Check This Out...


Edge Has The Edge!!

Damn, Edge really pulled Cena's punk card last night on "Raw". You know those promos that are so true, you think, 'some of that's gotta be a work'? Well, Edge did just that last night by describing EXACTLY why Cena sucks so bad (and is hated by smarks everywhere).

Cena's 'former' hip-hop gimmick was actually dope. I still remember popping (or O-ing in these parts) when he battled cardboard cutouts of Jay-Z and Fabolous a couple of WrestleMania's ago. Edge was right. To paraphrase, Cena's old "SmackDown!" gimmick of rhyming to diss his opponents was inventive, witty and often hilarious...and pretty much the reason Cena was so over.

That was when he was a heel. The best wrestlers, I think, are those that can take the love given them as a heel and foster it to grow while making the transition to a face. Stone Cold and The Rock are the best examples of those with the ability to do this.

Cena's fire, as we all know, has fizzled. And I am seriously believing now, that Cena is headed back to "SmackDown!" as a result. I mean, DAMN, Edge ate Cena's food last night! That "rap" was off the hook! (Not as a real rap, of course, but as part of good - and very true - promo). At this point, is there really anyone, who wants Edge to lose the strap at Unforgiven? Edge is to "Raw" as King Booker is to "SmackDown!" - and not for the obvious "they're both champions" reason.

Both superstars, have mastered the ability, to be heat-generating, crowd-disrespecting, promo-cut mastering heels. THESE are the types of competitors who not only deserve to hold the gold for some 'company rub' reason...a 'cookie' as Donnie calls it, to reward a long-time job well done - they are the type of cats that will have faces clawing to get to the top to STOP their 'evil ways'. It reinforces the concept of the "chase"...and there is no better way to drop a title to someone until he has been put through a major chase.

Yes, Cena's been chasing the title. But he's had it. And that's when his gimmick was somewhat interesting. Batista has been chasing, but...well, he's NEVER been interesting. What Edge and Booker are doing is setting the stage for a new, deserving, crowd-is-finally-behind-this-guy champ. And hopefully that means, there won't be any new champs for a long while. If this was TNA, they'd be priming Bobby Roode for a run at one of these guys.

So, with that said, after Unforgiven, I see recently-turned-face Carlito in the title picture. Perhaps, Jeff Hardy will get a program with Edge. New life needs to be breathed into the WWE world title pictures and Edge and King Booker are the perfect guys to catapult this new era.

Ah yes, my confidence has grown. Edge will not lose this Sunday in Toronto!

Look at the signs:

1) In classic WWE fashion, Cena scores a victory on the last show before the PPV - almost always signifying that his opponent will get the last laugh when it really matters.

2) "Raw" has really played up the whole 'losing Cena to "SmackDown!" angle - here's hoping that means it's gonna happen. This isn't just some on-a-whim challenge made at the actual pay-per-view that doesn't transpire (like the Edge/Booker bet made at SummerSlam) - this is a new storyline!

3) Cena has a new movie coming out. "Raw" already had it's movie star in Kane. Perhaps, it's "SmackDown!"'s turn to get a little Hollywood love. (Okay, I'm reaching on that one, but still...)

"Cena Fears Dan-e-o", "Welcome To Copeland Country", "Edge + Belt = Ratings" - these are all signs I intend on having with me this Sunday as Tha "O" Show sits ringside at Unforgiven. (Keep sending in ideas O-sters, we make 'em this week). It's a must we let WWE know how we if they don't know already. And dammit, if Cena actually DOES win, we'll REALLY riot!

(Probably with a nasty review on Tha "O" Show).

7 comments: on "Edge Has The Edge!!"

Anonymous said...

Well I can tell ya the WWE probably doesnt know how we feel.

But that aside, Edge is golden. His villainous persona is distinct and he represents it to perfection. He's witty to the point that his words can do more damage than his spear. He's good looking enough to upset guys, but creepy looking enough to denote menace. He's got a beautiful woman who shows off her assets almost teasing us saying; see these? they belong to Edge! And his finisher can come out of anywhere which enfuriates fans even more with a quick ending.

Plus, unlike Cena or Batista, Edge has years of experience in the business which lends credibility. He's really fought his way up through the ranks over the years, unlike those others who got pops and ran with it.

Anonymous said...

How about these...

"Cena is Dan-e-o's bitch"
"GAB was better"
"The Hihglanders, Product of Canada"
"Jeff Hardy Is My Dealer"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You little marks realize that Cena doesn't bust da rhyms anymore because the writers won't let him rap right?

Anonymous said...

Definetly Cena is a lot more easier to watch when he's a heel. He just comes across a lot easier that way.

Anonymous said...

Watch I agree with ya,

Cena is great as a heel, but he has to be a special kind of heel. If he was the "heel you love to hate," like HHH or Edge; I'd hate him more. But as the anti-hero style heel, in the mold of Carlito; he does amazingly well.

Im not ashamed to admit, when he was rapping poorly at his opponents and carrying a chain around his neck, I was a total Cena mark. I didn't mind that he was doing 5 moves because he was neither amazingly dominant NOR was he a pushover. (plus he DID do more moves back then)

Heck I even liked him when he was just John Cena, the new kid in that "Future of WWE" semi-stable with Edge and Rey Mysterio.

And I like him again now that he's a mortal chasing his belt from a more cunning opponent. I just dont think the hulk hogan, perfect all around guy suits him and it makes him somewhat boring to watch.

Anonymous said...

I was introduced to wrestling right when Cena debuted on Smackdown so my wrestling knologe grew with Cena. I used to love Cena. But hes lost his luster since hes gone to Raw. I think going back to his roots will let Cena grow more into the Superstar he was before he became Champ. I really hope Cena loses to Edge even though I am a Cena fan.

I think its best for him to go back to Smackdown and go back to wrestling second rate guys like Kenady and Boogie man and take a shot at the US. (Plus I wonder what modifications he would do to the world heavy weight?)

PS. Sorry for the spelling lol