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Not-So-Main Event

Caribana. LLW Meltdown. The X Games. Prospective dates. I'm not going to say that Saturday Night's Main Event was horrible television; on the contrary, I thought the show was rather enjoyable and did a halfway decent job of building up feuds for SummerSlam (which is the whole purpose of it to begin with). Problem is, as you take a look at the beginning of this paragraph, there was a lot going on this weekend for many O-sters.

It has been said now and then on Tha O Show that Friday night is a bad night to have wrestling on, as Friday is a night when people are more likely to go out and be social as opposed to sitting in front of a television. On Saturday night, the problem is even worse, and when you compound that with the fact that WWE didn't market this show very aggressively, I wonder how many O-sters actually tuned in.

I haven't mentioned this in any of my "Raw" Reports (at least I don't think I have), so I want to start by giving WWE a big up for aligning themselves with Generation Rescue. I said some months back of WWE's "SmackDown! Your Vote" campaign that with all the negativity and bad press that surrounds the media, it's good to see that WWE is still doing some good. Even the dirtiest of companies can help a worthwhile charity out. While I'm on the topic of wrestling helping charities...suck it, Andrew Goodwin.

The Great Khali squashed Jimmy Wang Yang last night. Okay, I sort of get it. Yang's an over face. Khali needs to look strong and heelish going into SummerSlam, and he needs to do it largely without Triple H because he's taking care of his newborn. This all makes sense, but if Triple H is taking some time away from the ring to be with his kid, shouldn't WWE have run some sort of angle where Khali attacked Triple H and "put him out" for a few weeks? To me, that seems like it would be an easy way to build great heat for Khali and manage to put a little more interest into their upcoming match.

CM Punk was ringside for the 8-man tag team match last night featuring JBL, Kane and Simply Priceless vs. John Cena, Batista and Cryme Tyme. I may be reading too much into this, but to me, this makes it seem as though JBL is the guy who will face Punk at SummerSlam. To me, this is a good thing, because as much as I enjoy Punk as champion, I believe JBL can carry "Raw" as a top heel in a fashion similar to Orton last winter. Hopefully JBL going over last night is a sign of things to come.

Edge and Jeff Hardy could create a great feud somewhere down the road. I said earlier this week that William Regal needed to prove that he had cleaned up his act before he got a push again, and I believe the same for Jeff Hardy. That being said, I believe that Hardy's current feud with MVP can be a stepping stone to proving that he's back on track. He's in what could become a promising feud with MVP that is built on real emotion, so if he can get through an extended feud with MVP while keeping his nose clean, he might be ready for another shot at the next level.

I'm so used to reviewing two hour shows that this review feels like it's a bit short, but it was a one hour show, so there's only so much that can be said.

Tha Results:
*JBL, Kane and Simply Priceless def. Cryme Tyme, John Cena and Batista
*The Great Khali def. Jimmy Wang Yang
*Edge def. Jeff Hardy

2 comments: on "Not-So-Main Event"

Anonymous said...

The Hardy vs Edge match was a great match and I think after the match they should have started using takers mind games again.

They still have more time till summerslam so there still is time.

I just hope they do somthing because i love takers mind games and edge is perfect when it comes to acting scared to them.

D.J.B. said...

2.38 ratings...yeah it's really not a Main Event. Nice job promoting on the part of the promotion machines at NBC and WWE