Check This Out...


Buy A DVD, Get A Free MP3!

I've had a few questions thrown at me lately about the tracks on the 10 The Music Videos DVD. Some of them, certain cats didn't know I had a video for! That's because some of the more recent ones were never aired on national TV and one was even banned!

Here's the official video listing:

1) Dear Hip Hop
2) At The T.O.P. - Monolith
3) Plan Eh - Monolith
4) Corrida De Toros
5) Margerine
6) Baahd!
7) T.N.T.
8) Deadly
9) Funkbox
10) Kama Sutra

So check it an added bonus, anyone who buys the new DVD by hitting up my ONLINE STORE will get a FREE mp3 of ANY of the above songs.

You know how it works. Place your order and then e-mail for your mp3request! It's that simple. A DVD and a hot track for ten bucks!

Oh, by the way, while you're at it...throw your boy a vote for "Summer Fling" on!

2 comments: on "Buy A DVD, Get A Free MP3!"

Anonymous said...

hey dan...the stone cold stunner you applied on the security guard in "plan eh" was so atrocious lol...was it a legit bumpulaz? or was it the editing gimmick?

Dan-e-o said...

Yeah, that stunner didn't exactly represent the best bump ever. He was a big dude who had never seen the move before...ah well, all done tongue in cheek.