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Dangerous Stories: The night I smashed Saturn's face

Smashing Glass Over Saturn + E.C.W. = VIOLENT!

Something that I am very surprised never made the best of E.C.W. tapes all over the world is the night I smashed a full pane of glass over Perry Saturn’s head. That was sheer violence. We were in Pittsburgh at the Golden Dome (future home of several E.C.W. TV tapings and one PPV) on Easter Sunday and it was The Dudley’s against The Eliminators. This was our first trip to the Pittsburgh area and Western Pennsylvania and we left them with something to remember for DAMN sure.

The deal was Perry Saturn would clean house on the Dudley’s and I will climb into the ring with a pane glass window that was covered by a sign and smash it over Perry’s head. Yeah, you read that right, over his head. Now as honest as I have been on MySpace you must know that this was a legit piece of glass, it was not pre-broken, prop glass or anything like that, it was the real deal. That whole week this was all I thought about. It was Perry’s idea to do it and to have me do it which was a tremendous rub for Sign Guy Dudley. I mean, this guy was literally putting his life on the line for me to more heel heat as the manager, or co-manager, of the Dudley Boyz. That is team work, that is what E.C.W. was about!

So the day comes, the glass is there, the sign is made and I remember Perry coming up to me and telling me to blast him and that was that, no questions, no answers. I went to ring carrying a glass pane covered sign that was heavy as fuck. I am thinking how on earth am I going to get this thing together, rip my signs off and clock him. Well, no matter what I thought or feared, it went down and I fucking smashing the shit out of that glass. I will never forget the ungodly sound it made when it broke, the glass going everywhere in the world and Perry getting sliced. Bubba and D-Von were selling in the ring and I remember them looking up at me while I did it, no matter what, people wanted to see it, even though I am thinking they more were doing it so they knew where the glass would go so they didn’t get cut. It was classic E.C.W.

After the match, they sent H.C. Loc into the ring to clean it up which was really a set-up for the Eliminators to grab me, hit me with Total Elimination and get out. You didn’t see that part on T.V., but I remember thinking what the fuck, I am going to get totally eliminated and then get fed to the glass, but hey, this guy just got fucking wacked with it, so I didn’t care and in the end it was money.

Trust me, find the tape. W.W.E. people, find the tape. It’s unreal.

Perry Saturn taught me a lot about the business. I didn’t travel with him or anything like that, but he was a teacher at the House of Hardcore and always gave me the time of day to answer my questions and teach me to become better. I haven’t talked to Perry in years, probably since I saw him at a Smackdown taping in Philadelphia right after E.C.W. went under. I know he went through some hard times and I, like many others, wish him nothing but the best.

Thank you so much for the support you have given me on this blog. I feel so lucky to have spent 7 years of my life in E.C.W. and these memories, I hope, are as fun for me to write as they are for you to read.

thank you thank you thank you thank YOU!


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