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Hey! Can I get a title shot?!

Evidently, no one told all of the monkeys who 'jumped ship' to ECW, during the beginning stages of its resurgence, that they didn't really have to leave WWE at all. In fact, it would have done the careers of Al Snow, Little Guido and Stevie Richards a lot better to have stayed put as jobbers in WWE. Well, maybe not. But I mean, why go to an organization where competitors OUTSIDE of the company get all of the title shots? The current #1 contender for the ECW Championship: none other than Ric Flair. HUH?!?!

I thought that ECW was a new "brand"?! How is it that Paul Heyman has free reign to simply show up on "Raw" or "SmackDown!" anytime he feels like it? How is ECW establishing itself as an alternative product when anyone from WWE can show up at anytime and challenge for a title?

Imagine if during the WWE VS. WCW Monday Night Wars, Goldberg showed up on "Raw" and challenged The Undertaker for the WCW Championship? Well, actually that'd be pretty mindblowing...cuz the point NEVER would, nor should it EVER happen. It makes no sense.

Now I know I was the biggest proponent for the new ECW when it started but what the hell is going on here? Ric Flair has never wrestled an ECW match in his life. How and why is he getting a title shot?

Yeah, yeah I boost ECW's ratings somehow, they need to have household names on during their broadcasts. The idea is still stupid. You will never be able to establish ECW as an alternate brand of wrestling when its competitors are interchangeable WWE superstars.

What does this say about the 'true' ECW roster? What does this say about the Tommy Dreamers, Sandmans, Justin Credibles and Balls Mahoneys of the world who have bled buckets for ECW over the years? They're shit, that's what. Not good enough to represent the very company that they helped to establish. Instead, a 56-year old has-been (Yeah, I said it. Flair is a legend, no doubt. One of the best ever, for sure. But c'mon his hey day was decades ago) is now vying for the ECW title. It's insulting.

And again...although I'm sure I'll receive posts questioning why I'm 'hating' on the current wrestling makes no logical sense to have any old wrestler from either "Raw" or "SmackDown!" show up on ECW shows whenever he feels like it...let alone challenge for the company's richest prize.

I hope the booking for ECW tightens up soon...or you just may see the ECW championship around my waist! (Now THAT's hardcore!).

7 comments: on "Hey! Can I get a title shot?!"

Big Daddy Donnie said...


Dan-e-o has exactly the same amount of wins in ECW as Flair ... so why shouldn't he get a crack at the title??? I'm ALL for it....

C'mon Little Show... bring that shit!

Flair is 57 and a half ... not 56 ... and he is a complete and total has been...

Anonymous said...

I'd imagine that Douglas would be screaming bloody murder if Flair won the strap.

Anonymous said...

hell dude i just want to see an ecw without mcmahon's
creative B.S.

I miss E.C.W.

Anonymous said...

Yeah! I could be the ECW Champion too! If Flair can challenge, anyone can! All right...I'm going to go challenge for the ECW World Title!

Anonymous said...

Member, this is Vince's vision, not Heyman's.....sadly.

The 3 main titles in WWE just don't mean as much as they use to IMO.

Anonymous said...

Did you see the match? It was fucking awesome...

Anonymous said...

No i didnt see the match, nor do I care to. im sure it WAS good and would have been a decent angle on RAW. Lord knows the Big Show could have used better angles. But Dan is right. ECW needs a divorce from WWE, for both brands sake.