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Words from Stro

Hello everyone! Hope you all are doing well. Here with the first installment of "WFS" on Tha O Show, keeping all my fans and friends informed with the happenings and thoughts from my world.

Had a great falls count anywhere match against the Barbarian this past Sunday in Ayden , North Carolina. It's been a while since the Ayden fans have seen a wild match like that as we took the action in and out of the ring. Would like to thank Big Time Wrestling and the wrestlers and staff on hand for being involved in that great show. The next matches against Barbarian looks like will take place the first weekend of July in West Virginia. Will post more information here and on my official website as it comes available.

Great to see Steven Dunn make a full recovery recently. The power of prayer and support does work and I couldn't be happier for the family, fans, and friends of Steven Dunn.

Was very sad to hear about the passing of "Earthquake" John Tenta. Tenta was a very kind guy who established himself as one of the greats of the pro wrestling industry. My deepest condolences, thoughts, and prayers go out to the family and friends of John Tenta.

This week there has been a lot of talk about the comeback of ECW along with this Sunday's ECW "One Night Stand" PPV. Last year's ppv was great and I look forward to seeing if this year's can maintain or surpass it. A lot of the guys there like Rob Van Dam, Tazz, etc. I have had great matches with in the past. ECW on the Sci-Fi channel should be very interesting as well. But if anyone can make it work, Paul Heyman can. Looking forward to seeing more on how the new ECW develops.

Went to check out the new X-Men "Last Stand" movie. Excellent...a must see if you haven't sent it already. Nice to see the Beast and Phoenix characters. Looking forwards to seeing My Ex Superhero girlfriend, Superman, and Control Your Universe movies also this summer.

Tales from the Lair

"I was wrestling out in the mid west one night when before the match in the lockerroom, my opponent showed up late giving everyone such an attitude. Even showing so towards me. Everyone was looking at me like they weren't too happy with him. So we had our match. Started off well but then he completely neglects to cover me for the pin and wants to showboat with the crowd. So I played possum until he irished me in the ropes , went for a backdrop, and I executed a sunset flip. But when I did, I accidentally yanked his tights down to his ankles. The whole building erupted as my opponent was standing there in the middle of the ring in his birthday suit. He quickly dove through the ropes and underneath the ring to hide. Fans were going crazy. Security came in to get him out from underneath the ring. They eventually did so and covered him up with a towel. But then I snuck behind him and yanked the towel away from him. He quickly ran buck naked all the way to the back. When I got back in the lockerroom, I got a standing ovation from everyone. Few days later , my opponent came to me a different man apologizing. Imagine that!"

Stro Mailbox:

Gina from Tennessee:

Hey Stro! What do you call your finishing move? It looks awesome!

Stro: It is known as the SBD "Stro Bearhug DDT". I usually execute it either standing or a running stampede version. Learned it from watching a variation down by Japanese wrestling star Otani.

Jack from West Virginia:

Stro , when will you be in West Virginia again?

Stro: Will be in Sugar Grove, West Virginia July 4th at the Naval Base there and also will be in some towns in West Virginia July 7th and 8th. Keeping checking back at my official website,in the forum section , or at any of my websites below for more information.

Janelle from England:

Do you have plans on returning to England?

Stro: Will be working on that in the coming months. Would be great to return there for my UK fans.

To write feedback for the mailbox section
of the Words from Strozilla column, email to: Let me hear from you!

If you would like to contribute and send any wrestling
related news and events ,email at :

To book Stro formerly WCW's Maestro for
appearances,autograph signings,seminars,or for your
pro wrestling event,
email at:

Upcoming Stro appearances:

Sat. June 17th: ACPW event in Kenansville, North Carolina at the EE. Smith Middle School Gym Belltime is 7:30 PM EST.

Wednesday June 21 ASW All Star Wrestling Beaulaville Community Center Beaulaville, North Carolina Belltime: 7:30 pm est.

Thursday June 22 ASW All Star Wrestling Seymour Johnson's Airforce Base
NCO Building Goldsboro, North Carolina Belltime: 5 pm est.

Sat. June 24th Freedom Fest 2006 at the Rockingham Speedway in Rockingham , NC 8 pm est. belltime

Tuesday July 4th MDW wrestling in Sugar Grove, West Virginia at the Naval Base Belltime is 6 pm est.

To help out the Red Cross, go to:

or call 1-800-HELP-NOW

Stro Merchandise
(New Stro black t-shirt on sale)
Stro wrestling school
Stro fan groups
ACT Energy Drink (join as a member for free)
Tom Green show on Mania TV June 15th

Thank you guys for taking the time to read my column. I hope all of you have a great week and weekend! Please remember our brave men and women soldiers who fight and protect for all of us. You all take care of
yourselves and GOD bless!

Stro/formerly WCW's Maestro
"Nobody can go toe to toe with the Stro!"

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