Well now, in an effort to constantly improve our interaction with Tha O-sters (and to do a little more networking) you can chat with Tha O Show on your choice of several popular instant messengers: MSN Messenger, AOL Instant Messenger, Yahoo Messenger or even on XBOX Live.
We can't promise to always be online, but if we are, we will do our best to chat and answer questions about the site, about wrestling or mixed martial arts.
We will also publish special scheduled chats. For example, March 1st from 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM on MSN. We will also arrange to run chats while we are interviewing guests (so you can add your own two cents) or during our regular radio shows (which will be starting soon).
We'll also be scheduling games on XBOX for those feeling competitive. Down for some Saints Row? Or maybe go old school and challenge us to Street Fighter 2? Whatever the game it's all good.
MSN: tha_o_show@hotmail.com
Yahoo Messenger: tha_o_show
AOL Instant Messenger: thaoshow4Life
XBOX Live: Tha O Show
Add Tha O Show to your favourite chat program today.
7 comments: on "Instant Message Tha O Show"
Does Smackdown VS. RAW have an online portion?
Nice.. I'm going to Add you guys on Xbox. It's my brothers gamertag so don't laugh when you see the name!
LOL i'm on MSN waitin to bug you guys!
Same here...
Contact "The Hitman" Brian Plunkett on AIM at acidic flame x.
its the freak oh you didnt know
Meh... might as well... Even since I started listening to this show I have been getting more and more back into wrestling... This may be interesting :D
Hotmail- frank_iamitalian@hotmail.com
Keep up the great work guys
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