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By Gawd Edge wins!

I've never been so happy to say I was wrong! Along with many others within the industry (most notably Mick Foley) I truly felt that the WWE had dropped the ball by taking the title away from Edge back in January, but also felt that he may not get a chance to run with it again.

That quick flip seemed to indicate a lack of faith, and many within the company have stated that Vince McMahon throws credit at Cena for just about everything. Popping buyrates on PPVs, increased ratings on RAW, inventing oxygen... Everything.

The truth is, Edge is what he says he is. The MVP of the company, and he's being rewarded for it.

I want to see Edge beat the piss out of Cena on Saturday Night's Main Event in a match that has a no-return clause, forcing Cena to snap and turn full fledged heel.
Then Edge can get rid of the stupid turntable title, and return that strap to it's once great glory. A long, sustained JBL-type run is what he and RAW need.

By the way - if you don't think that this suddent title change has something to do with RVD being arrested last night for drug possession, guess again.

Don't be surprised if he drops the ECW title next - and it won't be to Sabu!

That being said, since they did create an ECW title, what the hell was the point of putting the WWE belt on RVD? Everyone knew that he'd drop it since Raw couldn't be without a big belt. Johnny Nitro as the show's top man? Ya, sure.

The only thing that surprised anyone is that RVD held onto it after the last ppv.

Edge - one of Toronto's finest is the WWE Champion again, and will tear shit up all summer long. Mark my words.

2 comments: on "EDGE WINS! EDGE WINS! EDGE WINS!"

Brian G said...

"Johnny Nitro as the show's top man? Ya, sure."

You shut your filthy mouth Donnie. SHUT IT!!!

Johnny Nitro is the best thing to happen to RAW in a long, long, LONG time.

Did you see the sell he made for the BackCracker last night? A brother did a COMPLETE 360 spin which was so fast that my eye almost didn't catch it, I had to rewind and play it back in slo-mo to see it!


Anonymous said...

I dont think it was all trips fault that there werent any other dominant heals. WWE has a thing of making an evil-doer inherently weaker than a face of the same stature, regardless his skill level, thus requiring him to cheat. Thats what makes it hard to be a heal in the WWE. Trip is different because theirs no denying he's way bigger than most of his opponents and has the pull to say "I want to at least be the equal of my opponent in every matchup AND cheat to win" I dont think this was HHH's design, just sort of worked out that way.