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Kingdom's Column: "Let's Get Something Straight"

Okay, so judging by the comments reasers left, at least one guy seems to have missed the point I was hoping to make in my column about all that RVD/Sabu meshigass. (Meshigass is a Yiddish word that means "mess". Why didn't I just say "mess" to begin with? Shut your yap, that's why.) I was in no way saying I wanted Van Dam or Sabu fired. H-e-double-hockey-sticks! Why the ass would I wish that on people for something that petty?

No, my point in the whole thing was that this incident was going to be a very unexpected litmus test for the Wellness Policy and that I believed the language of the WWE's Wellness Policy had painted the promotion into a corner as to how to deal with said stars. The absence of words like "may be" or "possibility of" in section 13 of the WP do little to leave room for interpretation.

And yet, room was made.

Now, decide for yourself what this says about the WWE, the Wellness Policy and the use of drugs in professional wrestling.

Anthony Kingdom James

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