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Joey leaves Raw in Style(s)

Joseph Bonsignore, known to the wrestling world as Joey Styles, did something last night that most fans never thought would happen in the WWE. He told the truth. No, not 'shades' of truth. Not McMahon's revisionist history type truth. He said the things that many in the locker room have felt for years, and that fans, like myself have been saying.

On Monday night, Joey's "worked-shoot" made me feel like, "maybe" - just MAYBE, the WWE is serious about making this ECW brand they are about to launch a viable and thriving 'rival' brand.

For those of you who missed Styles' promo - here it is. He started talking after The King had mocked him and shoved him.

"You wanna apologize like nothing happened. Like you didn't knock me on my ass in front of millions worldwide. I'm not coming back! And now thanks to the magic of live television I'm gonna show the whole world why for seven years I was the uncensored, unscripted loose cannon of commentary. Six months ago called me – I didn't call this company because I was looking for a job. I didn't need a job. WWE called me because they had humiliated and fired – again – Jim Ross. So I get JR's spot and from week one – week after week – I've got an ongoing lecture about the differences from professional wrestling and sports entertainment. I'm not allowed to say pro wrestling. I'm not allowed to say wrestler. I'm supposed to say sports entertainment and call wrestlers superstars. I'm told to deliberately ignore the moves and the holds to tell stories. Well ignoring the moves and the holds is insulting to the wrestlers – not entertainers – to leave their families 300 days a year to apply their craft in that ring. Well – since I'm not a sports entertainer storyteller I get pulled from WM because I don't sound like Jim Ross who is the guy they fired in the first place – does that make sense? Then I get bumped from Backlash? I'm not good enough for Backlash? In ECW – I called live pay-per-views by myself! Wasn't done before me, hasn't been done since. But I'm not good enough to call Backlash because I'm not a sports entertainer storyteller. I am sick of sports entertainment. I am sick of cheerleaders and boogers and bathroom humor. I'm sick of our own chairman who talks about his own semen and who mocks God – he mocked God! He makes out with divas. Most of all – I am sick of you fans who actually buy into this sports entertainment crap. I never needed this job and I don't want this job anymore. I QUIT!"

The plan now is to have Joey move to ECW where he will be the lead "play by play" man (as opposed to story teller).

Let's hope this new ECW can capture some of that old magic.

1 comments: on "Joey leaves Raw in Style(s)"

Anonymous said...

If McMahon is smart and actually wants a new ECW to work, then he'll do exactly what people are saying he's going to do..and keep his hands out of it.

Just pay Heyman and Dreamer a check and let them do what they can with it. I watched the WWE video on ECW the other day, and Heyman talked about the budget and how certain things just wouldn't work.

While I want to see the same feel of the old ECW on TV (and would love to see it in the ECW Arena), if they have some money to back it..maybe it can work..but WWE creative doesn't need to touch it.

I fear though with some of the ways they are planting the return of ECW, that they will stick their mits in it, and it will not work like I would hope.

Still, I'm glad they are going to try.

Styles shoot was exactly what I would've said had someone gave me a mic and let me give my opinion.
