Check This Out...


This MySpace crap actually works!

A couple weeks ago, my boy Dan-e-o finally decided to have his own MySpace site started up. He got his crew on it and they opened up I noticed that within days he had made contact with hundreds of fans of his music and people in the industry.

Could this same trick work for Tha "O" Show? I had to know... so was born. Within a couple of days I was in touch with tons of wrestling fans, fans who remember my radio work in Toronto, and even some wrestlers I haven't spoken to in ages. Some of the boys I got on my list are guys I've never actually met, but mark out for like a school boy... Like, the guy featured on Tha "O" Show's logo...... Samoa F'N Joe!!

It seems like just about every major star has a myspace account. Wrestlers, musicians, movie stars... etc etc.

When it comes to networking, and getting in touch with people within a particular industry - I gotta say myspace is leading the way online.

So to all of y'all checkin out Tha Show for the first time, after followin a link from myspace - thanks for checkin us out.

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