In all fairness, the first hour of "Raw" was respectable. I have no real issues there. However, during the second hour, the show went entirely down the tubes.
The Intercontinental Championship finally seems to have found meaning again, as Kofi Kingston defended against Paul Burchill. I said when Kofi first won the title that it's been almost two years since the title has meant anything, and it's good to see that both Kofi and the title are still on TV.
I'm a little disappointed that both Kofi's and Mickie's feud with the Burchills ended rather prematurely, but I'm at least glad that it ended in place of another feud. Kofi and Mickie will now face the team of Santino Marella and Beth Phoenix at SummerSlam in a match where the winning team will win both the Intercontinental Championship and the Women's Championship. I'm almost thinking that they'll run an angle where Beth and Santino will win, with either Beth taking both titles or with Beth taking the Intercontinental Championship and Santino taking the Women's Championship.
I liked the idea of having JBL and Chris Jericho teaming up in a match where the wrestler who gets a pinfall becomes the number one contender. But why did the match have to be against CM Punk? I can't stress this enough; he's the frigging champion! WWE is scrambling to make themselves look good and improve their ratings, and yet we've spent the past month watching the World Heavyweight Champion languish in the midcard and be made to look like he isn't a champion.

The Shawn Michaels appearance came off to me as largely unnecessary. If he's just coming on to say that he won't reveal his condition until SummerSlam, couldn't Cole and Lawler have put that over themselves?
Matt Striker make his first appearance on "Raw" last night before being interrupted by Kane. This led to an impromptu match, in which Kane squashed the former teacher. And then, in classic Kane style, a storyline was ended with absolutely no payoff. Apparently, whoever "he" is, he's dead. I still don't know who "he" is, but I do know that "I" stopped caring a long time ago.
John Cena and Batista are both faces, but have been booed mercilessly at various venues throughout the past few years. With that knowledge in mind, why would WWE think that these two clusterfucks facing each other is a big deal? Moreover, why did these two roidbags go over on Rhodes and DiBiase and win the fucking tag titles?
*ahem* Now that that's out of my system...I'm done. I could go on for days about how stupid this booking decision is, but I'll leave that to people who don't want to see Brian Gerwitz crucified.
Tha Results:
*Kofi Kingston def. Paul Burchill.
*Mickie James def. Katie Lea Burchill.
*JBL & Chris Jericho def. CM Punk in a Handicap Match.
*Kane def. Matt Striker.
*John Cena & Batista def. Simply Priceless to win World Tag Team Championship
13 comments: on "The Raw Report"
I totally agree with you Mr Casur. I thought the first hour was pretty solid and I even liked the 'Adamle originals' Gimmick, although putting Punk in the handicap match sucked eggs.
I doubt the Kane angle is finished after what Adamle said about taking the bag off of Kane next week tho. I also notice that you didn't mention 'King' Regal's return.
I know he was signed as the 'Hottest free agent' Last week, that had me kinda worried about them dropping the King gimmick but it's back this week and I don't care if he is in a feud with Jamie Noble,he's back and I love it!!!
Where do i begin to piss on this show? Okay,the goos:Santino is fucking GOLD! I love watching this guy's spots each week. He and Beth Phoenix are great together. Now for the bad: Reagal/Noble?? WTF?? The ending of the fueds with The Burchills with no payoff??WTF??? Burying THE CHAMPION in Midcard status again??? WTF??? Highlighting The Tag Team Titles in The Main Event:GOOD Putting the straps on a team that has no use for them:FUCKING DUMB!!!! The Gay ass pose down at the end of the match??? FUCKING GAYER than Tom Cruise and Val Kilmer in Top Gun.WTF was that shit??? Rhodes and Dibiase vs Cryme Tyme would have been a nice Summer Slam Match but unless they do some on the fly bullshit booking over the next 2 weeks,thats fucked.Jerichco actually shows signs of being a decent heel this go round but where is his place at SummerSlam?? JBL getting a run with the belt makes sense because he's the only one capable of carrying the strap on that brand since they don't deem Punk worthy of it. They are actually making me miss Randy Orton thats how bad the booking is right now. Cena still can't cut a decent promo to save his life and Batista is.....enough said. They should be made to watch Smackdown over and over until it sinks in how to evolve a character,better yet just give me an hour of Santino since hes the most entertaining thing on RAW right now.
the cena Batista pose down will go down in history as the most compelling moment in television history just you watch
Yeah, RAW was no where near as bad as some of you make it seem, just another classic example of why promotions should continue ignoring fans online.
The only negative to me the whole show was DiBiase/Rhodes losing the titles, but I figure WWE has something up their sleeve.
Adamle seems to be fine as GM as well, glad we'll see what Kane's been carrying around the last few weeks.
Try not to over think too much when you watch wrestling, it's easier to enjoy it that way.
Where does everyone keep coming up with that whole "Ignore the online community" thing? You are making the assumption that WWE listens to its fans in the first place, and, as is plainly obvious, they don't listen to anybody, even if their ratings do tumble.
The only negative to you was Rhodes and DiBiase losing the titles? How does the Kool-Aid taste?
How about the fact that for weeks, everyone was wondering who "he" is when Kane kept muttering "is he alive or dead", and now nobody finds out who "he" is. I suppose you liked the payoff to the fake Kane angle from a few years ago as well?
How about that the fact that the World Heavyweight Championship, a belt which we've been told in countless promos, means you're the best, has been in the midcard on "Raw" for the past month?
You figure the WWE has something up their sleeve. Well, spoiler alert. Cena and Batista will either squash every team on "Raw" or never defend the titles, and this will continue until the "Raw" a week or two before the big feud payoff where they implode during a match and lose the titles.
"I've seen this before" and "This doesn't make sense" are not overthinking. You could be in the middle of a week long bender and still think that.
Your over thinking things. You have to learn how to be a wrestling fan again, rather than watching wrestling with a score card in your hand. Stay away from all the wrestling dirt sheet sites, and wrestling forums. They're all full of people who think they know what's best, when they really have no idea.
Since I've stopped going to all these sites, all wrestling has become more enjoyable, and if a segment wasn't groundbreaking awesome, no sweat, it's just the weekly show, not a PPV. There used to be a time that the only time you saw WWF/E wrestlers go against each other, was on PPVs, other than that, they just wrestled jobbers.
Wrestling isn't a blockbuster weekend movie, an artist latest album, a dramatic series (like Lost), or your favorite authors most recent book, it's pro-wrestling and analyze it at the same time. You either suspend your belief and put yourself in the mindset of someone who hates the heel, and likes the face (no matter the work rate).
You do like 95% of the people who claim to be wrestling fans online, and you act like a judge and critic. Critics can't be fans, judges can't be fans; these people can't suspend their belief for the sake of enjoyment, because their job is to judge and critic. As a fan, it's not your job or business to do such things. Can a fan not like something in wrestling, of course they can; but once you start watching every show with the mindset of a judge or critic, rather than a fan who is optimistic about what they're watching, you hurt any chance you have of enjoying wrestling on a regular basis, and you also pollute the overall fan base for those who aren't as smart, and actually listen to the OPINIONS of people online who act like they know what they're talking about.
*We find out what's in Kane's bag next week, which means his DoA angle either ends or keeps going, at least that's how I, a fan saw it.
*Cena/Batista winning the titles sparked a few things in my mind. I thought maybe DiBiase/Rhodes will get them back later if/when Orton returns, and maybe they'll form a cool faction.
*CM Punk not the main event? I figure maybe when he loses the title, he'll become a bad guy, and talk about how the fans kept him down, and even as champion, he got no respect.
For those things, that's how I, as a fan, thought. Optimism is important, it's key to being a smart person.
I'm a bit like the empty journal, Raw was not as bad as you made it out to be,
Concerning Cena & Batista being boo'd,I think you were not listening when Cena entered, he got the biggest Cheer of the night by a long,long way.With the belts its better that Cena,Batista have them, instead of Priceless feudung with the king & hacksaw(here's a quick idea, let Cena,batista job to Crime tyme,imagine where they could go from there if they book it right)
I agree with you about CM Puke, give the title to JBL who can then fued with Cena,Jericho,Batista or whoever(Cena hopefully) & they can bury Puke forever.
I also love the Santino,Beth storyline(they should give Santino more TV time, make him a manager or the assistant GM) & like you hope they get the titles,agree about the Kane thing, but at the end of raw didn't Adamle say he's want an answer next week or he's personally going to find out.
I've been wanting to say this since I started listening/reading, tha O show 4/5 months ago
all the best
the bird
"it's pro-wrestling and analyze it at the same time"
I meant you can't be a fan and analyze the show at the same time. Was thinking ahead of my typing.
You can't enjoy wrestling and rate it at the same time? Sure you can. You can do that in any media. I can watch a baseball game and enjoy it while still thinking that the officiating sucks. Everybody's a critic, because nothing's perfect, but if I filled my articles with "this was great, that was great", my articles would all sound bland after awhile. I'm going to talk about things in depth because I'm a fan and this is a forum to do so. If it comes off as negative, so be it. I make very clear what I like and don't like.
WWE has done many very entertaining things in the past, and they still are (I look forward to and enjoy ECW and SmackDown! every week). And I haven't looked at a dirt sheet in months. But what does it say for a show where in order to enjoy it, you can't put any thought into what you're watching?
I think when it comes to wrestling you kinda have to be in two separate camps.
work rate fans and regular fans
The guys here on the O Show have a job that requires them to provide fans a view from behind the curtain whether you are a work rate fan or a reg fan. People have a problem with wanting to be both types of fan at once, which IMO, isn't possible.
A lot of talk was made a few weeks ago on Tha O Show podcast about banned moves in the WWE. Piledrivers and Shooting Star Presses being the most prominent.
The move the WWE OUGHT to ban is the hurricanrana or any type of headscissors. Why? Because no worker in the Fed can SELL the damn move right. Seems to have been that way for 10 years now. The worker taking the headscissors inevitably suffers from the syndrome of "oh shit, I just got hurricanrana-ed, maybe I should hit the mat" and somersault to the mat like 1-2 seconds after they should. I know kayfabe is dead, but c'mon when selling of a move looks THAT fake, it IRKS me to no end. Great example of that on RAW last night when Katie Lea Burchill was apparent wrestling on the 7 second tape-delay while mickey James was hitting her headscissors live. Just abysmal. If workers are gonna sell it that poorly, band the move, or use the move and take your opponent down hard-way with it.
RAW continues to make it's champion look bad. How many times did Cole/Lawler make reference to CM Punk being called a "weak" or "paper champion"? a "Placeholder". Shouldn't these guys be trying to get Punk over instead of trying to bury him along side the rest of the RAW roster?
Random thought: is the calling of moves by their technical name and referring to titles as belts also taboo for WWE's Spanish announce team? Some of the matches I was watching last night, I got to thinking "Hey RAW wouldn't be half bad if they had a guy like Mark Lowrentz calling the match and putting the moves and psychology over"
Mike Adamle is slowly turning into Jim Cornette. I can hear the Dan-e-o impression now: "Jericho and JBL. Tonight you'll face Punk in a handicap match. If either of you win you'll get a title match at SummerSlam. If CM Punk neither of you gets a match at SummerSlam. If it goes to a 10 minute draw the match at SummerSlam will be a 3 way dance. If there's outside interference, the wrestler who interferes will be put in a hair vs. hair match against BATIsta. If what Kane is carrying in his burlap sack is the old Kane mask the match at SummerSlam becomes a fatal four way with Kane, JBL, Jericho, and Punk. If Kane loses that match he'll have to wrestle again as Isaac Yankem ..."
Fed-hating since day 1 -- AntiFed Del Norte
honestly did you really think priceless would be able to beat cena batista?
I'm tired of Lawler and Cole pushing the Cena's strength during a match. If I had a dollar every time they tea-bagged either Cena or Batista's strength during the match, I'd retire to Montana. They are wrestlers, they're expected to be strong. Funny thing is, in a real wrestling match, both Diabase Jr. and Rhodes would own the two ROIDBAGS.
Wrestling on RAW is so lame, I rememeber why I stopped watching in the first place. Jesus, where are the REAL stars?!
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