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The Booker / Batista Brawl

So right now the internet is buzzing (ok maybe just lightly humming) over the alleged incident between Booker T and Batista that occured this week.

In case you haven't heard - the story is that during a commerical taping for Summerslam, Batista and Booker broke into a fist fight. It apparently turned bloody and was quite serioius.

The story was first released by the WWE via their mobile phone service, then discussed on

If it looks like a work, smells like a work and sounds like a work .... chances are it's probably.....

Booker T claims that the fight has to do with Batista's lack of respect for the business and the guys in the locker room. He implies that Batista was catapaulted to stardom too quickly and that he never really had to pay his dues. Batista fired back (on saying he does respect the guys and that he's not "A prick".

This just sounds too booked to me. Maybe i've become too cynical, but - a shoot brawl breaks out, and no one is A) disciplined or B) making any attempt to cover it up? We've heard of legit beef backstage and it usually results in suspensions or being jobbed on tv.

The fact that the WWE is broadcasting this news is suspect. If the WWE wanted this to come across as "legit", they could have easily kept it off their site, but leaked it out to several of the top websites. They have used this tactic in the past. I myself fell victim to this trick on more than one occassion.

Jimmy Hart once told me - If it's on TV (or if it's coming from the company), it's a work.

No different than the promo that Joey Styles cut a week ago - there is some truth in Booker's words and it could turn into a great angle that stems from real life tension or perception. Batista is in danger of being treated the way Cena has been for the last few months.

Sure when he gets back he'll get the obligatory "Where have you been?" pop - but once that dies down many fans will realize that they are booing Cena for the same things Batista gets cheered for. Limited ability on a muscle head with a serious lack of natural charisma.

A feud with Booker however (one of the best things going on Smackdown right now) could in fact cement the 5 time WCW champion as the babyface and hurl Batista into major heeldom.

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