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Thursday's Thoughts

As reported forever ago on Tha O Show, Trish is leaving the WWE and it was finally confirmed by them on Monday.

Trish will be getting married late in September and having a very exclusive reception at a gorgeous venue in Toronto. Get this – you have to have a special invite that is read by a digital reader. A guard then confirms your name is on the list, and then once passing more security – you’ll get in. I wonder if Rob and Trish are trying to avoid any Owen Wilson / Vince Vaughan wannabes from showin’ up. Congrats to the happy couple!

NBC and the WWE have extended the ECW airings on Sci-Fi until the end of 2007. The initial 14 week pilot is being viewed as a ratings success – despite the fact that the product has been pure unadulterated shit.

The Brian Pillman DVD will be released on Sept. 26th. If anyone wants to hook up Big Daddy with a birthday gift (my day bein’ the 21st) then you’ll be entered into the O’ster hall of fame!

Following up on yesterday’s Jericho article regarding wrestlers in the mainstream: the final domestic numbers are in for Kane’s See No Evil flick. A whopping $15,032,800. You know how many Wrestlemanias that is? Trust me, The Marine isn’t the last WWE Film you’ll be seeing churned out.

Ric Flair was not flown in for Raw on Monday and wasn’t told why. He ran into a ‘friend’of Tha O Show on Tuesday he said Ric was ‘pissed’ about not being used and not being told why he wasn’t being used.

Add Carlito to the list of disgruntled WWE workers. Carly Colon had apparently been told a main event spot was on the horizon a couple months ago, but he was held off Summerslam and is stagnating in an I-C title program.

The Great Khali will be out of action for a while. Not cause he sucks, but because he needs surgery on both wheels. Talk right now is that the WWE is considering a babyface run for Khali. Ok, I’ve heard EVERYTHING now!

Before Kristal and before Layla, my boy Dan-e-o swore his heart to the ass of former WWE diva Nidia. There’s been talk lately of Nidia coming back, but those talks have been brought to a halt, as Nidia recently learned she is pregnant. Congrats to her and her boyfriend.

We’ve been talking a lot about the state of tag team wrestling lately on Tha O Show, and the Shane Twins (Gymini) are ready to return to Smackdown. One of the twins (oh please, you try and tell them apart) has been out of action with a torn bicep.

Bret Hart’s oldest son Dallas is about to start training with the great Lance Storm for a career in the ring. Ok, I’m not the biggest fan of Bret Hart – the person, but I’ve always respected Bret Hart the wrestler. If his kid gets any of his athletic ability and becomes half as good, he’ll be special. Or, he could be David Flair.

The dude who played lame ass "Fake Kane" back in June, Drew Hankinson, will be called up to Smackdown any day now. He will be shooting some vignettes for his Freakin' Deacon character. Hankinson is currently in DSW, and is one of the first to make the jump from that promotion to Tha “E”.

4 comments: on "Thursday's Thoughts"

Big Daddy Donnie said...


My beef with Bret has nothing to do with in-ring stuff. It's personal, and has everything to do with his fake persona and the snowjob he has pulled on the fans.

I don't like him.
He doesn't like me for calling him on it. It's a nice mutual hate.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

It's a long story...
those who have been reading my stuff since my days at Slam! Wrestling, or will remember ...

Perhaps I'll discuss it in detail sometime....

Or maybe I'll just let sleeping dogs lie and not initiate ANOTHER pissing fight with the Hitman.

Tim Haught said...

Fuck Bret Hart...

Yeah, I said that about explicitly as I could.

"The Hitman" built himself quite a legacy...

And you know what, I never liked him.

I take that back...

I loved the Hart Foundation. I even liked Bret Hart, Intercontinental Champion. But a world champ? Bret Hart?

This ushered in a new WWE era. One that I won't argue made things a lot better.

But at the time, I was getting to be around ten, and I loved the Megapowers, and Bret getting that belt would mean Hogan and especially Savage fading out of the title picture.

But I could live... He produced a lot of good matches, although they were all pretty similar.

My three favorite Bret matches are Bret vs. Perfect from Summerslam, Bulldog vs. Bret from In Your House (not the summerslam match), and Bret vs. Austin at Wrestlemania.

Anyways, I always was lukewarm on Bret as the babyface champion. He was boring to me. His matches were good, but outside of them, I wasn't interested. I didn't buy tickets to see Bret Hart...

However, I couldn't argue with what he did for the business. He made it ok to not be Hulk Hogan. He brought back wrestling.

Then in the late 90's, he turned heel, and he was awesome. I DID tune in to see the new Hart Foundation. I loved that stuff.

But then it all fell apart. Vince couldn't pay Bret, so they agreed to split. Bret refused to lose the title, he gets screwed. He is still whining about it, ten years later.

Bret should have done business, point blank. If it's a work, waa waa it didn't work out Bret.

Bret goes to WCW and absolutely sucks there. The product does nothing for him, he does nothing for it.

His parents die, his brother dies, his family falls apart, his marriage falls apart, Bulldog dies, Bret gets a mule kick and can't wrestle, Bret has a stroke...

And Bret seemingly blames it all on Vince McMahon.

Bret has sat back and tried to put under everything WWE related for 10 years. He writes columns chastizing Flair and Michaels as bad workers who always have the same match.

Well, pot, kettle, black, Bret.

And then when the WWE is going to talk about how this legend tarnished his legacy by being a bitch for the last ten years, Bret decides that WWE is ok, so long as he can have say over his DVD.

And his DVD is awesome, although it does expose some things.

I mean, the excellence of execution had to have Konnan teach him the sharpshooter. I was hooking the Scorpion Deathlock when I was 5 years old, and it was damn effective too. I made a lot of little kids tap.

Bret wants deeply to establish how important he was to this business, and the funny thing is, no one ever really disputed it.

We know you mattered Bret. But you constantly trying to prove that you mattered dropped all of our opinions of you.

I am sorry about all the hardships Bret Hart has gone through. I am sorry that he has tarnished his legacy. He truly is a tragic figure.

But just like Matt Hardy, he sold his soul. He came back to the WWE for his DVD and the Hall of Fame, but he made his own ridiculous terms. Bret wouldn't show up at Wrestlemania to come out for 5 minutes and get an applause from his fans. Bret wouldn't allow anyone he had heat with to be at the Hall of Fame Ceremony.

You've been in the business a long time Bret. You should know how it works. On top of that, you need to learn how to forgive and forget.

Bret carries the weight of everything that happened since the fall of 97 everyday with him. It is almost more identifiable with him than his in-ring work.

It's a shame, but it's Bret's fault.

Hopefully now that Bret has retired, he can grow up...

Anonymous said...

What is Carlito pissed off about? Sure he's a great talent and the total package. He's good on the mic, he's entertaining, and a damned fine wrestler. But so were a lot of guys who spent several years actually working their way to the top. Im tired of these young guys thinking they should have the big title after being in the business for 2 or so years, while others: Edge, Booker T, JBL, Chris Jericho, Chris Benoit, and even the late great Eddie Guerrero had to prove themselves over several years of hard work before getting the big one.

Guys who get the title quick tend to either not appreciate what it means or become flashes in the pan. Take "the next big thing" Brock Lesnar, he was the total package. A big man with mobility, strength, and talent in spades. But he got the strap almost immediately and didn't understand how much that little belt and the prestige of being a superstar was worth. Undertaker, Hulk Hogan, and the Rock all laid down for this kid, for him to just leave for football contracts that never materialize, or Japanese titles that mean even less to him. And he isn't even the best example of this. Let's not forget Mr. Ultimate Warrior, or the current crop of fast risers: Batista, John Cena, and Randy Orton.

For them to even move past more talented wrestlers who've worked their entire lives striving to be the best is a slap in the face of the industry itself. And now they arrive at the WWE EXPECTING IT? It's this type of immaturity that should be a warning sign NOT to give a person the main event push until they learn to appreciate it. Ive lost a LOT of respect for Carlito.