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Tha "Stro" Show

Folks, Tha "O" Show family continues to grow. Today we are proud to announce that Rob Kellum - better known to wrestling fans as 'The Stro' has joined our staff.

The Stro started out on the indy scene more than twelve years ago, paying his dues like any proud worker would want to do. He made a name for himself as Gorgeous George III. Many people don't realize though, that The Stro is actually related to George Wagner, the original 'Gorgeous' one.

He had a run in WCW where his background in music and theatre were blended with his wrestling ability to create the character, "The Maestro". The urban legend has been out there for years, that The Stro quit WCW when actor David Arquette was awarded the WCW World Title. Perhaps we'll get The Stro to tell that story in his own words.

Since his time in WCW, this humble, God fearing man has kept himself busy on the independent circuit. He has competed for WCEW, CAPW, CPW, WCW, SMW, USWA, WWC, CCWA, CCW, SCW, ACCW, ACW, UWFI, AAA and more.

The Stro will be bringing us his own thoughts and commentaries on a semi-regular basis. We are thrilled to have him aboard.

Visit his official site at
Visit his MySpace site at

3 comments: on "Tha "Stro" Show"

Anonymous said...

Welcome to Tha Show Stro!

Anonymous said...

Hey Stro what happened to Symphany (Ryan Shamrock?)

Anonymous said...

Stro has emailed me back a couple times on MySpace and I think he's a great guy and should be in the WWE!!