other peoples eyes. This is not a judgement on you on my part ... but mearly an observation ... when it comes to Bret Hart you are biased (and from the sounds of it probably justly so.)

Secondly, it appears my facts were not in order when I made my previous post ... I was unaware of you confirming the story with other wrestlers, and I did not know about the other wrestling sites picking it up. So I stand corected on that one.

Although I still do not believe the story, it's not from some unreasonable loyality to Bret. Granted, I am a fan, and I do think he is one of the best wrestlers ever (although not "the" best.) I simply don't believe the story, it just doesn't make sence to me. I will still question everything that Kanyon says until I get a resolution on this issue ... but that doesn't mean I won't read his posts.

Finally, I must admit, I fully expected my previous post to be deleted. Or at least, to have it insulted or flamed or whatnot. I'm quite impressed with the answer I got, you stated your opinion and corrected me on my facts.


Big Daddy Donnie said...


I have (and neither does my partner Dan-e-o) no intentions of deleting any posts on Tha O Show simply for question us - or hell - even slamming us.

As long as u don't make your statements defamatory, I'm cool.


going back to your post:

I wouldn't call what I have with Bret a "feud" ... his fans have called it that - as has his personal assistant who manages his fan club and much of his mail.

I reported things about Bret that I witnessed first hand - while sitting with him.

I called into question things about his character that pissed me off - not just as a fan, but as a civil person.

For example:

I hosted the debut of 'Wrestling with Shadows' at the Toronto Convention Center. Bret was on hand to introduce the film and sign autographs after.

Fans paid something like 30 bucks (forgive me, it was about nine years ago and I forget exactly) to watch the film, hear a live interview w/ Bret (which I conducted) and get an autograph.

The autograph session last about 20 minutes before Bret got frustrated and told his people he wanted to leave...

When asked what about the fans, he uttered a profanity and rushed out the back door.

I was left sitting there with an empty chair beside me with fans yelling that it was my fault he left.

He ditched the people who considered him to be as close to God as possible.

I found that to be horrible uncool.

You may think I am biased when discussing Bret, and you may be right -- but keep this in mind: I was a HUGE Bret fan. When I was told I'd be appearing on Off The Record with him, I marked out. I was told by show producers to not be a mark and be sure to ask some of the harder hitting wrestling type questions... I got a couple of them in, before he simply stiffed me.

After taping he complained to producers saying "No more radio guys - from now on it's one on one or nothing".

I still wasn't pissed at that point.

It was after that when I reported a story about Bret and he started publicly defaming me in his Calgary Sun article. That's when I really knew what type of person I was dealing with.

See, all I ever reported on to that point - was his professional career (which in the life of a celeb is always subject to criticism). His comments towards me were personal, defamatory and unfounded.

Anyways... we're TOTALLY off topic.



Anonymous said...

First off I want to say Welcome Kanyon, I felt you totally got the raw deal (no pun intended) in the E.

I just have one question about your outing. You said your family and friends didnt really know that you were gay; How did J.R. and Mr. McMahon know?

Big Daddy Donnie said...

Kanyon said in his interview on Tha O Show that it was not a well kept secret in the industry for years...

Go to our audio archives

to hear the interview

Anonymous said...

On Kanyon being gay and it holding him back. I got two words for ya "Pat Patterson"

On the Montreal screwjob being a work. Yeah, sure it was. Only one getting worked there was Kanyon.

On Kanyon joining tha o show, yawn. Wake me when its over.