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"O" No! JBL's out, and I'm coming after Benoit

Say it ain't so.

My fav WWE wrestler and the main reason I tune into Smackdown, John Bradshaw Layfield is out of action indefinately. Apparently he suffered a broken hand with a displaced bone during the 6 man tag for Friday Night Smackdown at the tapings on Tuesday.

JBL is set to have surgery tomorrow.


I watched Smackdown! last night and I saw the injury for myself. Benoit. Benoit did it. Benoit put the former WWE champion - the wrestling god - on the shelf.


That name is going to ring in my ears for the next couple months when JBL isn't on my tv.


A guy I've been a fan of since the Pegasus days, is now on my hit list.

Beware Benoit.

I am about to launch a full scale attack on you that will make my 3 year feud with Bret Hart seem like a school yard disagreement over who's turn it was to use the monkey bars.

"O" Benoit.

1 comments: on ""O" No! JBL's out, and I'm coming after Benoit"

Dan-e-o said...

I guess JBL now stands for Jagged Broken Ligaments...ha! ha! ha!