Check This Out...


Booker T: SmackDown's #1 Announcer!

Over the past several weeks, my man Booker T has been joining Michael Cole and Tazz at ringside for commentary during matches that involve his storylines. I can't help but notice how "O"-worthy Booker T's commentary is. The man is straight jokes...I don't think I've seen or heard anyone who can, so amusingly, call both the play-by-play and provide the colour commentary at the same time. This angle can not only help further develop his egocentric heel character but secure what has been rumoured as his future role in WWE: commentator.

First of all, Booker's approach is completely natural. He uses plenty of street slang and humorous analogies and speaks at such a rapid-fire pace, it prompted Tazz, a week or two ago, to ask Booker's wife, Sharmell if she ever gets any words in edge-wise at which she responded "no". That was entertaining enough on its own.

Secondly, and even more importantly however, Booker is excellent at doing what a commentator is supposed to do: put over the workers in the ring. On SmackDown! this past Thursday (Friday in the States...."ha! ha!" says Nelson Muntz) Booker did just that by brillantly helping to jumpstart his impending feud with The Boogeyman: "How'd this guy get here?...This guy got an agent?...I heard this guy can't even leave the country cuz he ain't even got a passport."...Which would make sense, considering that he's a monster!

In the Boogeyman VS. The Dicks match, Booker T accomplished a number of other important things:
#1 - He was hilarious: "You know when I was a little kid...people told me about The Boogeyman...I said, 'I hope he in my closet, I hope he in my bed because I'mo knock his punk-ass out!"
#2 - He further cemented his heel-status by continually slamming face-general manager, Teddy Long: "My lawyers is working on Teddy Long, we gon' get him out of office", "Teddy Long ain't nothin' but a boot-lickin'...butt-dancin' little puppet runnin' 'round here!"
#3 - He kept putting over the concept of The Boogeyman's character: "I heard a story...that a kid got suspended for the rest of the year for comin' to school with worms in his damn mouth!"
#4 - He was hilarious!: "Do this guy have a mother? Where's his mother at? Do he look anything like her?"

On top of that, Sharmell is gold. Her snottiness ('stushness' to us Jamaicans), witty snaps towards Michael Cole and unflinching support of Booker T's often-riduculous rants only helps with the entertainment value of his character. Not that I want to see Booker T leave the ring anytime soon, but he definitely has knocked Funaki out of top spot for Smackdown's #1 Announcer.

Now can you dig that? SUCKAAAAA!!!!!

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