Chances are, the answers to all of those questions are "no". They are for me, anyway. Funny how a day after feeling so let down by one of my favourite pay-per-views, Vince McMahon comes out to provide "Fan Appreciation Night". I truly don't think Vince appreciates me all that much. I think that dude is actually smelling his own shit and loving it.
Is this kayfabe or does Vince really think that he can tell us what to like - and we'll like it?
Someone fuckin' shoot me...does John Cena now hold TWO titles?!! Am I supposed to like that Vince? Why are you doing this to me? What have I done to you? Most of that money falling from the rafters last night in Texas is what I've spent on your company for the better part of my life. Appreciate me dammit! Give me something enjoyable to watch again!!!
Man, WWE has forgotten all about how to represent their championships. Am I the only one that remembers that Cryme Tyme "earned" the right to a World Tag Team Title match as a result of their win at New Year's Resolution? Why is there no mention of this whatsoever on "Raw"? Why (oh God WHY?) are John Cena and Shawn Michaels the new tag champs?

I guess as far as the Women's Championship is concerned, the E is going to give some burn to a Melina/Mickie James program. There goes Victoria's push. Not that Melina isn't worthy of being a "first contender" (as she said when she grabbed the mic before her match with Maria). I must say, the solitary spanish phrase she spoke to Super Crazy in the back was sexy! Not that she isn't sexy as hell already.
But let's be honest...do we care that much about THAT title?

At least there was one "O" last night. Well not really...but just a funny moment. I couldn't help but crack up when Jonathan Coachman added "ten dollars of (his) own money" to the stash he collected for Mr. McMahon after Donald Trump gave it away to the fans in attendance. It was a nice save for a lame clearly pre-recorded promo (if you will) cut by The Donald that McMahon made ever-so-obvious by trying to converse with it. Where this angle is going is beyond me.
Quick question...although Torrie Wilson is one of the sexiest thirtysomethings on television, how dumb does she look at ringside holding a dog and an apple?

Last really quick question...why is Vladimir Kozlov still being interviewed? The "Double Double E" line is so stale now.
Here's proof Jim Ross is falling off. He ends the show with: "My God ladies and gentleman, it is apparent that The Undertaker has seemingly made it clear that he is coming for John Cena's WWE Championship".
Well...is it apparent or obvious? Is it seemingly or clear? What's the deal JR? I'm probably just nitpicking...I am, after-all an under-appreciated fan.
Looks like they're going to tease The Undertaker's 'decision' for a little bit. But does it matter? I don't care what belt he goes for, he better damn well win it! Can the current champs in WWE be any worse?
This article is clearly filled with more questions than answers. Obviously I'm bewildered by the series of events taking place in WWE as of late. So much so that I forgot to change my roster this week in the WWE Fantasy game! Beware O-sters, Big Daddy Donnie is taking it really seriously this time around, (as is proven by the early success of his team meant to be an attempt at ribbing me - "Dan-e-o loves Cena"). It's all he could talk about during the Rumble!
Here are Tha O League standings after Week 1 of our second season:
1 Tha Hitman - 414 pts
2 Dan-e-o loves Cena - 403 pts
3 Sketch - 398 pts
4 Team_Rated_RKO - 393 pts
5 Smashin' Masters 2K7 - 392 pts
6 Team Boudreau - 389 pts
7 TheEndustry - 369 pts
8 I love ThaOShow.Com - 368 pts
9 Rizo's Roster - 347 pts
10 Metal Gods - 345 pts
11 Goatbusters - 325 pts
12 Methods Of Mayhem - 320 pts
13 BigDaddyDonnie - 319 pts
14 Kelly's Killers - 314 pts
15 wrestling4life - 314 pts
16 JorJorBynks - 310 pts
17 D-Generation Next - 309 pts
18 Dan-e-o - 309 pts
19 The O Noes! - 260 pts
20 The Kickassters - 250 pts
21 Rapsfan - 66 pts
22 Illinois' Finest - 0 pts
13 comments: on "Fan Depreciation Night"
I could have fuckin shot myself when Cena got the pin!!! And then he doesn't even get the superkick!
Speaking of dumb, why the fuck would Khali let Jeff be counted out??? I know he was never getting that strap, but come on, if I wanted a lame ass finish I would have gone to one of them "massage" parlors.
Why the hell is Cena still bandaged up??? He sure as hell wasn't selling Sunday, what made them think he was gonna start last night?
Fuckin two hours of sleep lost.
Thanks for the appreciation Vinnie.
I have to say this, although it's been a couple of months since I haven't had cable to watch RAW-I'm not missing it.
I hope Mr. McMahon realizes what a bunch of crap he's been allowing to air in his name!
I'm lucky I still get to see Smackdown and I'm glad it's on a different station because now it's not interrupted with our local L.A. Dodger home games anymore...
*Hollywood, CA*
I'm always quick to defend Cena (only because I think he gets too much shit around here), but that ending was weak. The loss is obviously meant to further the imminent Edge/Orton split. Putting the belts on Cena/Michaels will eventually further their feud as well. It also means whoever wins the belts from them is going to go over the two top guys in the company (like it or not, thsoe two are). Anyway, it seemed to me that they had to rush the finish because the whole superkick in waiting thing wouldn't have worked with Michaels getting his hand raised and Cena coming in to join him. And why the hell does everybody who wrestle the Great Khali start pounding on his chest? I know this stuff is scripted and all, but aren't they always saying you have to take the big men down by going after the legs? Let's jsut hope that the Undertaker comes to Raw not jus to take the belt from Cena at WM23, but also to usher Khali out of the WWE entirely.
The WWE doesn't like puttng triple threats or 4ways for their Mania money match.
if they do... it's their way of saying they don't believe in two of the guys to pull of the win.
Whatever match Taker is in, he will the title.
Expect him to work a full time sched until Summerslam and then take some more time off.
My roster was messed last week in Fantasy but I will come back!
I was wondering who "Dan-e-o Loves Cena" was. I had hoped that both O Show hosts had fallen far behind and were put in the position of "catch-up" for the remainder of the game. This revelation disproves that. So I do have Big Daddy himself right on my tail. As Ron Simmons would say...DAMN!
I don't believe that a Triple Threat is always their way of saying they don't believe in someone's abilities. WrestleMania 20 featured Chris Benoit, Triple H, and Shawn Michaels in a Triple Threat match. WWE creative has got some problems, but I doubt that they didn't believe in the abilities of any of those three men.
On the bright side, I really enjoyed the Cryme Time/Worlds Greatest Tag Team match. It had some O moments, including a very original short ddt/pin combination after the refs back was turned (total heeldom) and a nice kick to the back of the knee. I know this may be heresy, but it was a better match all around than Hardys vs. MNM at Royal Rumble.
Wanna bet??
They weren't sure they could sell Benoit as a headliner, and felt they should hedge their bets with HBK.
Well.... I could be the world biggest HBK fan and I was only slightly excited to see some form of a title back around his waist. I agree that the switch was made to only further Angle/Orton. Orton made it obvious(to me anyway) when he cut his backstage promo and seemed a little too nice. And when Edge walked away Orton was begging him to come back. Ti be honest, Im looking forward to Edge.Orton at WM23. As far as Cena/HBK winning the titles the only 2 things this can do is A-Put over another tag team(side note:I also remembered Cryme Tyme winning a shot at the titles when they popped up backstage) or 2-Set up a Cena/HHH fued when The Game returns.Something to the effect fo Cena cutting a promo with "I did what you couldnt. Me and HBK took the titles from Rated RKO bla bla bla"(side note:anyone else notice they wernt anoucned as Rated RKO last night?) The Takers appearance was a little too obvious(still b.a. though)One can only assume he'll show up on ECW and SD! and pull a similar thing "confussing everyone"(anyone else in favor of Taker unifying all 3 titles?) I was dissapointed that Cryme Tyme lost to WGTT. Not becuase I dont like WGTT, I love them actually. But JR was building up CT undefeated streak so much durring the match, I would have like have seen it ended at a PPV or something with a little more build up I guess. I did enjoy the mention of "alliances being formed". I thought Carlito and Super Crazy would make an excellent addition to the tag team division(possibly "The E's" answer to LAX?)Dykstra and Masters I enjoyed as well. I think they both are excellent singles competitors and they seemed to function well as a tag team....Can Val Venis catch some sort of break?...I guess I didnt "mind" Hardy/Kahli but maybe a better ending(if they were gonna have Jeff get counted out) would have been to have Kahli grab the IC title thinking he has won it, and for the next few weeks have WWE personel and superstars trying to explain to him he didnt win and someone attempting to get it away from him(could have ended up in a decent WM match with a number of guys)....How did Victoria get bumed from being the "first contender" for the womens title?....Overall I wouldnt say I was impressed by Raw but I wouldnt say I was disapointed. It was just kinda..there.
p.s. D-Generation Next WILL take Tha O League title! And when I do..Im gonna make it a spinner!
I'll be...I guess creative is more messed up than I thought it was.
My apologies for the misassumption, Big Daddy.
Double Double E has 'splaining to do.
About Cena...
If you saw the match at Rumble, the man has been working his ass off lately and I, as a normal Cena hater, can appreciate that. When put to the limit, Cena can reach down and make a good match into a great one.
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