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No Surrender Report - Angle is coming!

All night long, TNA teased a major surprise that would 'change the wrestling world forever'. Jeff Jarrett seemed to think the surprise was going to be Sting's appearance.

Not even close.

A story broke this week that the surpise was Vince Russo - but sources within TNA said that wasn't the bombshell. They promised this surprise would not disappoint. Russo WOULD have been a let down. Russo wasn't even mentioned on the show.

At the end of the card, TNA made the announcement I thought they were going to make but hoped they wouldn't...


What the hell does this mean? Will TNA put mechanisms in place for Kurt to protect himself? Will Angle wrestle an even MORE reckless style now that he's not under the handcuffing of the WWE? Is he doing this just to say Fuck You to Vince? Whatever the answers to all those questions are .... Kurt Angle IS TNA.

Wow.... now that the story of the year has been revealed, let's move on to the actual PAY PER VIEW, starting with the Main Event.

'The Fans Revenge' Match was pretty cool. In case you hadn't heard - it was a lumberjack match between NWA Champion Jeff Jarrett and Samoa Joe with "fans" surrounding the ring. The "fans" carried straps and whipped Jarrett anytime he was on the floor.

Joe's history has been that he eases up a little on veterans. He doesn't seem to go all out with his strong style like he does against some of the young X Division kids. Tonight, Joe looked pretty tough.

I almost got really pissed when Jarrett hit the stupid ass Stroke on Joe on top of the guitar. It looked soft - thank god Joe kicked out.

Jarrett then went for the Stroke off the top, but Joe reversed into a variation of AJ's bicycle kick! WOW! Joe, then scooped JJ up, hit the Muscle Buster and pinned the champion 1-2-3. WHY THE HELL WAS THE TITLE NOT ON THE LINE? The main event of a freakin pay per view, and the belt wasn't on the line!

Christian Cage is a natural born heel. He should never, ever, ever pander to the fans. He is cocky, charismatic, and ugly. Ok, he's not ugly - he's just from Orangeville. It's not his fault.

His promos in this feud with Rhino have been outstanding. His match tonight showcased so much of his intensity. Not once in his eight year run in the WWE did he have a match with as much intensity and emotion as this one tonight. I'm sure he was charged by the fact that he was working his best friend. By the way, CC's frogsplash is awesome. Take notes Chavo. You too Rey.

After an Unprettier, a Gore, an attempted conchairto and a second Unprettier on a chain we finally had a finish. Christian is on his way back to the top!

Senshi continued to show the world why he may very well be the most under rated wrestler on the planet. Every single thing he does looks real. He is what every wrestler should be. Legitimate. Every action is precise. Every move has a purpose. His timing is unbelievable.

Now, he was taking on one of my favs in Chris Sabin (O Show t-shirt model), but I couldn't cheer against The Warrior. His work has been so solid, he deserves this run. Senshi retained via pin after a sick double kick, and some help from the ropes.

The tag team battle royal featured more tag teams in one match than the WWE has on all three rosters! Amazing. Of course, the two top teams weren't even in that match - they would be competing for the tag titles in Ultimate X!

Speaking of Ultimate X ....

The build to the first Tag Team Ultimate X Match has been very well done. Daniels has carried the bulk of the promos for his team (and kicked ass in doing so) and Konnan has been better than ever on the stick. The hype alone is enough to make this match compelling. The fact that the stipulation is Ultimate X just makes me mark out like my name was Marcus McMarkerton.

For all those people who think the Ultimate X has jumped the shark and become old hat - tonight's version was insane! The chemistry between these two teams made for some incredible spots. How about Homicide nailing AJ with a Diamond cutter from the top of the X down 15 feet to the mat? Dammm! How about AJ getting it back by hitting a Styles Clash from the edge of the ring to the outside through a table!!! Another sick sequence saw Hernandez get hit with a Uranage by Daniels, then an immediate AJ Frog Splah - then the BEST MOONSAULT EVER! Follow that with AJ's freakin' Spiral Tap! HOLY CRAP!

The finish came when Daniels was on top of the X rigging, and dove from the edge all the way to the middle and grabbed the freakin' belt!!! WOW!!! The Fallen Angel fell from the sky, and came down with another tag team title reign! Tons of respect for the LAX.

In the curtain jerker, we were robbed of the chance to see The Canadian Destroyer when Jay Lethal school boy'ed Petey Williams for an upset win. The story here was Sonjay Dutt had spiked Petey's water bottle with laxative before the match. Needless to say, Petey was distracted. I would have loved to have seen John Cena try to sell that. He would have forgotten after the first 5 seconds. Hey what happened to your diarrhea John? The doctor hooked it up.

Overall, this was a great show. Dan-e-o, I know you're out as I write this watching Hip Hop icon Rakim do his thing, but bro - yer gonna wanna catch the replay. GAWDDAMMM.

7 comments: on "No Surrender Report - Angle is coming!"

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I actually suspected that from Angle. (probably should have posted it, but it would have seemed too cynical too soon) But to be honest I saw it coming a mile away. Kurt Angle doesn't lay down for anybody, even himself. And he's going to keep going until he can no longer move.

But lets be honest, Kurt Angle will fit in with TNA a lot more than he would with WWE now. In a starved league without legitimacy, Angle is out of place. He saw in ECW the chance to find new competition, but when it became abundantly clear that this ECW was a lackluster ripoff of the original, he looked elsewhere for LEGIT competition. No more loses to untalented champions, no more overhyped, overnight phenomenons, no more male cheerleaders, boogeymen, French Canadian ambassadors, vampires, fitness gurus, wrestling retards, or absurd wrestling royalty (sorry king booker marks, I love the new look, but he was more legit before the crown)

Kurt Angle sees what WWE marks like me find it so hard to believe. THE "E" SUCKS!

Brian G said...

I don't quite understand how Angle can even negotiate with another company. The only way it's possible is if he were fired outright, and didn't actually ask to be let go.

Anonymous said...

wow im shocked i think it is good for him cuz tna does not travel and he cant get help and get paid !

Big Daddy Donnie said...

Ya this does confuse me from a business stand point as well.

I thought Angle was still under the confines of the no compete clause in his WWE contract until January.

It's possible TNA took a chance, and Angle will never appear in the six sided ring. Sound far fetched? Remember Bound For Glory that was supposed to feature Jarrett VS. Hogan? They filmed vignettes and promoted the show - but it never happened.


Angle didn't go to ECW by choice. He also didn't leave by choice.

Angle did not LEAVE the WWE because they suck. He was tossed out.

If they hadn't let him go he'd still be there, amongst the cheerleaders, King, vampires et all. Sorry, no boogeymen to be found.

Anonymous said...

You're probably right BigDaddy, but I suspect there may be something more to this than what we're hearing through official channels. I wouldn't be too surprised if in a few months we hear word about how Angle was growing complacent with his position in the WWE. And that it was a combination of his substance abuse and other factors which caused him to be released.

I mean Angle's not a dumb guy, he probably realized what Bullie was saying.

Dan-e-o said...

While I still would not have given up watching one of my heroes - Rakim - perform last night...I'm sorry I missed the TNA PPV.

This Angle thing is gonna have people talkin' for months about whether or not it's a good matter what anyone says though, they'll be watching TNA to see what happens.