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Rated O Radio - Episode 73

Tha O Show RadioWhat up O-sters! Tune in and find out where Big Daddy Donnie and Dan-e-o currently stand on their five dollar bet concerning T.J.'s love life. And after that, prepare for one of your favourite episodes of Tha O Show ever! (Yes, we're making that decision for you!).

A ton of come-backalaz combined with a number of debutalaz make Episode 73...well, what else? HYPE-ALAZ! Among the debuts, a new Donnie-conceived gimmick entitled, "Confirm, Deny or Pussy Out!".

Prepare your mouth to O!! It's your favourite time of week...

On this week's show ...

Tha O's And NO's with a focus on this past Monday's "Raw" and this past Sunday's TNA pay-per-view, Victory Road.

And in it's long awaited return, "Road Stories" is back with the Walking Riot, Missy Hyatt making her debut on Tha O Show!

Also, the much anticipated return of The Notorious T.I.D. is finally upon us in a big time edition of "Tha Pit Stop". Discussing everything from Rampage Jackson's recent run-in with the law to the CBS Fantasy Fights gimmick, Tid is back in top form.

Tha O Bros chew on some news bits and spit out topics including The Undertaker's now open relationship with Michelle McCool, the recent goings-on in TNA and even "American Gladiators". Find out which Gladiator has joined Dan-e-o's "I'm dying to blaze her" list!

Your muhfuggin' boy...and ours, Marty Garner is back with "A Glass of Cham Pain" featuring a story involving The Rock and actor Orlando Jones. Jokes usual!

In another first on Tha O Show, former WWE Superstar and Spirit Squad member, Mikey Mondo joins Don and Dan on "Tha Round Table". Mikey will be in Milton, Ontario this weekend for PWA's Bodyslammin' Juvenile Diabetes event.

And making it's world premiere to none another than Tha Nation of O is the brand new single from Dan-e-o, "Summer Fling" featuring Conwell and Giselle. Check Dan-e-o's official MySpace page for your opportunity to download this song for free!

Please show your support to all those who made this week's episode possible:




Secret Suburbia's Official Website

Secret Suburbia's MySpace Page

Click HERE to buy Secret Suburbia's Midi Gritty from HMV.

Dan-e-o's Official Website

Dan-e-o's MySpace Page

Dan-e-o's Online Store

Click HERE to buy Dan-e-o's See No Evil, Hear No Evil from HMV.

Buy Tha O Show's Theme Music HERE!


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Dan-e-o's T-shirts

Hammerlock Video

Legacy Belts


Living Legends Wrestling


Tha Church Of O

Tha O Show's MySpace Page

Showdown Network

Audio Wrestling

Angry Marks

Online World Of Wrestling

Action Radio

Ontario Indy Wrestling



Missy Hyatt

The Notorious T.I.D.

Marty Garner

Mike Mondo

To download the mp3 of this show:
Right Click On This Link then Choose "Save Target As" in Internet Explorer or "Save Link As" in Mozilla FireFox. If you have problems with this, please e-mail us at

47 comments: on "Rated O Radio - Episode 73"

Big Daddy Donnie said...

TJ forgot to add Dan-e-o's new single "SUMMER FLING" to the end of the show. KNEE. It'll be up later today, so y'all gon have to wait for the world premiere.

Course, we decided that we shouldn't hold back from hittin you with a fresh episode of Tha O Show.

Dan-e-o said...

That is knee. In the meantime, feel free to check out my MySpace page and download "Summer Fling" for FREE over the next week.

Anonymous said...

I'm downloading episode 73 now. Can't wait to hear from that crazy sweet rack Missy Hyatt!!

Anonymous said...

Why don't you guys ever preview WWE PPVs anymore?

Anonymous said...

They previwed the last WWE PPV and it sucked. The PPVs are a waste. I like it better when they just hit us with their own shit instead of tellin us who's gonna win and try to decipher retardalaz wwe booking.

Anonymous said...

Yet they preview TNA PPVs.

Christopher Casúr said...

That's because TJ's ex said she'd get back together with him if they did. TJ put them up to it.

Anonymous said...

Cuz the TNA PPVs have promise!! And had an O Show member on it!!!!

Anonymous said...

I too ruined many tissues in Missy's honour!!

Anonymous said...

Cham Pain in a gay bar???? HAHAHAHAH

Hail The Fruit Loop Troop! I miss The Rock!!

Big Daddy Donnie said...

Truth is - we had a packed show with 4 guests on the phone and just didn't have time to touch on the PPV.

We also didn't have time to get to our scheduled interview with Hulk Hogan. Maybe we'll call him next week.

Anonymous said...

Actually Big Daddy, Abyss didn't challenge Kong, he's been in this gimmick for the last few weeks where he randomly saves someone from getting jumped. So don't expect a feud with Kong, unless they decide to run with it.

and TNA always starts their PPVs off with good X division matches, this is really nothing new. I personally enjoyed the match, and thought it was way better than the Ultimate X. But you do bring up a good point about team International, since most of the guys got signed, that win could have led to a nice angle.

Good show.

Anonymous said...

Red ass is a classic Toronto recess game.

Materials needed:

1)Tennis ball
2)Tall Brick Wall
3)Bunch of people

you toss the ball to the wall and people got to catch the ball and you got to make it to the wall and touch it or else they can hit you right in the ass with tennis ball with full if your attempting to catch a ball coming back off the wall and you fumble...your in for a red ass (no homo)

Anonymous said...

has anyone heard of salad?

its another classic toronto recess game and all you need is a tennis ball and you got to try to kick the ball and make it go through someones legs and if it goes through someones legs ..both legs that is...the 10-20 people give you a serious "shoot" beat down and they dont stop untill you reach the "safe stop post" now mind you ...some people are fast and they touch the safe stop post which means nobody can touch you...

ahh i miss my younger years..being an adult blows fucking ass

Anonymous said...

redass is a game where people throw a ball ooff the wall and if sum1 touches it and dosent catch it he has to run to the wall but the other players gets the ball and throws it at the 1 who dropped it and if he hits him the 1 who droped it gets a letter and thats pretty much it do i win? and we call it buttball down in the states

Anonymous said...

are you serious? how you gonna put what it is now? i already explained it...but since your an american you call it butt ball? wow

give the american the free mp3..he needs some canadian vibes in his life to cleanse himself...

send him the hear no evil album

i just want the hayden avery version of the o show theme that danny sang as a rib on franks favourite techno beat

Anonymous said...

Butt ball? I live in LA, and here we call it Socko or BS. If you don't catch the ball, everyone starts socking you until you can get to the wall.

Anonymous said...

Great show once again guys. Keep it up.

Question... is Tha O Show still on the Angry Marks podcast network? It's just for the past few weeks my iTunes hasn't downloaded it and I'm left with a bunch of knee podcasts that are just 2 guys talking into their phones and recording it.

Tha O Show needs its own iTunes feed.

Anonymous said...

confirm or deny or punk out

donnie only replies to hate?

Anonymous said...

confirm or deny

I started the law?

Anonymous said...

I loved Red Ass! I'd love to give Missy a red ass but her segment was kneeeeeee.

Anonymous said...

I agree with anonymous! You guys have to get your own iTunes feed. I actually posted something a while ago, and you replied, but I don't think I made myself clear...

I know that I can just download the show from your site, as you mentioned. However, I like to set my iTunes to download shows automatically - that way I don't have to think about it. I just turn on the computer, and iTunes downloads the latest. The problem is, because you guys are affiliated with Angry Marks, that means that I have to download all of the other shows that they're affiliated with -- none of which are worth my bandwidth.

Seriously...Angry Marks? Boring Geeks. M-rob and Cancer? Less fun than actual cancer. Ed's drunkcast? Proof positive that anyone can get a show. Seriously - you're only as good as the company you keep, and you're affiliated with some low-rent podcasts. I'd love to see you get your own iTunes feed.

Because I'm lazy.

P.S. With Cham Pain's liberal usage of homophobic slurs, he is now officially gayer than Dan-e-o.

El Blanco Loco

Anonymous said...

dude ...heres the linK:

whats so difficult?

Anonymous said...

ok i know this has not much to do with anything.
but who is better bret or hogan.

people always say bret bret bret, shit hogan might not have been good at wrestling but he did everythign else better than bret.

Anonymous said...

I'm the one that told "thaoshow" to put a play now button at the top of the screen on the site....and i never got my props....

and im also going to say...

when you post a episode and blog it...aside from the regular flash player guys should put a "click here to listen/download show" this link should be before anything before any greeting or descripiton because wrestling fans are to stupid to click on "more on this story" to get the full run down and read all the links...

glad i can help boys...great show by the way....

no offense but yu guys honestly need a third member on tha o really is getting stail..i say this because i love tha o show....u guys need a full time 3rd member on tha o show...if not the same dude everyday but change up each week? and only chasrismatic dudes ...dan puts me to sleep when he goes into professional mode....we need a Notorious T.I.D. as a third member so dan can stay in his place and be a mark...i think dans starting to feel like a dirt sheet writer type...he needs to be humbled by tid and return to his mark gimmick

Anonymous said...

or a chick on the show...a chick would really change up the pace because it turns into "generic wrestling radio" with just male hosts aswell...

but TID would make the show AMAZING if he was the third member...

Anonymous said...

jo mama:

What's so difficult about understanding the point?

At no point did I say I don't know how to download the show. What I said was, I would prefer if the show had it's own iTunes feed. Not only would it download automatically to my ipod - that's the point. I don't necessarily think about downloading the show every week because I'm busy - this might remind me. There's nothing wrong with how they do things - I'm just suggesting this might be better.

Pay attention.
El Blanco Loco

Anonymous said...

You guys ever consider doing the show on another day? Like sometimes after Impact and SD air, that way you can talk about all the wrestling that occurred that week, instead of being limited to RAW and dirt sheets online (spoilers for Impact and SD).

I wish wrestling media as a whole would stop putting out spoilers or who's been signed to what promotion, and when they plan to debut. This isn't the fucking NBA, or any other sport for that matter. Wrestling is in it's own category, stop treating it like any ol' sport. Wrestling on TV is gonna most likely die out due to the wrestling media. It's not the smarks (they can only exist through the wrestling media), it's not always the promotions, it's the wrestling media; stop fucking up the business and then blame the promotions/wrestlers.

Dan-e-o said...

Markington, you "told" us to put that link there?

It was there before and was accidentally "reminded" us to put it back. But thanks.

By the way, wanna be the third member of our show?

Anonymous said...

no much cock jokes...

Anonymous said...

evo and o hoes for life!!!!!!!1

what happened to ploose du de tay!

lufisto loves a fisto

Dan-e-o said...

Markington, you're a smart man. Here I was trying to set you up for a "you really are a mark" joke. Kudos.

Anonymous said...

First off, I hate Edge, he's such an idiot! What kind of jerk doesn't even invite his brother Christian to his wedding? You'd think he would want to share the experience with someone who's been there for him his entire life, which makes me think he's only marrying Vickie for the power she has as General Manager of Smackdown. Then you have Finlay, if he really loved his son he wouldn't let him wrestle bigger, stronger men!

And don't get me started on Santino Marella, he runs his mouth every week about how good he is, but when he holds an open challenge a girl not only answers it but comes out and completely humiliates him. So I'm convinced that his run as Intercontinental Champion was a fluke!

Last but not least, who in the hell does JBL think he is? He obviously can't beat John Cena as he's showed countless times so what does he do? He runs like the coward he is, then he does the most despicable thing I've ever witnessed in my life and RUNS HIM OVER WITH HIS CAR!!!?? I really hope John Cena recovers quickly and that his career isn't over and that he doesn't lose any wrestling skill to this unthinkable act. And I also hope that the WWE does their job and suspends or fires JBL for what he did and that the evil bastard rots in jail for the rest of his life.

Take heed to these words of the KAYFABE PROPHET!

Anonymous said...

Hey guys I made a petition to get Dan "The Mouth" Lovranski removed from the airwaves, hopefully you guys can pass it along and help us get rid of this cancer. United we are strong ** replace \ with forward slash **\Mouth\petition.html

Anonymous said...

it's a work ya fucking spot monkey green mark!

sorry..i just like saying that..i watch to many shoot interviews

Anonymous said...

ken shamrock and nasty boys fight over a rat.

Anonymous said...

dope show as always.

mikey sounded like a normal person who was happy to be a wrestler, sort of how i would sound like once i start my training. just be humble dope

what happened to hip hop loves wrestling? dan my nigga i heard a couple bars the other day im about to email them to you yo.

Anonymous said...

mikey was on national he feels validated....its sad the boys will be 40 times more talented and wont feel validated because a "wwe contract" is what validates you in this can disagree but deep down it's the truth....nobody plays college ball because they want to work at "apeva corp" after they finish univeristy

Dan-e-o said...

srr, send me them bars, I've been compiling for months trying to get the next one ready...soon to come.

Anonymous said...

Donnie, want to bet a blue bill that Evo WON'T get their shit together by the end of 2008 and have order online functionality. I seem to remember that being previously advertised for March 2008, now just 2008 in the ads. Next ad copy "... and coming in 2009 you can order online"

Anonymous said...


evo and o hoes for life

lufisto loves the fisto

donnie takes it in the pink

and dan is.. well 5 foot 6 (kayfaabe)

Anonymous said...

Rampage got arrest again after he was bailed out.

Anonymous said...

I fed my girl some evo last night and finally got laid!

I never got any bean pie from her in months but once I have her some evo, I got more than I can handle.

Thanks evo!

Anonymous said...

I asked Kanyon if he wanted some evo, he said "nah I'll settle for some cock"

That's when I knew something was up.

Thanks Evo

Anonymous said...

Re-listened to the show today. Way to BURY Sunshine during Missy Hyatt's segment when she was trying to put the girl over. No Donnie referencing the Missing Link, no "Sun-Shine-a-laz" from Dan-e-o, just a complete no-sell.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

I don't know if Dan remembers Sunshine -- I tried to jump in - but Missy kept truckin...

Anonymous said...

will tid ever update his website?