If it wasn't for Ric Flair, I probably would have never been a wrestler. Growing up, I was the biggest Ric Flair mark of all time.
It was Ric Flair and the 4 Horseman that really mad me think being a wrestler would be cool, and inspired me to be one.
I met and got to work with and know Ric, my feelings didn't change. And even to this day, Ric is one of my favorite wrestlers to see perform.
And you would think that what Ric Flair did on Wednesday on the Howard Stern Show would have made me lose respect for Ric. But it has not. For those of you who don't know what I am talking about, this past Wednesday October 18, I made my second appearance on the Howard Stern Radio show and during that appearance, Ric Flair called in, and in my opinion, he tried to embarrass me.
To listen to that portion of the show, you can go to my MySpace and go to my blog. The latest blog has a link to a downloadable MP3.
I am very appreciative of Howard Stern and his staff for allowing me to appear on the show twice. For Ric Flair, or, in my opinion, more accurately, for the WWE to have Ric Flair call in and try and hurt my appearance was them taking the low road. Now if Vince McMahon had the balls to call in and talk to me, than that would be another story.
To the excuse of Vince being in Japan, I ask, don't they have phones in Japan? I think Vince having Ric call in was a chicken-shit move by Vince.
And that is why I have not lost any respect for Ric or John Cena, for that matter. They are both still working for Vince. They both have their bills to pay. And in my opinion, they both said what they feel Vince wanted them to say. And even if that is not the case, if they really believe what they said about me, they are both entitled to their opinion, and I respect that and I respect them.
Either way, I still think Ric Flair is the greatest kiss stealing, wheeling-dealing, limo riding, jet flying, son of a gun. And that is the bottom line. Wooooooooooo!
21 comments: on "Kanyon's response to the incident on The Howard Stern Show"
Kanyon you really are a class act. I lost a lot of respect for Flair yesterday for trying to bury you. You are a better man than me.
From Philly Bob
you got fired cuz you suck get over it
Chris i gotta give it to ya straight... flair wasnt really off by any means yesterday... in my opinion... your wcw gimmick was great... but as far as just Chris Kanyon in wwe... you were barely a midcard guy with no gimmick... and only a midcarder because of the rep you carried over from wcw, that quickly diminished... mediocre in the ring... some skill on the mic but you had nothing to say...
these are just my opinions... and as far as your firing... hey it may have been over your sexual orientation... though i highly doubt it... hell i dont remember you "coming out" until just last year on myspace... which i still think could be just a big work... and if it is it'd be a hell of a work... and i think it could be your only chance at getting back into the wwe... or you could look at it from another angle... now that your out, if wwe were to hire you again... hell, it'd make it that much harder to fire you even if it was plain to see you lack the caliber of talent and character that theyre looking for... but hey who betta than Kanyon?
I could not disagree more about Kanyon's work.
He and Kobra Kai just had what many are calling the match of the year...
Kanyon is a helluva worker... hell he was the Alliance MVP.
He has trained many a successful worker in the biz today. He is smart with wrestling.
Flair said on Stern that nice guys get released every day from the WWE ... true - but how many of them are better in-ring performers than Kanyon?
Not many at all.
Say what you will about his "Act" or his gimmick, but that is provided by the writers not the WORKER.
I'm not a Kanyon fan, but I downloaded the clip from his MySpace and I think Kanyon came off sounding much smarter than Ric Flair. You have my respect. JT Owens
I got a lot of respect for how you handled that Kanyon. I still like Ric Flair too, but it would seriously piss me off if my idol ripped on me.
Kanyon was never given the same opportunity in WWE as he was given in WCW....thats pretty obvious to anyone who has watched both feds from 97 to 2001,Flair should know this.
Kanyon was a tremendous worker in WCW....one of the best.
bottom line Flair is just covering up for his boss.
If McManon wanted to clear the air of any gay firing speculation,he would have addressed the situation by now.
This isnt really about Flair vs Kanyon.....its all about Vince trying to cover up crap.
McManon is running scared.
If I was Kanyon id sue the crap out of Vince.
all Kanyon needs to do is contact some of the ex employees that were screwed over by Vince to appear in court and testify.Im sure someone knows something that could have leaked.Not sure how hard this would be to accomplish,but I know DDP would at least back Kanyon up.
I don't understand why people find it so hard to remember that a wrestler is only as good as that writers allow him to be. Chris couldn't possibly have gotten over in WWE because he didn't get the opportunity. He was given one of the lead roles in a gimmic that was handled badly and then dropped, to be brought back as a jobber and then finally as "boy george". If Goldberg, Edge, Flair, or any of your favorite wrestlers had been given the same opportunities in WWE that Kanyon was given these people that chant "Kanyon sucks" would have a new target.
The difference between Pat Patterson is simple. Kanyon was fired just after he told McMahon that he wanted to go public and "come out" in a storyline. That's a big difference between how Pat Patterson handles his sexuality, and how Kanyon wanted to handle his.
I'm of two minds about that one. Yes, WWE has had many gay characters, but they have always been parodies.
what is this garbage about the writers? Kurt Angle was handed some terrible storylines but he made it work... along with the rest of our favorites... i must be in backwards land... where Ric Flair is some kind of bitch and Chris Kanyon is the greatest thing ever... we all know what marks are but now ive just discovered "IWC Marks"... get a grip everyone
Ben, Wouldnt it be something if this was a "work".....but I dont think so,because TNA was involved in it.
I cant see TNA working along with WWE,after all Kanyon had discussed a possible gay storyline with Jarrett months ago before evntually being banned from TNA for posting his contract offer on My Space.
imagine if Vince called up Kanyon tomorrow and said he would hire him back if he went along with this entire story as if it were a work all along(real or not)....I wonder what Kanyon would say.
Kanyon could sneak into the arena appear on Raw on Monday and cut a in ring promo about being fired because he was gay,etc,etc and go from there.WWE could make it look like Kanyon was ringside disguised as a fan,maybe flashing a "Who Betta than Kanyon" sign(like we saw weeks ago)...during intermission commercial have Kanyon leap over the guardrail and grab the mic,maybe holding off security with some kind of weapon(a grenade or a gun acting like he is suicidal)and tell then he wants to speak his mind for a minute.Kanyon and Vince could have it out right there on tv as some kind of "live standoff"...this would be genius on Vinces part.Kanyon could demand a match where if he wins he gets a contract in WWE...and if he loses he just goes away no questions asked.Kanyon could have a handicapped match that night vs Cena and Flair(a match where no one would think he has a chance in winning) and he pulls off the upset with odds stacked against him.Hey it would make for good tv because its reality!!!
no, you misunderstood me....not really suicial,just acting "insane" like someone would do with police in a standoff,nervous and acting crazy.....after he finally gets the match from Vince the grenade for instance could be a plastic fake,where Kanyon simply crushes it in his hand and laughs.
or maybe the gun is just a water gun.
Kanyon would need some way to hold off the security until he sez what he has to say on the mic.
F' Flair
jbrown: noone here is saying that Kanyon is the best over.. he isn't. Is he good enough to be in the WWE? Absolutely, without a doubt. I would love to see Kurt Angle make the Boy George angle work.. And Ric Flair isn't a bitch.. he was just doing what he was paid to do. If anyone's time is over, btw, it's his.
another way of introducing the storyline is simply have Kanyon(in various disguises)appear ringside at several Raw shows in a row and make a nuisance by holding various signs.Some of you might recall Kanyons "Anytime,Anywhere as Anyone" gimmick in 1998 during his feud with Raven.He could show up as a beer vendor,security guard,Flair fan,female fan,etc,etc.
during the 3rd week have Kanyon actually interupt a match...and be thrown out by security.
finally Vince gets tired of the weekly disturbances and grants Kanyon a interview where Kanyon is given 1 match(the handicapped match vs Flair/Cena)if he wins he is in ,if he loses he is banned from WWE forever.
Kanyon wins the match and gets his chance to come out in WWE.
If I was fired from WWE? thats fine with me,WWE sucks anyway,WWE is a joke and will always be a joke....I would never ever want to work under Vince for any amount of money...and thats the truth.
I could never work for a man who treats people like piles of garbage.
...and another thing, Kanyon was supposedly released from WWE because "the writers couldnt come up with any ideas for him".This is the exact reason they gave Kanyon.
so if I was fired because I(the writer) wasnt doing my job,or wasnt coming up with ideas that were up to Vinces standards then I(the writer)would expect to be released.....not the worker!
That's the standard line they give everyone... We have nothing for you at this time... There is almost always something else to the release...
To the guy who said the Billy and Chuck wedding is proof Vince isn't a homophobe?
What ARE you smoking? I mean seriously, that gimmick only proved how homophobic and out of touch Vince is. Let's examine shall we?
Like almost every Gay character, The Billy & Chuck gimmick painted them as huge laughable stereotypes. They were designed to look as fruity and offensive as humanly possible, making wwe fans more prone to disliking gays and pushing away their gay audience.
(which proves Vince could care less what's best for the business. I mean really, sweaty half-naked men writhing every week? Vince gays are half your f**king audience!)
Also, them comin "in" at the end of the storyline, "Hell no I'm not gay!!!" just reaffirms the "Gay is bad, be macho and sytraight or you're not a man" mentality.
And for the record? People just ASSUME Pat Patterson is gay because of a frivolous early 90's lawsuit against wwe by a jobber. There has never been any confirmation of this. So citing Pat's employment does NOT prove Chris wasn't fired for being gay.
Trust the opinion of an intersexed lesbian. Vince hates fags.
*hugs to Chris*
If you ask Sylvain's ass I think you'll have evidence of how gay Patterson is...
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