On today's show Big Daddy Donnie and Dan-e-o hit you with "Tha Os And NOs", The Notorious T.I.D. chimes in with "Tha Pit Stop" and making his big return, TNA Superstar and Tha O Show member Textbook Tyson Dux is BACK with "Tha Classroom"!
In addition, TNA's Hard Justice PPV is previewed and the retired but always-awesome Dangerboy Derek Wylde returns for "Tha Round Table".
If you haven't yet, BE SURE to pick up your DVD copy of LLW Exodus to check out an amazing card headlined by Dangerboy Derek Wylde's LAST match in the company. In this classic, he goes head to head with long time nemesis, Showtime Eric Young.
This DVD and all others offered by Hammerlock Video is on sale for ONLY $13.99. Grab one today from our ONLINE STORE!
Don't forget Dan-e-o's new music video DVD, 10 The Music Videos is now available for just ten bucks in our ONLINE STORE as well!
3 comments: on "Today On Tha O Show..."
Go start your own website and your own show. You have way too much venom and too much free time.
Aww c'mon Donnie, at least that one was kinda funny. I mean, yeah, the guy's an idiot, but I got a chuckle from the link. Besides, with all the cock references on tha show, it was bound to happen eventually.
big daddy cry baby...jesus man..your a grown man..dont get so emotional...venom? im obviously a o-ster doing what you guys do on tha o show...just haveing fun and goofin of on ya....
i honestly thought you would find it funny....your pretty defesnive for a 30 plus year old man dude ...esp with all the disses you dish out...you cant take a little heat?
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