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Thursday's Thoughts

Back in the late 90's, I wrote an award winning column for known as 'Thursday's Thoughts'. It was nothing more than an assortment of musings and a peek as to what was on my mind. Often times I'd pose more questions, and let you try to provide answers. I have received a few emails this month from former TSN readers asking me to bring back TT.

In this week's column: The Miz, London & Kendrick, The Highlanders, Foley's promo, ECW, Melina, and a LOT more...

Did you see Raw last night? Dan-e-o and I were laughing and just how pathetic "The Miz" is. He may have a golden voice, and be able to project, but that DOESN'T MEAN he can cut a promo or talk to a live audience. My man sucks. The main thing he had to get across was for those wanting to vote for their favourite should call "86946", then text the name of the Diva they want to win. 86946. 86946. Say with with me y'all! Is that hard? No. 86946. This clown had to memorize five digits, and he choked. He probably arrived at the building about 6 hours before show time, and STILL couldn't get it down. In the words of VKM, "YOU'REEEEE FIRRRRRRRED!"

What kind of wrestling fan are you if you bring a sign to a live show and misspell the name of the wrestler yer boosting?? Seen last night on Raw, "Rick Flair". Some of my other all time fav signs, "We love Brett Hart", "Go Bautista Go", and the best one ever, "Ray Masterio represants 619". At least he got Rey's area code in the right order. Miz would have screwed that up.

Mick Foley's promo last night was pure gold. Once again, Foley shows the world that he is one of the all time greats in that department. I literally had my jaw hanging open in the shape of an "O" when he talked about Flair running WCW and treating Cactus Jack like shit. Flair had no comeback whatsoever, and had to be saved by the ridiculous challenge of the Big Show.

Remember the old days when 'challengers' made challenges? Not champions?

Has TNA jumped the shark? Recent comments by Paul Heyman and Terry Funk that the WWE has NO competition might lead you to believe that.

Did you catch ECW on Sci Fi this week? Since when does Sabu get DQ'd for putting a dude through an F'N table?? That's like disqualifying Hogan for cupping his ear and dropping a leg!

Speaking of which, Hulk Hogan is still money in the bank. Despite what "The E" will tell you, Hogan (not Austin) is the greatest draw in the history of the business, and will pop the ratings again this Saturday when he comes out to the show he put on the map: Saturday Night's Main Event.

The Show and The Nature Boy had a decent match, made better by the over use of barbed wire and thumb tacks, BUT, couldn't someone like Dreamer, Credible, Balls, or HELL even Little Freakin' Guido have benefitted a LOT more from the rub. It would have kept the ECW faithful feeling a little better about the product. Anyway, Flair didn't win the ECW Championship and Shane Douglas came down off the ledge.

Remember Chris Masters? Ya, where the hell is he? Masters is on a WWE suspension following a failed drug test. Funny how we've heard plenty about RVD, Angle even Joey Mercury, but Masters pretty much slid under the radar.

Also on the 'Where are they now' tip... Steve Cardozo from Toronto emailed this week asking where the hell The Boogey Man was. Marty Wright (The Boogey Man) had surgery back in April to repair a torn bicep and won't be back until September at the earliest. Hopefully the surgery will make him suck less and he can learn a couple of - what are those things called .... oh ya, moves.

I enjoyed Spike's Ultimate Knockouts last night, but it really makes you think where some of these tomato cans came from! How do you leave yourself THAT open? Most of those fights were a few years old. It's rare to see a one punch special these days.

I like Rory and Robert. A couple of good boys from Cambridge Ontario, but really they're in a dead end situation. Tag team wrestlers in the WWE? In 2006? They've gone the way of the Dodo. Anyone remember that the Spirit Squad are the tag champs? How many times have those belts been defended since Kane and Big Show dropped them? They've become meaningless accessories in the feud with DX.

What is Kendrick and London's gimmick? A couple of theatre clowns? I don't get it, it's never been explained and I think the tag champs deserve a LITTLE character development.

How big is the loss of JBL in the ring to Smackdown? Let's put it this way - 48 year old David Finlay has been thrust into main event status because, quite frankly they're running out of bodies. Of course, that could be because Smackdown has been picked cleaner than the old Montreal Expos. Anyone who's any damn good is moved to RAW or has been thrown to ECW, leaving nothing but a small handful of decent names on Friday nights.

Why was Melina brought to Raw? So that Nitro could get a nice run as I-C champ and showcase himself? Hell no. So that Melina can get the rub off Trish who is counting the days until she is a free woman. It is now common knowledge that Trish will be leaving the company when her contract expires in August. She is getting married to a great guy who I've met many times here in Toronto. I'm pretty sure part of the thirty year old diva's desire to walk is that she'd like to get pregnant and start a family. Do you think she'll win another match before she leaves? Hell no.

Be sure to leave comments, your random thoughts or hate mail!

11 comments: on "Thursday's Thoughts"

Anonymous said...

I watched UFC last night too and i was thinking why dont we ever see those kind of fights now?

Tim Haught said...

Kirt Angle is a priceless sign.

Anonymous said...

Is it time already for another Diva Search? I could've swore that Jerry Lawler just finished screaming "puppies" at Ashley.

As for the Miz, i'm suprised he remembered where he was at. Of course I wasn't paying attention as I was looking for my remote at that point. So i'll just give him the benefit of the doubt on that one.

With all the mis-spelled signs people carry around, i'm suprised that WWE creative doesn't give the "sign of the week" segment on unlimited to Matt Striker. Anything to get Todd Grisham off my screen (yes, I use the computer for things other than leaving my two cents for Dan-e-o to laugh at and of course, porn).

Foley's promo was gold. Still one of the best on the mic. But can't we place some of the blame on Bill Watts as well as Flair for treating Cactus Jack like shit?

I haven't seen evidence of a challenger challenging for the title since the infancy of the NWA title. But you might want to call Terry Funk on that since he's been 63 for the past 500 years.

As crappy of a person as Hogan is, he can still manage to get a large bank no matter who he works for. Hogan will do great things for the ratings of SNME, but if history serves me right, the only legend that gets a pop in Dallas is anyone with the last name Von Erich.

Speaking of the Von Erichs, I hear anyone can become one if you pay Kevin Von Erich twenty bucks.

Big Slow/Flair match was good. But it was Flair's only good match since his ladder match with Edge on Raw back at the beginning of the year. Aside from the questioning of why couldn't have Dreamer, Credible, or Nunzio...I mean Little Guido, anyone else remember that after last week's ECW that it was supposed to be Sabu vs Big Slow?

While we're talking about Sabu, he's the best guy Vince has going right now...of course that changes as soon as C.M. Punk starts. And once that does get rolling, there better fucking be a RVD/C.M. Punk fued. What better than having an admitted pot smoker going against a straigh-edge guy? Of course this is WWE creative we're talking about and they probably won't think of that idea right there.

I passed out at the end of ECW on Sci-Fi Tuesday night from oxygen deprivation. I later found out that it was Shane Douglas breathing in deeply cause he was freaking out over the fact that he thought Flair was going to win.

Who is this Chris Masters and Joey Mercury you speak of?

I'm the Boogeyman! And i'm coming to get ya...*cough cough* Someone get me a glass of water...i'm choking on worms! This douchebag reminds me of Papa Shango and the Godwins...just a lot worse and if they were combined.

The Highlanders...only the best two man tag team since the conception of the Pitbulls, Kid Kash and Jamie Noble. Ah hell, who am I kidding? There hasn't been a decent tag team in the WWE since the New Age Outlaws.

Remember kids (those who might stumble upon here), if you can do something in the WWE, and the REST of the wrestling world refers to it as the "Outlaw Rule", then you've made it.

Tag titles in the WWE? Blasphemy! The best team they have are Daniels and Styles. Oh wait, that's TNA. Wrong company.

People love to rag on JBL because he's JBL. But face it. He was the best guy on Smackdown until he got injured. He helped to put both Cena and Batista over. But I won't lie. I like seeing that Little Bastard every Friday night. Quite possibly the best thing WWE creative has come up with in recent memory. I can only hope with this "King's Court" gimmick going on, that something happens where we get a recreation of the Regal/Finlay parking lot brawl from the early days of WCW Monday Nitro.

In other news. I just mentioned something from WCW Monday Nitro. Watch out, I might spill out other useless info about that show.

Melina doesn't need the rub off of Trish to get over. Melina is over without her help. Trish only had six or seven runs as women's champ only because she faced the same person time after time and defended the strap as often as Hogan did with his first run with the WCW title as part of the nWo. Of course I wouldn't leave it out of the question for her to win the title from Mickie James somehow before her contract is up.

As for the UFC, go read my Ultimate Fighter a little bit down the main page.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

you are money in the bank......

Anonymous said...

Well I figured if Im going to keep posting I might as well get an ID and not be anonymous. You may recognize me from long, rambling, incoherent rants. That being said this should be a doozy.

Okay most pressing in my mind is the tag team belts. Because I used to love the tag division. (of course this is back when Edge and Christian, the Dudley's, and the Hardy Boyz were constantly facing off) Since then there's been a few good tag teams: MNM, The Guerreros. Okay I can think of two, but I'm sure there's more.

I really, honestly, sincerely think there should only be one set of tag belts in the company. Before you say no, just hear me out. Okay, how many good tag teams are their currently? How many exist who you deem worthy of the belts? All three shows... one? maybe two?

WWE treats tags like a spoiled kid with a new toy. OoooooOOoOOooh shiny. Lets play with them. TAKE THAT PREVIOUS TAG TEAM. TAKE THAT RANDOM JOBBERS. ugh, I'm getting bored with this. I'm going back to playing with my gigantic, 12-foot-tall, muscly, behemoth. Sure he doesn't have all the points of articulation that this tag does, but he sure is BIG! Then soon the tag is forgotten, lying in the bottom of the toybox.. until at the store they see a BRAND NEW TAGTEAM... and the process starts again.

Tag Teams just dont have the self life enough to accumulate to the point that actual interesting plotlines can form around them. SO I say let the tag champs defend on each show. Of course they dont have to BE on each show--- how often have you seen a tag title match on RAW & SMACKDOWN during the same week? I dare say never.

Unless of course WWE can't think of anything for it's single wrestlers to do--- RVD you're going to be with KANE. Why? Um just do it! Now kick the crap out of legitimate tag teams.

As for Trish, I love her. I wish she'd marry me. But I guess she doesn't have a thing for pale, nerdy, wrestler wannabes. But seeing as though hell hasnt frozen over I wish her the best with her new life. I'll always remember her for being Vince's lovetoy while Linda was comatose, having an awesome headline match against Lita on Raw (best match in diva history), and being what every modern diva SHOULD BE, a pretty face AND a tough S.O.B. (speaking of which, what happened to Victoria? Why is Lita not wrestling? What happened to the Women's Champion Mickey? And why are they trying another Diva Search? Oh okay maybe that ISNT what WWE wants)

THE BIG SHOW VS. RIC FLAIR FOR THE ECW CHAMPIONSHIP--- maybe I DO have a shot with Trish! Hell is feelin' a little chilly AND Shane Douglas probably !()#$* a squirrel!

Anonymous said...

I meant to make a witty joke about the Pitbulls at the expense of Kid Kash and Jamie Noble...but i'm sure Gary Wolfe is doing it while Anthony Durante is cursing to high heaven right now wishing he was still alive so Gary and himself could kick whoever's ass came up with this terrible take at one of the better tag teams in ECW history.

Anonymous said...

Next they will be putting Conway with Eugene and they'll call them Public Enemy

Anonymous said...

Conways push was being sidelined because he's on the same show as Masters. They fall into the same niche of supertoned, super cocky, adonis--- uh whats the plural of adonis?

Guarentee if he goes to Smackdown he'd be pushed. Smackdown could use him. Him and a couple spirit squad members, and an attitude era legend that appears more often than the undertaker, and doink the clown-- i love that guy.

As for the Pitbulls, I kind of wish they'd form a stable instead of a bizarre sado-masochistic rip off of a successful ECW tag team. Something along the lines of X-factor (sure not the best example, but probably the most similar)

The point of all this is... DAMNIT X FACTOR COULD HAVE WORKED!

Anonymous said...

I thought being a member of the kilq meant that you had job security...or at least decent pushes and/or storylines.

Anonymous said...

Beats me....I always like running into him at random places and yell out "Look everybody! It's the Portugese Man-O-War...Aldo Montoya!!!!"

Big Daddy Donnie said...

PJ is the man....
did you all know why he wore the black tights under his denim shorts when he did the Credible gimmick? To hide the Aldo Montoya tattoo he has on his leg. LOL