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Great Great American Bash

Okay, so the predictability had been more or less wiped away in WWE programming, and that made it good. There's step one. Step two was to make sure that in the wake of shaking things up, that everything still made sense. WWE did a very fine job of that last night at The Great American Bash.

The night wasn't perfect, and there are a few nits that I am going to pick throughout my review, but don't let that set the mood for this piece; I thought, by and large, this was a damn solid show, even though Kofi Kingston was not on it (the brother got held off the card...I'm just saying).

The Fatal Four Way for the Tag Team Championships opened up the card. I incorrectly predicted that John Morrison and The Miz would retain their titles, but as bummed as I am about missing the mark, I am at least glad that those belts have been set up perfectly for a feud.

Jesse and Festus have had several matches with Hawkins and Ryder in the past, so it's not like these two teams will be strangers when they meet again for the belts. Not to mention, Jesse was the man pinned in the match, so Hawkins and Ryder can always garner some extra heel heat by playing the "we've pinned you before" card. I'd like to see a nice, long feud between these two teams on Friday nights.

Shelton Benjamin continued the trend of bringing belts back to their original show when he pinned Matt Hardy for the United States Championship. As hard as people (mostly white people...I'm just saying) have been on Shelton Benjamin lately, I think he did a great job in the match last night, and I believe that he is another wrestler who has the credibility necessary to bolster the midcard of "SmackDown!".

Mark Henry defeated Tommy Dreamer last night, although not without an assist from Colin Delaney. Henry's made a very entertaining champion (unless you ask certain white people...again, I'm just saying), and I O'd for Tony Atlas shouting "How does that feel, Tommy Dreamer?" after Dreamer got leveled by a Henry clothesline. A Delaney/Dreamer feud seems to be in the works now; that should provide some O-worthy bumps.

Speaking of O-worthy, Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho had another great wrestling encounter last night. As predicted by myself, Andrew Gray and DJB, Jericho did go over after teeing off on Michaels' eye for a good 5-10 minutes. Obviously, this was more about telling a story than showcasing high spots, and this match will serve as a springboard for a bigger payoff at a future pay-per-view. While this was done in a compelling way, I do have to voice my dissent on one thing.

A detached retina? Really? I have to believe that WWE creative didn't think this one through. How are you going to plausibly explain to WWE fans that Michaels is perfectly healthy only a month or two after having his retina completely detached from his skull?

Michelle McCool went over on Natalya for the Divas Championship in a match that featured a lot of submissions, and not just from Natalya, surprisingly. Michelle used a Brazilian Heel Hook to get a submission victory and win what is officially the ugliest belt in professional wrestling. I will say, though, that for as short as this match was, I like what I saw. Michelle has improved greatly since entering WWE, and they seemingly gave her credit for it last night by crowning her the first Divas Champion.

CM Punk's match ended up being higher in the card than most anticipated, but it was still about as disappointing as many had hoped. The rumors were that Vince was really high on Punk, but I'm not so sure that's really the case. Punk wasn't made to look like an underdog champion, he was just made to look weak last night. The match ended with Kane coming down and attacking both men.

It makes sense since Kane's been acting deranged lately, so of course he would do something like attack both men, but couldn't you have waited until after the match? It wouldn't have changed anything else that happened in this match had Punk hit the GTS and gotten the pin before Kane came down and went berserk, so why not? If you really think that this guy is main event caliber, then do something to make him seem legit. That was not it.

Everybody knows that John Cena can't wrestle. So why not put him in a match that involves no wrestling whatsoever? I actually enjoyed the match between John Cena and JBL last night. JBL lighting the car on fire was an O for sure. What was an even bigger O was JBL coming out of nowhere and getting the win. This win is largely overdue for JBL, as I believe it is the first time he has gone over on John Cena on pay-per-view.

But, of course, after being inside of a car that was lit on fire, and being thrown off the stage and thrown through the windshield of another car, what does Cena do? Walk the fuck away like nothing had happened. This was, hands down, the no-sell of the year. JBL won and was carried off by two officials. Cena lost and walked away like nothing was wrong.

Triple H and Edge squared off in the main event. It was a great back and forth encounter, as was put over by JR and Mick Foley throughout the match. Terms like "human chess" were used aptly, as two mat greats put on a damn solid main event. I do wish the match would have been a little longer, and I really wish the finish wasn't as overbooked as it was. The run-ins were confusing and unnecessary, even in light of what transpired last Friday night. Let these two guys go, they can deliver without run-ins.

The one thing I found interesting was the text messaging poll they held last night, in which they asked who fans sympathized with more. To me, it smacked of "who should we turn face", which made it very interesting that more people said Edge. I'm intrigued, I'd have thought WWE would have rigged that so Vickie would ultimately turn face, leading to Undertaker's return, but obviously I'm either off or I got kayfabed. Either way, should be interesting to see where they go with this.

As I said, I felt overall that The Great American Bash was a great show. A few things could have been better here and there, but it was well worth the $39.95 US or Canadian, home of the color coded bills (but no black colored bills...I'm just saying)

Tha Results:
*Curt Hawkins & Zack Ryder def. Jesse & Festus, Finlay & Hornswoggle, and John Morrison & The Miz to win WWE Tag Team Championships
*Shelton Benjamin def. Matt Hardy to win United States Championship
*Mark Henry def. Tommy Dreamer to retain ECW Championship
*Chris Jericho def. Shawn Michaels
*Michelle McCool def. Natalya to win Divas Championship
*CM Punk vs. Batista-Double Disqualification
*JBL def. John Cena
*Triple H def. Edge to retain WWE Championship

8 comments: on "Great Great American Bash"

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't this place have live pbp? The law has it but its kinda gay because well.....its the law. It would also be cool if you guys had it for mma events, but there doesn't seem to be as many mma fans on this website.

Anonymous said...

Why did Edge try to spear the hotter girl that he cheated with? I've cheated with a hotter girl than my girlfriend and I don't wanna spear her...erm... well, you get the point.

And how the fuck can you think throwing a guy inside a car, then setting the outside of the car on fire will at all do any damage to him? Now replace "a guy" with John Cena and it makes less sense. Then the fire is put out and dude no-sells, throws JBL in a car and forklifts him to the stage... k. And the finish is John Cena gets pushed off the stage through a windshield... k.
By John Cena no-selling getting hit by a car, stabbed and being set on fire how are fans supposed to believe he can ever be hurt? They can't... unless of course you push him lightly off the stage 4 feet down onto a car. Seems anticlimactic no? Well that's cuz tomorrow we find out that the windshield was made of Kryptonite.

Anonymous said...

I liked the PPV, the first WWE PPV I've liked in a very very long time. I'm glad you pointed out that HBK vs Y2J was more about selling and story, because I felt that if this was the feud ending match, it was a bit boring, at least compared to what these guys are usually capable of. I enjoyed all the matches (including HBK Y2J) except the main event. I felt that match was a a legit WWE style match, which means not much happens, and the excuse is that it's a chess match or w/e. Edge can put on great matches, so the boredom goes on HHH's shoulders. The ending was cool though.

CM Punk's prematch promo was pretty nice, I like how he talked about what you don't have to be to be champ, and who is isn't. I thought he and Batista's match went well. I felt that was the best possible ending because you can't have Punk beat Batista clean after the type of champ he's been so far. Maybe pin someone else clean, but not Batista. Hopefully Kane/Batista/Punk continue something together though, because otherwise it all seems random.

Sir. Jimmy Of Tha O'ster Nation said...

Wow! The Great American Bash was actually better than anybody thought. This PPV has been shit every since it was WWEinized. Fuck it sucked when it was WCWish too. The turd polishing department at the WWE should really get a raise because they been doing a great job latly.

Maybe it's time we all got off Cena's case and move on to bitching about someone else. The parking lot brawl was something a little different than what we usally get and that was a good thing. He didn't win the match, that's a good thing. Sure the no sell is still there but, can't we call it tremoundous recuperative powers and just push it under the rug for once?

Shammy_D said...

f*ck no!! I am usually a big supporter of John Cena, Yeah he's shit in the mic right now but I can't hold that against him. they took the hip hop gimmick away from him and have 'scripted' him with one liner rubbish since. BUT! Come on, his no sell last night was awfull, JBL had to be carried out of the arena yet Cena manages to walk away asif nothing happened.

I just can't keep on giving this guy credit when he clearly sucks!!!

Anonymous said...

ok. over-all not a bad ppv, i actually wanted punk to go over clean cuz i believe he is one hell of a worker, so why not make it look like he can beat batista, smackdown championship match is finally the main event to bad triple h had to be there so it could happen, i am glad edge got the main event spot though. i really hope they give c.m punk a chance to go over clean no interference, no dq's just a clean finish.

Anonymous said...

Can someone for the love of God teach John Cena how to sell?

He doesnt sell being grazed by a car, he gets beat up and thrown on a car and gets up n walks away even though JBL is helped up by officials and im watchin RAW now and he walks out like nothing happened to him and pretty much runs to the ring, has much as i dont like JBL, atleast he had a limp to his walk.

I know its all fake but they wanna make it as real as possible, but Cena fails at all attempts.

Anonymous said...

good ppv from the fed, but for fuck sake, that crowd at the event last nite were shit! certain moments during the great hbk v y2j match it was like a freakin graveyard! anyone else notice this?