Check This Out...



Word has been leaked that former WWE Champion, John Bradshaw Layfield (real name John Charles Layfield) has given his notice to World Wrestling Entertainment and will be leaving the company.

His final appearance as the Smackdown colour commentator will be October 6th.

If you pay attention to this site, then it's no surprise to you that I am a HUGE Bradshaw mark. I think guy has been the best thing on Smackdown for two years plus.

How the hell did we get to this? What happened?

It was only three months ago that JBL was wearing the United States championship and was told he was going to go over Rey Mysterio to hold both titles simultaneously. Why not? He literally carried Smackdown on his back, so give him all the gold.

Apparently the weight of Smackdown (as well as years of wear and tear) took their toll on the big Texan. He learned of a neck injury that was going to prevent him from winning the World title, so he dropped the title and quietly announced his retirement.

As Smackdown commentator, JBL has been nothing short of gold. I have to go back all the way to Jesse Ventura to find someone that comes close to what JBL has done. He is a heel, but as a commentator he plays both sides - much like Ventura did at times. His monologues as King Booker enters the ring are priceless. His reaction to The Miz leaves me laughin my ass off.

Word had spread that JBL has been told by management to tone down his act on the mic. He was told to stop "trying to take over the show". Dammit, he IS the show! He has been for a long time!

Apparently the frustration with being stifled creatively as well as the hectic road schedule have convinced Layfield to leave the industry all together.

It's not exactly kayfabe that Layfield is an investment banker outside the ring, and has a business related television show. Layfield intends to focus his energy toward his career in cash full time to maximize profit margins.


I for one am really going to miss THE WRESSSSSSTLING GAWWD.


The Wrestling Observer is now reporting that the WWE is trying to keep JBL and have attempted to work out a contract with him. Conflicting reports indicate he MAY have already signed... or he may in fact be playing hardball!

You better be right Meltzer!

4 comments: on "NO NO NO! DAMMIT NO!"

Anonymous said...

JBL is gold on the mic.

Me being a Texan not withstanding, I marked out for JBL when he was calling on Summerslam. What made me pop loud was when he made a reference during the Booker T/Batista match about how he used to see Booker T and Stevie Ray (as the Ebony Experience) outside the Sportatorium in Dallas, Texas talking with local fans (what he failed to mention is that all those fans were outside smoking pot with the brothers).

Point is that JBL will come out of left field with something that you won't expect. Not to mention he's just funny.

Dave Meltzer better be right this time.

Anonymous said...

It's funny that as I thought about adding something else to this, I flipped the channel over to the CW and Smackdown was on.

Jimmy "I wish I was still Akio" Yang Wang cut a small promo and then Mike "the Miz" came out. What does JBL say?

"Man, it's going from bad to worse."

JBL also states the painfully obvious.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

Tazz's shoes are not huge...
literally or figuratively

Big Daddy Donnie said...

Tazz spent half the broadcast chewing up his own words....

As a broadcaster, I can tell you Tazz is not very good.

As a wrestler, Taz was one of my favs...