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Shelton's time running out?

There is a feeling within the WWE that Shelton Benjamin will soon be returned to the tag ranks, reuniting with his former partner Charlie Haas.

This isn't being done in an attempt to add more depth to a seemingly improved tag division as much as the company just doesn't know what to do with Shelton.

One WWE employee told me on Monday, "He looks great, he's athletic, and entertaining but he can't get a crowd up. No heat, no pop... no money."

This individual went on to confirm a story on the net that Shelton is receiving heat for not being able to memorize and effectively deliver multiple pages of scripted promo. This may end up burrying a guy, that only six months ago was being considered for the main event picture.

Whatever happened to the ECW mentality of showcasing someone's strengths and hiding their weaknesses? WCW never understood that. The WWE has to a lesser extent, but I really would have thought they would have learned their lesson by now.

Should a guy be able to cut a compelling promo? Absolutely. If it's not his forté however, he better be a damn fine worker. Shelton's a bit of a spot monkey, but I like his work, so I'll cut him some slack.

Couldn't we find this guy a loudmouth manager? Hey Armando, got room for one more?

Couldn't you run a similar gimmick to what the WWE did with Edge initially - where he just didn't talk. Kick some ass, ignore the interviewer - flash an evil smile, and move on. Hell, Kane didn't cut a promo for years - and he managed to get over and win the WWE title.

Shelton is too good individually to be shoved into the tag team division. He just needs someone to find a way to unlock his personality. That being said, not everyone is going to turn into The Rock.

It seems strange that Shelton is catching heat for his inability to insight a crowd, but yet "Soft Spoken" (yes it ACTUALLY says that in his entrance video) Bobby Lashley continues to destroy himself every time he touches a mic.

The latest attempt to create some heat for Benjamin has been virtually ignored. His accusations of racism are only drawing reactions from Johnathan Coachman's character. No one else is buying that Shelton has been held down or that he's even all that pissed.

I BELIEVED Ron Killings when he did the same gimmick. I believe Konnan when he snaps off about old white men running the industry and how he's totally sick of it. I believed Bad News Allen when he talked about the racist shit Vince McMahon used to suggest to him. I believed all of those people - on or off camera because they spoke from their heart.

Racism is as personal an issue as there is for visibile minorities - and yet, Shelton is struggling in this role.

Pull the plug on that story line. Find him a manager that can talk, have him switch to Smackdown (where I think he'd fit in much better) and have a nice long run with the U.S. title.

If that fails... call Charlie.

10 comments: on "Shelton's time running out?"

Anonymous said...

Benjamin struggles for respect
whens the last time he had an important PPV match???

Dan-e-o said...

Good points Don,

they need to truly allow for Shelton's strengths to shine in the ring before they turn him into the black Lance Storm.

Remember WWE's attempts at getting Lance to get more 'pop'? They had him doing the 'cabbage patch' after each win! Please tell me someone was fired over that.

Anonymous said...

Kane held a title because he was over and never cut a promo?

Are you fucking kidding me?

He held the title for less than 24 hours. If they had let him hold onto it for a month or so, then I could see that point of the argument.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

the kane statement was more of a throw away laugh than an argument....

Anonymous said...

Oh...well in that case...

Off with Cena's head! Or at least teach him how to sell.

I remember when back in the day that if a guy didn't sell, they usually got put up against a veteran (that's had several rodeos under his belt) in their next match and the veteran would stretch them.

That whole "If you aren't going to sell, then i'll make you" mentality.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

I don't disagree with that...

I'm having flashbacks to Steven Regal stretching the shit out of Goldberg on live tv...


Anonymous said...

I like Shelton, he's a helluva athlete and Ive been saying for a while that he needs some sort of push. I really hope they don't compensate for his bad promos by giving him an absurd gimmick. I like the ideas of giving him an obnoxious manager, or a female valet. Maybe even base a stable around him. Perhaps add a tag team around him to give him some in ring support.

Anonymous said...

Oh man....I love that match!
*starts searching his computers for the said Regal/Goldberg stretch-fest"

Anonymous said...

like i say shelton needs farooq to bring back nod and have charlie take owens place is white guy viseria and cymetime then bring in monty brown i think the rasicst thing can work if you get more behind it and ron "farooq can do that or monty brown" or hell d-lo i love that guy huge mark my finisher is is old move ~kcstarr~

Anonymous said...

Oh Shelton and Brown would be awesome. Youd have two pure atheletes working together, and perhaps a team to challenge DX.

If I were to build a new Nation around Shelton (and wasnt allowed to bring anyone who isnt already with the WWE, or in development with them), I think I'd include Chavo Guererro and Rodney Mack