My experience began even before I stepped into Legion Hall in Oshawa, Ontario. Big Daddy filled me in on what I needed to know as "the new guy" backstage. In talking to Donnie I realized that every natural instinct I have with regards to being quiet and staying out of people's way was the complete opposite of how I needed to act while I was backstage.
Donnie told me that the most important thing I needed to remember was that I was now in "their world" and needed to follow "their rules". This means that when you get backstage you need to shake hands with everyone and introduce yourself. I am far from the most outgoing personality in the world, so you can imagine just how difficult this task was going to be. After introducing myself to everyone, I observed just how important of a rule this was. As everyone came backstage to the dressing room, the very first thing they did was go around and shake everyone's hand.
A wrestling dressing room is no different from any other male sport's locker room. For the most part, the boys are pretty casual and having fun before the show. Guys were eating dinner, sipping energy drinks, and talking about girls. As guys settled in, the room got louder until suddenly everyone stopped talking. For a split second everyone shut-up as Johnny Devine entered the dressing room. It was amazing how quickly the mood changed from a boisterous locker room full of guys to where you can hear a pin drop.
As Johnny finished making his rounds and introducing himself to everyone, the room got back to normal. I was amazed at how much respect these guys had for him and how much presence Devine had as he entered the room. What amazed me the most was how Johnny followed protocol by going around and shaking everyone's hand. He didn't sit down and wait for everyone to come greet him like someone of that star power would do. He is a class act who leads by example.
As the start of the show drew closer you began to sense the nervous energy in the air. Wrestlers began to plan spots in their match and went over possible finishes. I was fascinated as some wrestlers were physically rehearsing with each other in the corner of the dressing room.
The biggest suprise of the night for me came when I got the chance to speak to independent star Juggulator. With the face that looks like he belongs in a horror movie, Juggulator was the last guy who I thought would walk up to me and start talking. To my genuine surprise, Juggulator is a soft-spoken and truly nice guy. He is among the most creative people on the indy wrestling scene and would make a great addition to the ECW roster.
Ribbing has been and will be a part of any backstage wrestling event. I, along with Dan-e-o and Big Daddy were on the receiving end of some classic wrestling ribs. Dan-e-o and Donnie first got drenched in baby oil and then were the recipients of the classic "man in thong bending over." Dan-e-o is still having nightmares several days later.
As I watched the show from ringside I couldn't help but think how many of these men and women performing are so much better than many of the wrestlers I see in TNA and WWE. Juggulator, Xtremo, Omega and Matt Burns should all at the very least be signed to developmental deals. The tag-team combination of Ash and Hornet (the newest member of Tha O Show) should be competing against Brian Kendrick and Paul London on "SmackDown!" The two are strong workers and are much better on the mic than the aforementioned WWE tag-team.
What resonated most with me during this experience is just how much the men and women who work as independent wrestlers love this business. The sacrifices these people make in order to chase a dream is incredible and speaks volumes to the heart and determination many people within wrestling have. Thanks to the people of Great Canadian Wrestling and everyone involved on that day.
10 comments: on "Backstage Pass"
Hey Frank,
Let's set something straight...I don't remember being drenched in baby oil...but I do remember Jake O'Reilly pushing a bare-assed Hayden Avery towards me in an attempt to have him sit on me.
The guys are all jokers.
Why didn't you mention how YOU got ribbed? Now that's a funny story.
I could have sworn you guys talked about getting drenched by someone...could it have been L'artiste and his dreaded Liquid?
Yes, I got ribbed....and we will never speak of it again.
Baby oil?
What the hell's he talkin about Dan-e-o?
What I DO remember is a wrestler who shall rename nameless standing there after droppin his drawers sayin to Frank who had a camera around his neck - "Wanna take a picture of this?"
Frank looked right at the guy's package, making several of the boys scream "HEY NO HOMOS in the back".
Good ol' Frank changed colours quick. BRIGHT RED.
Yes....i got ribbed BAD. As red as my face was I was actually very honored to be ribbed by this nameless wrestler.
And if its true that gay men are not allowed backstage at wrestling shows, than what the hell is Dave Linton doing back there?
GREAT article... this is the kind of stuff we need here... very original... not just a bunch of brand/performer bashing (though nothing wrong with that)... this site needs more variety as shown in this article... great job
Thanks very much
Yeah, nice change of pace.
Looks like Frank is getting a dick punch next time I see him for making that Dave Linton is a homo remark :)
Dave, look at the bright side......someone might read this, think its a shoot and it could get picked up by a dirt sheet.
Think of the headlines, Dave Linton, first openly gay independent wrestler.
Vince would love a gay referee turned babyface wrestler, this is only going to help your career.
You're awesome, see you soon, I'll be sure to wear a cup.
Kick his ass L'artiste
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