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Rated O Radio - Episode 74

Tha O Show RadioBack for another week of O-someness are your boys Big Daddy Donnie and Dan-e-o. It's your favourite internet wrestling program...Tha O Show!

This week, tha boys are joined by the loveliest of lovely guests in the talented, beautiful and amazing-abs-having, Danyah.

Today's episode is PACKED with guests and RAMMED with good fun! (Slip in ambiguously gay joke here). Press play and get ready to have your lips create a circular form in order to expel a loud sound. It's O time!

On this week's show ...

Tha O's And NO's with a focus on this past Sunday's WWE pay-per-view, The Great American Bash and this past weekend's two big MMA events.

The Notorious T.I.D., of course, is back in full effect with "Tha Pit Stop" to tackle this past Saturday's Affliction pay-per-view and the UFC event featuring Anderson Silva stepping into the 205lb weight class to compete.

Tha O Show also presents the very long awaited return (depending on who you are, of course) of "Tha Black Prophet"! The always controversial brotha from Compton, California is back to unleash more rage!

This coming Friday, Ring of Honor debuts its first-ever Canadian show as they visit the home of O - Toronto, Canada. Sweet 'N' Sour Inc. member, Larry Sweeney joins the show to preview this unprecedented ROH event.

Last week, she debuted on Tha O Show during "Road Stories". This week, the Walking Riot, Missy Hyatt is back with a VENGEANCE! You haven't heard heat like this on Tha O Show in quite some time...maybe ever! Missy requested a spot on today's episode to vent about her unfortunate experience with this past weekend's Bodyslammin' Juvenile Diabetes event in Milton, Ontario. She has choice words for the "promoter".

Lightening the mood a little is our brother and yours, Marty Garner, who exposes a softer side on this week's "A Glass of Cham Pain". Stay tuned to the end of the story for some BREAKING NEWS from Marty!

Sticking around for "Tha Round Table" is Miss Danyah and taking you out is the hot new track entitled "Devil In A Blue Sky" from the award-nominated band you all know and love, Secret Suburbia!

Secret Suburbia has been nominated for two awards (Best Live Band and Best Alternative Rock Band) at the Toronto Indy Music Awards which takes place on July 31st at The Phoenix Concert Theatre.

Please show your support to all those who made this week's episode possible:




Secret Suburbia's Official Website

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Click HERE to buy Secret Suburbia's Midi Gritty from HMV.

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Dan-e-o's MySpace Page

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Click HERE to buy Dan-e-o's See No Evil, Hear No Evil from HMV.

Buy Tha O Show's Theme Music HERE!


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Online World Of Wrestling

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Missy Hyatt

The Notorious T.I.D.

Marty Garner

Larry Sweeney


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67 comments: on "Rated O Radio - Episode 74"

Anonymous said...

FINALLY!! I think you guys are doing a smart thing by posting the preview super early. All it does it get me EXCITED for the show and it must give you way more hits cuz I know I keep coming back.

True, i'll get an update in my O Show newsletter but that isnt always sent right away, and i want it NOW!

Ok Show is starting


Anonymous said...

The weekend was crazy I agree with everything Missy had to say about the weekend! I was there to help out with the show,casue myself I have diabetes and wanted to help out for the cause!

Andrew did leave us(Myself,Sharon and Missy)at the Port Colbourn fair.We were lost for legit 3 hours trying to find our way back to Milton.Mrs Goodwin never told us how to get back at all.

The next day I was working the door and Missy said watch the cash so I was and Andrew said he was going to square Missy up and obviously never did.

Anyways Missy is shooting straight s myself and Sharon were with her the majority of the weekend!

All an all a great show once again and would love Missy to be a regular guest!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I missed the Prophet. I hate him and love him.

Anonymous said...

why does daneo have a down south road dogg jesse james accent on tha o show theme...

yall know what tam it is....lets get ready to suckkkkkkk it!

billy gunn to...has a degenartion x type of mood to it...

Anonymous said...

hey donnie....coke fuckin rules man...fuck thoose orange juice citrus gas ass drinks

pop is a real mans drink...fuck fruit drinks..ya fuckin fruits...

i legit drink 1 ..2 litre bottle of pepsi whatever your drinkin aint that bad...

and like dan said "less prostitution"

Anonymous said...

make sure you comment on the findings of if Goodwin actually gave the money to the charity!

Anonymous said...

"When I go to buy condoms, I ask for a fitting room"


Anonymous said...

Missy Hyatt. Wow. What heat. It was certainly quite a show on Sunday in Milton. As one of the few that was there (and I mean few) I hope days like this never happen. I can certainly say Big Mike was having quite the weekend just by the look on his face. No matter the fallout, or how this plays out, or how much vitriol is spewed the charity was the ultimate loser. Sadly.
Big H

Anonymous said...

dont tell me missy hyatt left ontario with suckin someones cock...

donnie tell me im wrong..if you dont than your officially the homo donnie - o from the homo show like when dan made that techo theme for hayden avery...

Anonymous said...

dont tell me missy hyatt left ontario wihtout suckin cock*...

donnie tell me im wrong..if you dont than your officially the homo donnie - o from the homo show like when dan made that techo theme for hayden avery...

Christopher Casúr said...

As far as the Mysterio thing, keep in mind that the Wellness Policy says that if you have a prescription for anything, it's okay. Dr. Astin writes him the prescriptions for the steroids, and he's off the hook, which is how both he and Benoit got around suspensions.

Anonymous said...

glad you guys enjoyed the segment...

Anonymous said...

Black Prophet, be nice, nobody wants to cause a fuss with you. If you ask me, the black community has it pretty sweet. You've got three black champions in WWE, you've got the biggest monster heel in women's wrestling history...oh, and did I mention that you have the NBA? What does the gay community have? San Francisco? We haven't had any good sports teams in over a decade.

Not to mention, let's not forget Kanyon. When Vince found out he was gay, he fired him! When's the last time Vince fired someone when he found out he was black?

If you ask me, you guys have it pretty sweet. You should just stop your complaining and enjoy what you have. Be happy!

Anonymous said...

Brack Plophet! Why you so angly? Bracks got berts! What Asians got? Jimmy Wang Yang! Don't even get to be Asian, gotta pletend he a ledneck! We ain't had champ since Yokozuna, and he onry get bert because he big fleak show! You no be angly! You be happy rike herr!

Anonymous said...

Mmm, Black Prophet, why you gotta be so down an' shit? You guys got it good! You're winning belts instead of mowing lawns, like us! Look at our big star, Rey Mysterio! WWE tell him to stay at home, then say he's always out injured, that's some bullshit! Then they try to be like every other whitey in the US and try to get him to work for less money, even though the little ninos y ninas know he where it at, homes! You guys got some stars and whine that you ain't got enough, but we ain't got none! Hernandez could be bigger than sliced bread, but TNA wants to hold him down while Booker T gets a main event spot, what's up with that?

Anonymous said...

tell tid ...he sounded lazy today and when he was doing the black prophet his real voice was coming out.....

if your prophet is done by notorious tid....

Anonymous said...

wow does tid realize he was talking in 'TID" mood for like the whole profit gimmick segment....kayfabe obvious

Anonymous said...


You fucking morons think TID is the black prophet? I bet you think Kane and Undertaker are really brothers don't you?

Anonymous said...

black prophet is tid you dumb fuck...i was the one that called the "fatty fronte" name a kayfabe to....the audience isnt fucking stupid..

and donnie gave it away with asking tid about the black prophet...and tids known for making "nigger slang" hes been doin it his whole life lol....

so fuckin obvious...and tid got lazy...listen to the segment..tid wasnt even making an effort to gimmick his voice...he sound exactly like TID...


Dan-e-o said...

Markington Sr.,

Are you joking? And here I was thinking you weren't such a mark after all. Tid and Tha Prophet are DEFINITELY two very different people.

Anonymous said...





Anonymous said...

Yes, yes they are. I know who The Prophet is though.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

if you heard tids dusty rhodes impression you would know that the black prophet is TID...LOL

Anonymous said...

Pussy Out

Tid is the Prophet?

DENY you stupid fuck...
wow you're dumb

Anonymous said...

The segment when Danyah mentions the freaks is priceless...

A guy from Italy was flying me there, giving me 2000$ to beat him up...

And I got a lot more stories...

Anonymous said...

Pussy Out

your o show member....

and dann and don ....dont disrespect your stupid fucks!

people say comes with the teritory

Anonymous said...

Goodwin Sports can be reached by phone or email:

Phone: 905-693-9409


Anonymous said...

that does kinda sound like T.I.D. lol

Anonymous said...

Yea that does sound like T.I.D. trying to sound black.

It's almost like when Danny raps he puts on his "black voice" but when he talks he sounds like someone totally different like some random white guy...

Anonymous said...

listen to tid say "rampage jackson"

and then listen to the black prohet say "rampage jackson"

its the exact fuckin same thing LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO


Anonymous said...

that sounds exactly like tid lol

Anonymous said...

kayfabe boys

ron stryker said...

Just wanted to send a shout out to our boy Marty (Cham Pain). It says alot about the power we have that we could cause so much email to be sent in on behalf of Marty that it causes "Johnny Boy" and the rest of the WWE suits to freak out. Like you guys said it's a story line that could write itself but of course when has the WWE done anything to make sense. Marty sorry for the shit call you had to deal with but you still can be proud to know you got legions of fans. That's how we roll in North Carolina and thats my Cup of O.

Anonymous said...

Donnie, for someone from ont. You really showed alot of class. Sleep with both eyes open. My info is below and you guys can always contact me.

Goodwin Sports can be reached by phone or email:

Phone: 905-693-9409


Anonymous said...

hey tid....if your gonna put on a fake nigger accent from the south atleast pronounce everything accordingly...

there were times were you said "tam" and then "time" give me a break...what a fuckin joke...a fuckin hick embarassing the negroid cluture...dan thats totally bullshit on your part the fact that you let these guys put on a coon show and you just sit there and let em do it...

how bout we make the cracker profit ...who talks about fuckin ring boys in the ass etc...

Anonymous said...

and tid...i know your a racist for a fact....guelph ont. gcw show ....i was daipaointed when u called those fans dirty niggers...and your a bigger coward for sayin that to some kids...say nigger to a black man your size..u fuckin clown...

Anonymous said...

Man, I hadn't even listened tot he show yet this week, but from the above comment, doesn't look like I should. Tsk tsk tsk.

Anonymous said...

To Dan-e-o: I seem to recall several months ago you doing a freestyle rap on the show to try to pick up Danyah where your lyrics said you just might go downtown to get her... Unlike Fed marks Osters have long term memory capability...

To Danyah: BIG BIG BIG ups for not selling out. While it seems to be the goal of so many indy workers to get into the Fed you stay true to your love of Wrestling and you aren't drinking the E's kool-aid. You said you don't watch WWE at all then mention wanting to get signed by TNA. Great attitude to have, I'd be MAJORLY disappointed if you said you didn't watch WWE but wanted to get signed by them. Few such as yourself truly know that kind of love of wrestling to be able to look past the money The Fed throws at people to make a mockery of the indy roots those such as yourself come from. And I'm sure on more than one occasion you've squeezed into a 32C bra just for that super sexy spillage over the top of a constricting bra.

Randomness: I wonder what the Black Prophet has to say about Black Jews like Jackie Wilson, Sammy Davis Jr., Lenny Kravitz, Or even black orthodox rapper Yitzchak Jordon...

To Marty Garner: dude, the Fed NOT hiring you is a blessing in disguise. Sure you'd get paid, but it it worth selling out the craft you love to take the devil's money? All your moves get training wheels put on them, you'd get saddled with some crappy gimmick. And god forbid another Marty show up, you'd end up working under a different name. Sign with TNA, shoot punch Vince Russo into a coma, then help TNA overtake the company that turned it's back on you.

To Big Daddy Donnie: Rey Mysterio going to TNA would garner a new market, i.e. a younger crowd of TNA viewers. I agree, Rey would do fuckall however in TNA. As you pointed out he's a shell of himself, he'd be outworked by the X-Division guys, and squashed by Heavyweights. Maybe Awesome Kong could use him as a dumbell for arm curls. Now if RVD showed up in TNA .. That would be akin to Hulk hogan arriving in the WWF in the 1980s ...

Saving the best for last. MISSY HYATT!!: Girl, you're almost as spiteful and vengeful as I am. Giving out Andrew's shoot numbers was pure gold. Burning bridges is so much fun. I too know the unique satisfaction one gets from lashing out at those who you've trusted and done you wrong.

I was confused, and concerned when Missy mentioned saying to the scam-artist "I know I'm no Tammy". Missy! Girl! Don't EVER sell yourself short of anyone in the business. Don't view yourself as second class or second rate to anyone. Without Missy Hyatt there would be no Tammy Sytch. You've worked a lot harder, for a lot longer, in much less conducive conditions. As you said yourself, you were one of the firsts, a pioneer. You paved the way for female valets. Let's not forget, Tammy was a pretty face/body in the right place at the right time when gals of her ilk were a dime a dozen. But who got the whole party started? Missy Hyatt. To me you've done MUCH more for the business than most any other woman out there. If competing shows were running on the same night, one featuring Missy, one featuring Sunny I'd be at the show Missy was on.

Anonymous said...

Naw-tah-russ TID is da praw-fett? Dats hogwash son. If dass so den mah name's Dusty Rhodes.

Anonymous said...

^^thanks dan...


Big Daddy Donnie said...

Mr. Markington Sr / Tim Sylvia / whatever other names you are using.

Please be advised... people are emailing and are frustrated with your spamming. Consider this a polite request.

If you want to disagree with what we say that's fine, but don't use this space to get yourself over and bash our guests and sponsors.

Continuing in this fashion will force us to delete all of your posts.

And I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt and without hesitation that the Black Prophet is NOT Notorious T.I.D.

Actually a segment with Prophet interviewing Tid could be hypalaz.

Anonymous said...

hey donnie stop stroking your own cock

cmon dude dont kayfabe...tid is the black a interview next week and dont gimmick it.....i know its tid but do the interview with the black prophet and tid just for entertainment where tid questions his beliefs...and knowing tid he doesnt shut up while your talkin he will cut you if the interview is totally one guy talkin and other quiet that will be proof this is gimmicked unless you tape it and do so overdubulas over it with it..

Big Daddy Donnie said...

I don't have a clue how you came up with this theory, but it's ridiculous.

The Black Prophet is a brotha from California. Legit.

Tid is a big angry white guy from Vegas who has lived in Ontario for the last decade.

Anonymous said...

hey big daddy, if i say tids the one impersonating the black prophet who are you to come at me for my opinon...i feel thats him

and i feel like my intelligence is being insulted because hisa voice is exactly like tids ad tids pronunciation was extremely lazy and it went astray plenty of times...prooving that it was tid..

I feel this is real offensive especially since it's making a mockery out of black culture and using the n word is very was created to hold somones self esteem down and keep them low in scoiety and to make them feel like there not humans....

im sorry but this was really offensive especially with a white guy doing it...i already lost respect for tid several years ago by seeing how he was at many hwf shows in london and guleph ont..

Anonymous said...

A few comments:

I love the random comments and the Michelle McCool / Underaker stuff was brilliant.

I'm not a huge fan of The Black Prophet's politics, but I get why people like him.

I love The Pit Stop and to comprare the vocal quality of T.I.D and B.P. is just daft.

How much for the picture of Danyah's feet?

Anonymous said...

danyah looks a shoot man...and her stomach is gross!

Anonymous said...

"the dead bust" "the under bust"

shes suckin dead cock LOL

donnies got 80 cock references per hour

Anonymous said...

good show as always.

good to know the details about the incident. hope everything turns out ok for missy and the rest. i checked her website god damn sunny is one ugly bitch in there. DISGUSTING!!!!!

dman that sucks marty man hopefully youll be ok no wonder matt hates johnny ace.
ya ruined it for him, he said ABS not ass!!!

nice round table discussion. rey mysterio gets more kids in than john cena. lol roids shit made me die.

Anonymous said...

The best way I've found to stop drinking so much damned soda was Gatorade. I save Coke for certain meals (usually shit I shouldnt be eating anyway). I was knocking back 5-7 sodas a day and I dont know what that was doing to my innards.

Dark Knight was one of the best films I have ever seen. No exageration. I couldnt stop talking about it all last night. Of course I was in a shit crowd. People there just to see Ledger or whatever. Not that he wasnt the best villian ever on film, but some bitches in the crowd didnt even cheer for some of the coolest shit I've ever seen.

That Rock the Bells show sounded cool. I am going to a show next weekend with most of the people Dan-E-O mentioned. And fuck playing in the rain. Black folks hate water. Myth: CONFIRMED.

How can anyone think that TID is the Black Prophet? I havent listened to the Law or any of that stuff but they dont even sound the same. But what he said about Vickie Guerrero was true.

Larry Sweeney knows kayfabe.

Dudes here in L.A rock flipflops all the time. Those and Crcos which are next to Uggs in the ugliest shoes ever. Uggs will turn a girl from a 9 to a 3 in a moment. Guys dont handle their feet at all. "Heels lookin' like they were in a can of Pringles"? Perfect.

The weird shit that people are into is crazy. I wouldnt pay to have anyone kick my ass...or balls. But, its Danyah. So maybe I'd let her step on my baby toe. But if someone wants to see a picture of you feet? Come on. Just do it. I'll send a pic of my taint for $20 Canadian.

Generations of children have been lost because of photos of Missy Hyatt. Combine the lost of lives lost during all wars since the beginning of time and it doesnt cum (that's right) close to the ones caused by Missy and Kleenex. Aw, skeet skeet skeet!

Wait until Sydal fucks up that Shooting Star. I remember when Juvi fucked up a 450 Splash in WCW and came knee first down on Psychosis' ribs. Read my damned articles. People get hurt taking steps, not Piledrivers. Being overly cautious makes people fuck up more often. Plus taking away moves kills performers. Justin Credible had nothing without that move. I bet Rhyno was happy as hell to get the piledriver back in TNA. Who doesnt enjoy having man-head between their legs? I'd take a Tombstone from slow motion...under water.

With the issue of Rey and his money, I think Dan-E-O is looking at it as a performer. He wouldn't want to get dicked out of potential cash much like Rey is. I wouldn't give Rey more because he is never around. Danny, stop upsetting Danyah's abs. You so hate Rey. I dont know what it is. I think Rey is being protected because there are a shitload of skeletons in his closet. he is likely privy to all kinds of shit that goes down in The E. Imagine what he would have to say about Eddie and Benoit. Keep him employed, keep him quiet.

Anonymous said...

abrew couldnt score with missy hyatt even if he had a hundred dollars stapled to his cock...

Anonymous said...

Good show this week - no plus de details...

Regarding little ReyRey, it seems to me that if the fed's issue really is merch sales going down when he's injured, then perhaps they should keep his contract the same, but give him a slightly better percentage of merch sales. That way, he can re-sign and save face -- and if he's injured, the fed's bottom line doesn't change.

El Blanco Loco

Anonymous said...

Devindudley, I'd like to see you score with ANYONE while having ANYTHING stapled to your cock...

El Blanco Loco

Anonymous said...

how does having "anything" stapled to your cock make sense?

Anonymous said...

Having another cock stapled to your cock would be good. Like some sorta bionic cock that no woman could resist. Like a woman with two vaginas. Sounds scary and cool at the same time. It's the genetic equivilent of taking a Vertabreaker.

Anonymous said...

Donnie hates anyone that's over. He's what you call an elitist.

Christopher Casúr said...

He doesn't hate anyone who's over. He loves Hernandez, Booker T, JBL, Randy Orton, and some others. But he's right about Mysterio, dude's gassed to the moon and he is a PR nightmare waiting to happen.

As far as the elitist comment, I don't know if I'm ready to refer to him as Big Daddy Obama just yet. I'll stick with Big Daddy McCain for now, they're both about as exciting.

Anonymous said...

The point, in case you missed it dear Devin, is that you said:

"abrew couldnt score with missy hyatt even if he had a hundred dollars stapled to his cock..."

My point is that your joke fails on every level. If Donnie had something stapled to his cock, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't even be trying to score with Missy Hyatt. He would be screaming that there is something stapled to his cock. And how having money stapled to your cock sweeten the deal for Missy anyway? Is she supposed to be thinking "well, normally I wouldn't screw him, but...he does have that blood soaked money stapled to his cock.

The point is, taking the time to post that witless comment is an epic waste of time, seconded only to me responding.

El Blanco Loco

Anonymous said...

hey he made a joke about donnie hahaha

dont know why you had to waste your time and respond to it, you sound so stupid

Anonymous said...

hey el blanco....your not a true o -ster..however one thing is clear..both of us need to get a life discussing/debating stapling dollar bills to abrews cock...

it was a credible joke..because donnie used that reference on danny on thaoshow while back where they were talking about some god beans and donnie said to danny "you couldnt get her if u had a hundred dollars stapled to your cock"

so thats why i was saying a inside joke....

Big Daddy Donnie said...

I don't hate anyone who's over...

Love Samoa Joe
Love Christian
Love LAX

and that's just some of the faces ... there are a ton of top heels I dig...

It's not hate when I talk about Rey. It's me looking down the road and seeing very little ROI and tons of potential damage.

Anonymous said...

hey abrew...can you confirm the fact that you were the one who said "staple hundred dollars to your cock" a few podcats back?

Anonymous said...

Yes, we must get to the bottom of this urgent matter; It is of utmost importance.

El Blanco Loco

PS My apologies to Devon Dudley. I am the worst troll ever.

Anonymous said...

why was the black prophet talking about a mma star?